President Obama!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I don't care that it tripled. Healthcare costs have been increasing exponentially. I expect them to increase just like I expect taxes to increase. This is a better way to address those realities. And you weren't sold anything. You've fought this and this president at every turn.

When austerity sets in you will start to care. We can't keep having 1 trillion in spending every year without the revenue stream. A growing economy is the way back.

This is the road to being bankrupt...

Other countries are going to stop buying our debt.
We will be downgraded again - that means higher interest rates we can't pay
We have to create money to pay our debt - inflation sky rockets
Someone finally gets it - we have to cut all these deficit causing entitlement programs.

The liberals go nuts and start rioting in the streets because their entitlements are taken away just like the occupy movement and the radicals that claim they are part of the movement.

It won't sink in for most until their pocketbooks are hit with out of control inflation. That's what happens when you have to print money to pay your bills.

People who are on fixed incomes will suffer the most. They will drop right into the ranks of the poor.

Sounds familiar - It is Europe RIGHT NOW!


Für Meno :)
I agree, but with medicare/medcaid , SS, and Military alone taking up all of the governments revenue, it gets a bit complicated.
You can scrap all welfare, food stamps, FBI, and all other government programs just to get to a balanced budget.

But, in the meantime, Romney is calling for more tax cuts.
So, something from those top 3 expenses will need to go, too !


Staff member
When austerity sets in you will start to care. We can't keep having 1 trillion in spending every year without the revenue stream. A growing economy is the way back.

This is the road to being bankrupt...

Other countries are going to stop buying our debt.
We will be downgraded again - that means higher interest rates we can't pay
We have to create money to pay our debt - inflation sky rockets
Someone finally gets it - we have to cut all these deficit causing entitlement programs.

The liberals go nuts and start rioting in the streets because their entitlements are taken away just like the occupy movement and the radicals that claim they are part of the movement.

It won't sink in for most until their pocketbooks are hit with out of control inflation. That's what happens when you have to print money to pay your bills.

People who are on fixed incomes will suffer the most. They will drop right into the ranks of the poor.

Sounds familiar - It is Europe RIGHT NOW!
Europe right now is in the can because they have the centralized monetary unit without a unified administration. While liberalism certainly went too far in Europe, what is evident in EUROPE RIGHT NOW is a revolt against AUSTERITY. That's what democracies get to do. They get to decide the direction heads in. And as far as liberals crying foul when austerity comes to town, I believe it's the republicans frantically trying to get out of the "across the board" cuts they agreed to when they couldn't stomach compromising with the administration during the debt deal debate last summer.


Well-Known Member
No, it doesn't work that way at special events. You try to keep in line with all other food and drink prices.
No one likes to be underbid in prices, rather we compete with our food products and service.

But that goes against everything that you think would be best for the USA.
It all sounds good until you're the one in the barrel, huh?


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Food stamps for votes..........

How would you feel if someone told you that one of the largest banks on Wall Street makes more money whenever the number of Americans on food stamps goes up? Unfortunately, this is something that is actually true. In the United States today, one out of every seven Americans is on food stamps. In fact, the number of Americans on food stamps has increased by a whopping 14 million since Barack Obama entered the White House. All of this makes JP Morgan very happy, because JP Morgan has been making money by the boatload on food stamps. Right now, JP Morgan Chase issues food stamp debit cards in 26 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. The division of JP Morgan Chase that issues these debit cards made an eye-popping 5.47 billion dollars in net revenue during 2010. JP Morgan is paid per customer, so when the number of Americans on food stamps goes up, they make more money. But doesn't this give JP Morgan an incentive to try to keep the number of Americans on food stamps as high as possible?

Making Money On Poverty: JP Morgan Makes Bigger Profits When The Number Of Americans On Food Stamps Goes Up

Sad some (many) people completely fail to see who is the real winner in such gov't welfare programs. Wonder what would happen to Corp. America's profit lines if gov't spending really was cut? This raises the question of why gov't spending takes place to begin with?


Well-Known Member
Islandfox, don't you have the benifit of the opportunity to moving back north ?


Under present U.S. law-- I am still free in this point in time to re-nounce my U.S. citizenship, surrender my passport and pay a tax on my assets as I leave.

The only sticking point after living in Canada and Europe --with all of our past and present problems --there is no other country in the world that I would rather be than the good old USA !!!

Besides, I can afford to pay for my own hot dogs --I have worked very hard and earned that benefit !!:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
I agree, but with medicare/medcaid , SS, and Military alone taking up all of the governments revenue, it gets a bit complicated.
You can scrap all welfare, food stamps, FBI, and all other government programs just to get to a balanced budget.

But, in the meantime, Romney is calling for more tax cuts.
So, something from those top 3 expenses will need to go, too !


Easy solutions to those so called problems:

1. Fact people are living much ,much longer --grandfather over 40 at present social security and Medicare ---under forty new system moves the age limits back to 68--70.
2. Reduce size of ground forces --eventually eliminate them --all machines, drones and weapons of Mass destruction if need calls for it. Close all foreign military bases and eliminate foreign aid.
Let the world police itself --incuding Canada.
3. Greatly reduce income tax rates for all citizens ----flat ten % for ALL INCOME LEVELS.
National sales tax of 5 cents to get all the freeloaders of the "underground economy" Poor people buy used cars --pay less tax ---rich people buy new BMW'S --pay higher tax ---ALL IS FAIR !!!:wink2:


Für Meno :)
elimate foreign aid , eh ?
You folks already pay the least per capita in the western world for foreign aid.
But, you're the fattest nation in the world, too !

If you want to work until age 70 then go for it - Canada's solution to that was just to raise the taxes on those plans, therfor we can still happily retire at age 65.

That flat 10% has never worked for the church in hundreds of years - how do you think it'll work as government taxes ?
You don't realize that some church goers just don't have 10% of their very little income to give away !

National sales tax - that's coming - I think you even know that - just a matter of time !

And yup, shut down those military bases, unless the country it's in decides to pay for protection !

Maybe we'll finally get Americans out of Cold Lake Alberta, too ?
All they are doing there is testing their equipment in deep freeze temperatures.


golden ticket member
So, you already checked with the Mormon church and you're saying their 10% tithing program is useless ? I think that will come as a surprise to them.

You just spout stuff and don't check anyhing.

Like all Alberta people are from Prussia!!

The Council on the Disposition of the Tithes - composed of the LDS prophet and his counselors, the 12 apostles, and presiding bishopric - prayerfully makes decisions about where and how tithing money is to be spent. Some uses for tithing dollars are:

  • Humanitarian efforts
  • Building and maintaining temples and church buildings around the world
  • Printing and distributing religious study materials used in Sunday School and other religious education programs
  • Funding locally-based programs for Latter-day Saint youth and adults
  • Operating LDS colleges and universities
  • Subsidizing the manufacturing cost of LDS temple garments
LDS tithing money does not go to support Mormon ecclesiastical leaders, who are all unpaid lay ministers. General authorities who give full-time church service receive living allowances from the church's commercial holdings, not from tithing


Für Meno :)
So, you already checked with the Mormon church and you're saying their 10% tithing program is useless ? I think that will come as a surprise to them.

You just spout stuff and don't check anyhing.

Like all Alberta people are from Prussia!!

Yeah, some people are so church fanatic, they will sell their food stamps (food), just to pay the church.
I'm certain you agree with that, too !

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Europe right now is in the can because they have the centralized monetary unit without a unified administration. While liberalism certainly went too far in Europe, what is evident in EUROPE RIGHT NOW is a revolt against AUSTERITY. That's what democracies get to do. They get to decide the direction heads in. And as far as liberals crying foul when austerity comes to town, I believe it's the republicans frantically trying to get out of the "across the board" cuts they agreed to when they couldn't stomach compromising with the administration during the debt deal debate last summer.

You are right. What we will do is print money and more money and everyone will raise prices to compensate for the deflated dollar which will cause out of control inflation.

This is not a threat... it will happen. That is when people will get it and by then it will be to late. My state did some minor cuts and two years later we are out of danger. Services are coming back! My liberal city of Sedona cut way back and now we are in the black. In a population of 10K with tourism of 40K we cut down to 1 sergeant in our police force and numerous other positions. Two long time sergeants were laid off 2 years ago.

We can do a lot of revamping of our spending programs and become more efficient and we won't be pinched hard later. Rework the tax system & SS, just to name two. Force a balanced budget amendment so we don't spend more than we take in.

We can do this where it does not put a big burden on the poor and middle class.

You won't find fair minded Republicans (just like Democrats) who don't want to make sure that our poor, elderly and those people who endure catastrophic instances are not taken care of.


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

Makes you wonder just what LBJ was dreaming when his Great Society came to mind?


Interesting. I don't believe he dreamed this. I also don't believe Reagan saw this coming. I think both would be disgusted and ashamed at just how much party trumps governance.


Staff member
And you wonder why China keeps it's money tied to the value of the dollar....

That's why America is not Europe. We have the Federal Reserve. We have the ability to control inflation should we need to. We are in full go mode right now and sputtering along. Should a wildfire economy break out, begin raising interest rates. This is what Europe cannot do with their patchwork economies.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You are right. What we will do is print money and more money and everyone will raise prices to compensate to the deflated dollar which will cause out of control inflation.

This is not a threat... it will happen. That is when people will get it and by then it will be to late. My state did some minor cuts and two years later we are in the black again. Services are coming back!

We can do a lot of revamping of our spending programs and become more efficient and we won't be pinched hard later. Rework the tax system & SS, just to name two. Force a balanced budget amendment so we don't spend more than we take in.

We can do this where it does not put a big burden on the poor and middle class.

You won't find fair minded Republicans (just like Democrats) who don't want to make sure that our poor, elderly and those people who endure catastrophic instances are not taken care of.

AS if Republicans are the answer to sound fiscal policy??? Please LIFER, put down the alcohol.

Name the last Republican president to leave a budget surplus or balanced budget.

A balanced budget amendment would have KILLED THE BUSH administration, the REAGAN administration , the BUSH 1 ADMINISTRATION, the FORD ADMINISTRATION and the NIXON administration.

All this talk as if the republicans have all the answers, when in fact they are the biggest contributors of our problems today. 8 years of BUSH and 12 years of a GOP held CONGRESS and whammo...11 trillion in debt and a country near the brink of a depression.

But according to you, those same morons in congress and in the GOP establishment wants the country to believe "THEY" have all the answers to todays problems.

Give us a break.



UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Interesting. I don't believe he dreamed this. I also don't believe Reagan saw this coming. I think both would be disgusted and ashamed at just how much party trumps governance.

It takes a leader to stop this. Clinton worked well with Republicans in his second term. He was a leader. It is much easier to look back and define a Presidency through the clarity of historical analysis than it is to see it during the fog of today.

However, with BO I feel pretty comfortable with my analysis on his lack of leadership skill.


Für Meno :)
The European Union is sort of like Obamacare, in a way it went to far, but in another way it didn't go far enough !

Just a temp fix !

Face it, Europe needs to become 1 solid country with their 15 States (or how many members they have), and the US has to get rid of privatized healthcare all together - no more private insurance companies, and 30% of healthcare costs going just for administrative purposes, and probably another 30% going towards profit.

You need a non-per profit and efficient system !


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

It takes a leader to stop this. Clinton worked well with Republicans in his second term. He was a leader. It is much easier to look back and define a Presidency through the clarity of historical analysis than it is to see it during the fog of today.

However, with BO I feel pretty comfortable with my analysis on his lack of leadership skill.

I feel just as comfortable with my analysis that a certain wing of the republican party would refuse to let this president lead them to a balanced budget amendment that had riders eliminating abortion, allowing prayer in school, and privatizing social security.