President Obama!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

(CNNMoney) — Foreclosure filings in May spiked 9% compared with a month earlier, according to an industry group.

RealtyTrac reported that 205,990 U.S. properties received filings last month, including default notices, scheduled auctions and bank repossessions, marking the first monthly increase since January.

Bank repossessions climbed steeply, up 7% to 54,844, after hitting a four-year low in April
The industry had anticipated that there would be a new wave of foreclosures once the industry resolved the “robo-signing” issues, which came to light in late 2010. A settlement was finalized last April.

Robo-signing put the methods used by the banks to repossess homes under intense scrutiny. That forced lenders to slow the foreclosure process to make sure their paperwork was legal and proper.

Once the banks reached a massive $26 billion settlement with state attorneys general over processing abuses, it was expected that they would step up their foreclosure efforts.

“With the settlement, it makes sense that the lenders would feel more confident pushing delinquencies through to foreclosure in May,” said Daren Blomquist, a spokesman for RealtyTrac.

There was also a 12% jump in foreclosure starts. “The jump in May foreclosure starts shows that it’s going to be a bumpy ride down to the bottom of this foreclosure cycle,” said Brandon Moore, CEO of RealtyTrac.


Well-Known Member
I checked this on Snopes, and it is true. He also won’t sign life saving certificates, and is the first president since the boy scouts were formed to not do this.

In God We Trust

Some minds are like concrete thoroughly mixed up and permanently set


Every President since 1912 has been the honorary President of the Boy Scouts of America.

President Obama refused that honor. Did you hear anything about the Boy Scouts 100th Anniversary? Why did the press ignore it?

Let's see, they promote honor, integrity, putting others first, love of country and of course they believe in God. Not much press coverage on this story either, the first president in 100 years to insult his finest citizens, Eagle Scouts. John Beauregard, CEO of the South Texas Council of the Boy Scouts of America joins us just after 7AM. David Haynie has two sons who have achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. Dave Hiser's son is working on his Eagle Scout award now.

This is the E-mail Linda Thacker sent to Glenn Beck and I forwarded to Glenn's producer Adam.

Dear Mr. Beck,

On March 24, 2009 I had the honor of attending my Grandson, David Osborne's Eagle Scout Court of Honor. I imagine you have attended one of these wonderful ceremonies. I also feel confident that you are very knowledgeable of what it means to have earned the status of Eagle Scout. Our entire family is so very excited and at the Court of Honor we were all just beaming as our wonderful young man was honored for his achievements.

After the Court was closed David's leaders pulled him aside and explained to him that they regretted to have to explain to him, as sad as it is, that his certificate was different from others they had presented because his certificate did not have the signature of the President of the United States .

They explained that Obama does not support the Boy Scouts of America and therefore does not sign the Eagle Certificates. To date I believe there may be as many as 10,000 of this countrys finest young men who do not have the signature of the president of the country they have taken an oath to respect and serve on their Eagle Certificate.

To my knowledge Congress chartered BSA in 1916 part of which the President of the United States is the Honorary President of The Boy Scouts of America and President Obama is the first sitting president to personally REFUSE to sign these certificates. I believe if the country were to be educated on national television of what the Boy Scouts of America stands for they would join those of us who already know, and would be as outraged as we are! Also, your good friend Jim Lago was also in attendance at this Eagle Court of Honor. I had the privilege of speaking with him this morning on his radio talk show here in Corpus Christi and shared with him this same information. He was equally alarmed..... to say the least.

This information should ignite in every parent the urgency to instill the great values held by the Boy Scouts of America in their young men for the cause of maintaining this great nation. We must stand united.

With appreciation,

Linda Thacker, grandmother to eleven of Americas finest future citizens, David, Erikka, Adam, Ryan, Hailey, Tygh, Mana, Gerritt, Maya, Ezra and Lynden Osborne.

So, that's the story thus far, calls have been made, citizens are angry, especially the parents of Eagle Scouts.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if ex-president Bush announced, he would be willing to sign all Eagle Scout Certificates for as long as President Obama is in office?

We have a very small man in a very big office.........THAT DOES NOT KNOW THE MEANING OF "HONOR"!

Don't you think it's time to get rid of this Un-American Muslim Traitor and get a real American back to running our country, like what we grew up with. Because I have had enough.

If you feel like I do please pass this on.

There's a lot of present and former scouts, black, white, and all colors, votes lost.
Nice; real nice!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanation here today

Heres something you wont hear on FOX SPEWS or on GUTTER WEASAL....

Obama spoke to a crowd of near 2000 people for just short of an hour, and Romney spoke to a ROARING CROWD of 100 people ( reporters and media included) for under 20 minutes...


Romney sure knows how to pack a crowd!!!!




golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Obama making a speech about the economy is like standing in the pouring rain, dripping all over the place and saying it's not raining out!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanation here today

Obama making a speech about the economy is like standing in the pouring rain, dripping all over the place and saying it's not raining out!

Romney was able to pull in 100 people, staff, media, reporters, janitors and GOP VOTERS....

A real crowd pleaser!





golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!
