President Obama!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics



Staff member
Romneys speech, more talking points, same ole stump verbage.

Nothing new and nothing to point to what he would do as president. 15 minutes of rhetoric. No shock why he only had 100 people there.


Wow, are you wrong. I'm sitting in my car right now waiting with HUNDREDS of vehicles trying to get out of here....

Ima thinking Obama might as well pack. He's going back to Kenya!


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

Heres something you wont hear on FOX SPEWS or on GUTTER WEASAL....

Obama spoke to a crowd of near 2000 people for just short of an hour, and Romney spoke to a ROARING CROWD of 100 people ( reporters and media included) for under 20 minutes...


Romney sure knows how to pack a crowd!!!!



As I was THERE (not just spewing like TOS), I can verify there were many more than 100 people....


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

2000 people on their feet for an hour is pure torture !!! I wonder if 'horseface' & Matthew had to stand for an hour last night ??


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

Obama took a whole HOUR just to say he needs 4 more years. Four more years of what? Failure, that's what.
Time to throw the bum out.


Well-Known Member
Listen to the VIDEO again, this time with your listening ears on. Of course he DOESNT say he is going to deny coverage, thats what your brain is suppose to figure out. Are you this gulible? Do you NOT understand the spoken language of this country?

HE carefully says "those with CONTINUAL COVERAGE" will NOT be denied. There is an opposite to this claim, thats the best part. What is that opposite is suppose to be what your brain tells you to consider.

Clearly, the opposite is "those who do not have coverage"... as in the new health care reform bill, EVERYONE will NOT be denied coverage, but under Romneys plan, UNINSURED people WILL BE DENIED.

Again, listen to the words spoken clearly and this time ask some questions.

ROMNEY in no way says EVERYONE will not be denied, only the people with continual coverage will be covered.

That simply means that people who dont have insurance and take a job and apply for insurance with a pre existing condition ( like MS ) will NOT BE COVERED!

Dont fall for the play on words on ROMNEYS part. Those speeches are carefully crafted. Those talking points are drafted carefully to sound like something you want to hear, only it isnt.

Dont be so foolish.



So let me get this right.

If a republican doesn't say something in a speech, that means he is going to do it, and I'm dumb for not understanding that. But if a democrat says something in a speech, I'm dumb for believing what she says and she was really taken out of context.



Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

‘Obama Girl’ Dishes to Hannity on Viral Vid: I‘m Leaning ’Undecided’ and Was Paid to Do Video

Sean Hannity interviewed Amber Lee Ettinger on his show last night. Oh, you don’t recognize the name?
Perhaps you know Ms. Ettinger by her “street name” – Obama Girl.

Amber is the woman who blasted onto the political scene in 2007 after
starring in the a music video “I’ve Got A Crush On Obama.” In the song, she professed her love for
then-candidate Barack Obama.

The original video generated over 24 million hits on the web and also gave Ettinger’s musical
career a significant boost.The meteoric rise from obscurity to fame and multiple talk show appearances, soon
faded and Ettinger disappeared. However, in February she was back with another Obama-themed tune.
This time the music video was a parody of a song “You’re The One That I Want“ from the
musical ”Grease.”

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Anybody that has read any of my posts knows how I feel about BO as President and his Chicago style politics...

BUT, with Father's Day coming up, I want to acknowledge his number one job which is being a model husband and father. For a man, there is no more important job in this world than being a good husband and father. I dare anyone to knock him for being an exemplary "First Husband & Father". He takes this role seriously and I just want to wish him a "Happy Father's Day"! :beersmiley:


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Anybody that has read any of my posts knows how I feel about BO as President and his Chicago style politics...

BUT, with Father's Day coming up, I want to acknowledge his number one job which is being a model husband and father. For a man, there is no more important job in this world than being a good husband and father. I dare anyone to knock him for being an exemplary "First Husband & Father". He takes this role seriously and I just want to wish him a "Happy Father's Day"! :beersmiley:

You are 150% correct sir.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

This can't go unsaid......I would never let my 13 yr. old go to way. Other than that, he seems to be a good dad.