President Obama!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Bush should give back that Nobel Peace Award for the drone use.

BY the way I consistently support both Presidents on the policy unlike the left that calls Bush a war criminal and OBama a hero for the same thing.

I find it comical how the Right wing used the term "WAR ON TERROR" for 8 years and supported the most illegal acts of war on the planet since adolf hitler and now that OBAMA is in office, NONE of the GOP uses the term anymore!

What a joke. A real war on terror commenced in January 2009 and the Right Wing and their followers HATE IT!

Real TERRORISTS have been killed! The top leaders have been eliminated, yet, not ONE PEEP from the Right Wing on the "WAR ON TERROR".

Please.. can anyone say hypocrites?



UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

I have been saying this from 2009. It is not showing the effects of "bread lines" because of our "safety net" or nanny state programs and a lack of mainstream media coverage of the problem. But longterm numbers (like the article refers to) substantiate the claim. Also, if you tell someone we are in a depression they will tighten up their spending even more which will throw the economy into a deeper depression. The proof is how much money the feds spent to get us to where we are today which is nowhere!

If you know how to fly, you know what happens when your plane stalls and starts to drop in altitude and pick up speed. Instead of pulling back on the yoke you have to push it forward and give it throttle and opposite rudder to pull out and get air flowing back over the wings. Just like a pulling out of a tail spin, in a recession, you have to encourage spending to stimulate growth. Problem is we are out of money and lack of support for the real economic drivers - private business, is why are are not pulling out faster.


Strength through joy
[h=1]Obama Refers to Non-Existent 'Sons' Again[/h] Barack Obama, who wants everyone to feel that there is a part of him that they can identify with, is intent on referring to sons he doesn’t have. He has two daughters, yet Obama consistently refers to his “sons.” Five times this year Obama has referred to his sons in a speech he was giving.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!



Strength through joy
Locally every weekend during Bush terms , the old peace activists were out on their corners demanding an end to the wars, but since 2009 they are nowhere to be found.
When was the latest candle light march for peace held recently ?


golden ticket member
Locally every weekend during Bush terms , the old peace activists were out on their corners demanding an end to the wars, but since 2009 they are nowhere to be found.
When was the latest candle light march for peace held recently ?
OWS people kept peeing on the candles and putting them out!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

I've never seen a president so inconsiderate of another's time. He says he' going to have a press conference at 10:15.....he shows up at everyone doesn't have a life.....just him. I think it's rude and a sign that you think you are the most important.

You know, all those reporters in that room may have early lunch appointments, dates, interviews and you make them late for the rest of their day. I think it's one of the worst faults a person can have.

It just frustrates me . Bush was always on time, which is a sign of respect!


Staff member
Re: Obamabastic !!

I've never seen a president so inconsiderate of another's time. He says he' going to have a press conference at 10:15.....he shows up at everyone doesn't have a life.....just him. I think it's rude and a sign that you think you are the most important.

You know, all those reporters in that room may have early lunch appointments, dates, interviews and you make them late for the rest of their day. I think it's one of the worst faults a person can have.

It just frustrates me . Bush was always on time, which is a sign of respect!
C'mon, he IS the President. Something important might have kept him for 25 minutes.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

He met with the Super Bowl Champs...........that's really important for our national security and helps our economy !


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Earlier today, "the private sector was doing just fine" , not so much. He's crazy...

Damage Control: Obama Now Says It’s “Absolutely Clear” The Economy Is Not Fine…
It wasn’t “absolutely clear” a few hours ago.
Via Politico 44:
It didn’t take long for President Obama to step in with some damage control after saying Friday morning that the private sector is “doing fine.”

It’s “absolutely clear” that the economy not fine, he said in a brief appearance before cameras in the Oval Office following a meeting with Phillippine President Benigno Aquino.

First, Booker had to backtrack, then Bubba Clinton had even Obama has to. Who's running this puppet show ???