President Obama!


golden ticket member
You can't pick your pathetic relatives........................but you can select the people closest to you and the kind of people you pick says volumes about the kind of person you are.
Rev. Wright


Well-Known Member
Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign was an exercise in wish-fulfillment. The junior senator from Illinois who wowed Democrats at their convention in 2004 did not make a conventional run for the White House. As Virginia Postrel noted in Reason’s November 2008 issue, “Barack Obama has not run as the typical candidate, selling specific policies, a worldview, experience, or executive competence. He has instead sold himself, a glamorous icon onto whom supporters project their hopes and dreams and, in many cases, their own identities.” What many political observers referred to as charisma, Postrel identified as glamour. The last three years have supported her interpretation; a charismatic president can stir people to follow him, a glamorous one faces difficulty every time the spell is broken. Nevertheless, as we approach the 2012 election, some of Barack Obama’s supporters continue to attribute political positions to him that he just doesn’t hold. Here are four.

4 Positions Obama Supporters Attribute To The President That He Actually Doesn't Hold

[SIZE=-1]The Bush administration detained and tortured suspected militants; the Obama administration assassinates them. Both practices not only visit more hatred upon the United States; they are also illegal. Our laws and treaties prohibit torture. The Constitution forbids the government from depriving any person of life without due process of law; that is, arrest and fair trial. Yet President Obama has approved the killing of people, many of whom were not even identified before the kill order was given.


Obama's Killer Drones

But at least we can appreciate Obama's honesty with Fast and Furious.

Sorry, I got the real Obama confused with the mythological one. Maybe Reason should have had a point #5 afterall!


golden ticket member
Today’s schedule:
10:30 am || Receives the Presidential Daily Briefing
11:00 am || Meets with Secretary of State Clinton
12:05 pm || Departs the White House
1:35 pm || Arrives Portsmouth, New Hampshire
2:05 pm || Delivers remarks at a campaign event; Oyster River High School, Durham, New Hampshire
4:05 pm || Departs Portsmouth
4:30 pm || Arrives Boston
5:10 pm || Attends a fundraiser; Hamersley’s Bistro
7:35 pm || Attends a fundraiser; Symphony Hall
9:25 pm || Attends a fundraiser; private residence

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Today’s schedule:
10:30 am || Receives the Presidential Daily Briefing
11:00 am || Meets with Secretary of State Clinton
12:05 pm || Departs the White House
1:35 pm || Arrives Portsmouth, New Hampshire
2:05 pm || Delivers remarks at a campaign event; Oyster River High School, Durham, New Hampshire
4:05 pm || Departs Portsmouth
4:30 pm || Arrives Boston
5:10 pm || Attends a fundraiser; Hamersley’s Bistro
7:35 pm || Attends a fundraiser; Symphony Hall
9:25 pm || Attends a fundraiser; private residence

Sounds like a busy man, what BOEHNER been doing this year? Has he passed ANY BILLS that got the signature of the president yet?




Staff member
Sounds like a busy man, what BOEHNER been doing this year? Has he passed ANY BILLS that got the signature of the president yet?


Maybe he would if OBAMA was in Washington doing what he promised (You know, crossing the aisle, gaining consensus.... You remember him saying that, don't you?)


Active Member
I also remember something about the unemployment rate not going below 8%, deficit reduction and the most transparent administration ever.

Soooooooooooo....................... how's that obama thing working out for you, America ??



Unfortunately it is true, Moreluck. Race has been an increasing factor in Obama's ebbing support. You see, during the last 4 years, young kids who couldn't vote became eligible voters when they hit the magic age of 18. As you know, America only gets more racist with every new generation . This is coupled with the fact that the oldest generation, whose members are the more racially progressive group we have , is slowly dying off.

My prediction: In twenty years, with the older generation completely gone and the new generation in place as voters, this country will have televised lynchings, Jim Crow Laws , and slavery of African Americans.

It's sad.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

From your article:

""“Hey young couples just starting out, instead of creating a nest egg, saving for a down-payment for a house or simply paying for your wedding and reception, give your money to the President!” It’s the audacity of self-importance.""

NO ITS AN INVESTMENT IN THE MIDDLE CLASS FUTURE. You know the one, the one that ROMNEY and the GOP are trying to destroy?




Which Middle Class ?
The one bhos has totally wiped out ?
Or the one that only a real business leader can restore ?


Well-Known Member
bhos was born a Muslim, his father was a Muslim. The seed of Islam is passed through the father like the seed of Judaism is passed through the mother.
He was born a Muslim, his father gave him an Islamic name.
Thus if he truly rejects his father's faith that makes him kafir,(Arabic: كافر‎ kāfir, plural كفّار kuffār) is an Arabic term used in a Islamic doctrinal sense, usually translated as "unbeliever", "disbeliever" or "infidel".
The term refers to a person who rejects God or who hides, denies, or covers the "truth".
Thus his most recent actions confirm this to be true.
I already posted a link on his inauguration check it out it's interesting, HE is NOT a muslim, neither christian...
Not saying about where he was born, saying about his religion.
According to all these religions (as I understand it) we the USA supposed to be destroyed in the "end" times because of "god's" will by middle east, Russia and China...
Welcome to The Key of Solomon
Do you really think the Bilderbergs and other masons would let a real muslim in the "club" when we are bombing the s#$t out of that region?
I am sure he studied mystic Judaism, Hermetics, Kabbalah, astrology, the tree of life and other things that ordinary people didn't. He is a 33 degree mason as most of congress and senate are...
And fyi yes he denies "god", just as Bush, Clinton, Sr. Bush, Nixon, Reagan etc. does/did too, but not out loud advertised in public... imagine that people wouldn't pay their taxes... LOL

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanation here today

Which Middle Class ?
The one bhos has totally wiped out ?
Or the one that only a real business leader can restore ?

Where did OBAMA wipe out the middle class? I got two tax cuts, bought a couple of homes, 2 brand new motorcycles, 2 new cars, a new dog and his flight, redid my backyard in this home and have cash to spare.

He didnt wipe me out, BUSH came close, but things for me and the others near me have only gotten better under OBAMA.

NOW, i cant speak for you or the others as how you manage your finances, but if you got wiped out because of OBAMA, id like to see where.




golden ticket member
Obama now says "it's fashionable to be cynical." No, It's what we are after seeing the predicament he as put this country in.


Staff member
I also remember something about the unemployment rate not going below 8%, deficit reduction and the most transparent administration ever.

Soooooooooooo....................... how's that obama thing working out for you, America ??
Doing quite fine, thanks.


Staff member
Re: Obamabastic !!

This was so out of line........I don't want my 13 or 14 year old hearing about contraception and abortion from the president. His overstepping is inappropriate. These kids aren't voters. What was he thinking? .....did he buy them beer afterwards too?

Obama Plugs Birth Control and Planned Parenthood in Speech at High School |
Oh, I don't know. I think I like this better than learning it in the gutter. A couple years ago the perceived "safe sex" according to "peer counseling" was anal sex.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

No, this is not the president's's the parent's job. He wouldn't like it if some guy in gym class was telling Malia & Sasha about where to get their condoms. He was out of line !!