President Obama!


Staff member
Re: Obamanomics

The difference being she IS retired.

I'm amazed a business owner such as yourself has time to be here as much as you are.... :happy-very:

The difference is I know how much I am here day in and day out. The delusion of retirement seems to have skewered her relative activity on this site.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

bbsam, do yourself a favor--she is not worth the frustration.

I will say that is she does not stop "baiting" me that the gloves will come off and the mods will be wearing out their delete buttons.
I don't know how you figure I'm baiting.....When I turned this computer on this morning, you & bbsam were already like 2 hens cackling away and I wasn't even here yet.

This happens every weekend and has since menotyou left the scene. You seem to think I am limied to just certain threads on here.....well, Cheryl hasn't said there are off limit areas that I have to stay out of. I can post comments wherever I choose to .

Go ahead Pearl, take off your lace gloves and hit that rep do know it doesn't count for squat, right?


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

I place myself at the mercy of God and my Lord Jesus Christ. And if they let me have a new Mustang GT, I will repent and sin no more. Maybe.
My daughter just bought a silver 2013 Mustang...her first NEW car. This is a relevent comment since you mentioned Mustang.

2013 Mustang

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanomics

My daughter just bought a silver 2013 Mustang...her first NEW car. This is a relevent comment since you mentioned Mustang.

[2013 Mustang

At least she had the brains to invest in america with an american product, allbeit, parts made all over the world.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
We sleep and the cost of Obamacare grows like "The Blob".

First it was double what Obama said the cost would be and now it's in the triple range.

Obamacare Now Estimated to Cost $2.6 Trillion in First Decade | The Weekly Standard

Why dont you read the little disclaimer at the bottom of the chart to see where these numbers come from? JEFFREY SESSIONS, the GOP's resident racist.

Gee, JEFFREY SESSIONS, being honest about numbers? YA RIGHT.

That bigot wouldnt know the truth if it slapped him in the face.

More SLANT and DISTORTION from the GOP. By the way, the weekly standard is nothing more than the neo conservative mouthpiece of the GOP. Nothing independent about there studies.




Für Meno :)
Says the man who sells a 10 cent bottle of water for 2 dollars and a $1.50 hot dog for $5.00.

Have you gone to a restaurant lately or even a 7/11 store ?
Even Mc Donalds, a half of potatoe worth 10 cents sells for $2.00 as fries, or thier tiny little wimpy burgers that don't cost 15 cents, sells for 10 fold and up.
Or try having a breakfast somewhere. 2 eggs, a slice or 2 of bacon or ham, and toast. Wholesale price, probably 30 cents.
You'll be lucky to get it for $5.00.

A cup of coffee, wholesale price not more than 10 cents - but you pay $2.00 - $300 for it !

But, now comes the overhead costs, my equipment, wages to staff, propane, gas, and lots of time. Plus these events are not free to get into.
The Caribbean fest costs $2000 for just 3 days (vendors fees).

Someone has to pay it, and it won,t be me ! Then I might as well just go to a homeless area and give them away !


golden ticket member
Have you gone to a restaurant lately or even a 7/11 store ?
Even Mc Donalds, a half of potatoe worth 10 cents sells for $2.00 as fries, or thier tiny little wimpy burgers that don't cost 15 cents, sells for 10 fold and up.
Or try having a breakfast somewhere. 2 eggs, a slice or 2 of bacon or ham, and toast. Wholesale price, probably 30 cents.
You'll be lucky to get it for $5.00.

A cup of coffee, wholesale price not more than 10 cents - but you pay $2.00 - $300 for it !

But, now comes the overhead costs, my equipment, wages to staff, propane, gas, and lots of time. Plus these events are not free to get into.
The Caribbean fest costs $2000 for just 3 days (vendors fees).

Someone has to pay it, and it won,t be me ! Then I might as well just go to a homeless area and give them away !
God, if you operated from a building, hot dogs would be $25.00 !!!


Well-Known Member
Have you gone to a restaurant lately or even a 7/11 store ?
Even Mc Donalds, a half of potatoe worth 10 cents sells for $2.00 as fries, or thier tiny little wimpy burgers that don't cost 15 cents, sells for 10 fold and up.
Or try having a breakfast somewhere. 2 eggs, a slice or 2 of bacon or ham, and toast. Wholesale price, probably 30 cents.
You'll be lucky to get it for $5.00.

A cup of coffee, wholesale price not more than 10 cents - but you pay $2.00 - $300 for it !

But, now comes the overhead costs, my equipment, wages to staff, propane, gas, and lots of time. Plus these events are not free to get into.
The Caribbean fest costs $2000 for just 3 days (vendors fees).

Someone has to pay it, and it won,t be me ! Then I might as well just go to a homeless area and give them away !

But since you subscribe to Obamacare and Obamanomics, you need to sacrifice what you make for the good of others, who don't have as much as you. Lower your prices so that others, who can't or won't work, can enjoy your fruits as well. It's only fair, right?


Für Meno :)
But since you subscribe to Obamacare and Obamanomics, you need to sacrifice what you make for the good of others, who don't have as much as you. Lower your prices so that others, who can't or won't work, can enjoy your fruits as well. It's only fair, right?

No, it doesn't work that way at special events. You try to keep in line with all other food and drink prices.
No one likes to be underbid in prices, rather we compete with our food products and service.


Well-Known Member
No, it doesn't work that way at special events. You try to keep in line with all other food and drink prices.
No one likes to be underbid in prices, rather we compete with our food products and service.

:happy-very:News Flash. The Canadian Government has announced "Kleindogcare" because there are millions of Canadians that cannot afford a Hot dog in the free market.

All Hot dog vendors must immediately do the following :

1. If a child at 26 years of age or below must get all hot dogs for free.
2. If customer has previously not eaten you must sell them three hot dogs for the price of one.
3. No limit on the number of free hot dogs after a customer has paid for two.
4. Customers not working or not willing to work --unlimited hot dogs for free

The Government also states that all hot dog vendors must supply all ketchup and mustard and all extras free to all women.

The water on the hot dog stand must be a constant 1500 degrees.

Any fat person cannot recieve a bun or vendor will face stiff fine.

No alcohol served by vendors unless they buy a 50,000 permit from the government.

No pop or soda to be sold that has any sugar content.

Hot dog vendor must pay an additional government tax of 35% at any event that involves Canadian citizens.

Wow all Canadians hava availability to hot dogs --the government is super smart.

Oh no we are running short on hot dogs ----Ration --No canadian over 60 gets a dog unless they wait two years -limit one dog per senior -lifetime.

Ah, nothing like the "free Market" with no government interference, great open competetion to keep prices low and quality high.

Canada a place where a small hot dog vendor can run his business, provide a service and make a reasonable profit without looking like a greedy businessman.

Sorry =--to early for a Martini ---I just had too much coffee !!!:sad-little: