President Obama!


Für Meno :)
klein, last week you were saying more insurance companies , this week you are calling for less.
So which is it ?

Maybe I said that out of sarcasum, or maybe not at all ?
Do you care if 30-40% of all medical expenses go to insurances and doctors wages dealing with them ? Of course you don't , as long as UPS pays for it all !


golden ticket member
"Most of the president’s major supporters have been given the brush off…like Oprah Winfrey, Caroline Kennedy and leading members of the Jewish community. A month after the election, Oprah’s relationship with Obamas had become unglued. Oprah had a plan to redecorate the Lincoln bedroom. She also had ideas about how Michelle could put more zing into White House social events. Oprah raged “Michelle hates fat people & doesn’t want me waddling around the White House.”· Michelle suspects that at one point Oprah secretly encouraged Hillary to consider a run against Barack in 2012. Michelle calls Hillary “a snake.” Campaign dialed up a charm offensive and there are sudden invites to Oprah.

(re: Michelle)For her 44[SUP]th[/SUP] birthday Obama bought her $5,000 set of diamond earrings but she exchanged for bigger diamonds that cost $12,000. She has expensive tastes."

(excerpts from The Amateur)

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanomics

Retail sales for June is down 0.5%....that's the third month in a row.

70% of our economy is made up of consumer spending.

Anothe failed summer of recovery!!

You realize thats 5 tenths of 1% right? Thats a blip on the radar. Back to school is coming up, retail sales will boom by the end of this month going into august. 5 tenths of 1% and you are concerned?

Please. Tell me you didnt fail math in school.

When OBAMAS numbers get to the Range of BUSH 2 and BUSH 1, then you can panic. Until then, i wouldnt worry about 5 tenths of 1%.





Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanomics

Same as the job report, remember the c9ners thanking back to school for the job numbers getting better ?
Well, they don't blame the 8.2% remaining unemployment now on teachers being laid off !


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

You realize thats 5 tenths of 1% right? Thats a blip on the radar. Back to school is coming up, retail sales will boom by the end of this month going into august. 5 tenths of 1% and you are concerned?

Please. Tell me you didnt fail math in school.

When OBAMAS numbers get to the Range of BUSH 2 and BUSH 1, then you can panic. Until then, i wouldnt worry about 5 tenths of 1%.



What part of down don't you get?

When gas prices were falling by a penny you were crowing like the cock of the walk.

If 3 months in a row become 11 months in a row, it all adds up. Down is not up!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanomics

What part of down don't you get?

When gas prices were falling by a penny you were crowing like the cock of the walk.

If 3 months in a row become 11 months in a row, it all adds up. Down is not up!!

First of all, everytime I have something to put you in your place in a conversation, its edited out, so let me say this instead. YOU dont know JACK about the economy. Lets start by asking you where are retail sales compared to 2008? And then, after 2008, what percentage of increase was there, and then finally, this 5 tenths of 1 percent change is from where? 2008 numbers or 2011 numbers.

If you subtract 5 tenths of 1 percent from 2011 numbers THEY ARE STILL HIGHER THAN THE NUMBERS POSTED BY GW BUSH.

You have to know where we were, versus where we are in the economy.

ALL YOU HEAR IS DOWN, and that triggers your HATRED.

5 tenths of 1 percent isnt squat, or it means effectively FLAT, no change. High gas prices in april , may and early JUNE led to the decline in consumer spending, but now that gas is down, spending will be up in next months report. Its all cyclical, not that you would know what that means.

There are reasons people stop spending disposable income. Auto sales are booming, homes are selling faster now, and the iNTERNET IS KILLING the retail stores.

REMEMBER, if you can, that internet sales are NOT INCLUDED in RETAIL SALES from stores. The internet is stealing away business from the retail sector in bigger and bigger chunks each year. IN 10 year time, store fronts will have reduced by 50% due to the internet.

Large malls will be mostly empty as customer continue to transition to the internet and free shipping at huge discounts.

UPS has been BOOMING for almost 4 years now under President OBAMA. We have hired more drivers in the last 24 months then ever before, with more trucks running.

You cant do that in a recession.




golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today



golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

Sununu is the master of the verbal ass whooping.
“It’s amazing to me that this president would introduce the word felon into the discourse. This is a president who wallowed in Chicago in the murky soup of politics and felons, a region where the politicians quite often end up as felons in jail. This is a president who cut a very snarky real estate deal with Tony Rezko, who is now in prison for trying to extort some money on a political basis. Why would the president want to give people an opportunity to raise his wallowing with felons in the past by raising that question?”


golden ticket member
Busy Obama schedule.........

Today’s schedule (via WHD):
9:00 am ET || Departs White House
11:30 am CT || Arrives San Antonio
1:00 pm CT || Delivers remarks at a fundraiser; The Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, San Antonio
2:30 pm CT || Attends a fundraiser; private residence, San Antonio
3:50 pm CT || Departs San Antonio
4:25 pm CT || Arrives Austin
5:50 pm CT || Delivers remarks at a fundraiser; Austin Music Hall
7:55 pm CT || Delivers remarks at a fundraiser, private residence
9:10 pm CT || Departs Austin
1:20 am ET || Arrives White House

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanation here today

Obama Says He Can’t Believe It When Successful People Think They Became Rich Because They “Worked Hard” Or Are “Smart”…

Clueless doesn’t even begin to describe this guy.
Official White House transcript:
“There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me — because they want to give something back. They know they didn’t — look, if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You

You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something — there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there.

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive.

Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

Excellent points. Without the help of goverments, and other private businesses and the public, a business person becomes successful. Without that help, a business person becomes nothing.

Pretty simple to understand.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamabastic !!

Sununu is the master of the verbal ass whooping.
“It’s amazing to me that this president would introduce the word felon into the discourse. This is a president who wallowed in Chicago in the murky soup of politics and felons, a region where the politicians quite often end up as felons in jail. This is a president who cut a very snarky real estate deal with Tony Rezko, who is now in prison for trying to extort some money on a political basis. Why would the president want to give people an opportunity to raise his wallowing with felons in the past by raising that question?”

Sununu is a bumbling has been being used to attempt to fix things. He was on FOX this morning bumbling and stumbling over his own words. He couldnt even get the talking points out without studdering.




Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Excellent points. Without the help of goverments, and other private businesses and the public, a business person becomes successful. Without that help, a business person becomes nothing.

Pretty simple to understand.




If thats what you believe---than the opposite has to be true. If Government has provided everything for success --why are there so many people hurting today ???

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

The Uber left believes whatever their party tells them to believe. When have you heard an original thought come from them? It is as if obama is writing his own bible and his flock of sheep are blindly following every step he takes.

Now the latest bible entry is this: If it were not for someone else giving us a helping hand we would not be where we are today. This shows that he really believes that capitalism is a result of - not the reason for success of the private sector.

This is his smoking gun. It shows why our economy has not had a strong recovery.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanation here today

The Uber left believes whatever their party tells them to believe. When have you heard an original thought come from them? It is as if obama is writing his own bible and his flock of sheep are blindly following every step he takes.

Now the latest bible entry is this: If it were not for someone else giving us a helping hand we would not be where we are today. This shows that he really believes that capitalism is a result of - not the reason for success of the private sector.

This is his smoking gun. It shows why our economy has not had a strong recovery.

Look, keep the comments in context.

The state, nation provide the roads, cities, infrastructure and operations to keep a city going. A business person CHOOSES to come to those cities that are already built and operating to start a business, and then they succeed, how did they do this by themselves?

They would have to had taken loans to start the business ( relying on the banks), they would have had to get permits from the city ( relying on the city) and then they would have to sell products or services to the townspeople ( relying on citizens)....

In this context, this is what makes a business successful, and not the sole business owner.

