President Obama!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I am going to have to stock some good hot dogs. Every time I read a post from Klein I picture him selling some hot dogs and I get an urge to have a hot dog with all the trimmings.


golden ticket member
I am going to have to stock some good hot dogs. Every time I read a post from Klein I picture him selling some hot dogs and I get an urge to have a hot dog with all the trimmings.
Ball Bark Franks and the Ball Park buns (so soft) are my favorites. Just yellow mustard!! I like the Nathan's, but the garlic flavor bothers me. I love garlic, but it doesn't love me.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

The Uber left believes whatever their party tells them to believe. When have you heard an original thought come from them? It is as if obama is writing his own bible and his flock of sheep are blindly following every step he takes.

Now the latest bible entry is this: If it were not for someone else giving us a helping hand we would not be where we are today. This shows that he really believes that capitalism is a result of - not the reason for success of the private sector.

This is his smoking gun. It shows why our economy has not had a strong recovery.

I am also hoping that the statement is his undoing !!! People are going to do a doubletake and say....."What you talkin' about Willis?"

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
"I'm sure every small-business owner who took a second mortgage on their home, maxed out their credit cards or borrowed money from their own retirement savings to start their business disagrees strongly with President Obama's claim.

Read more: Business groups criticize Obama over remarks about government's role in success | Fox News"

Each of these things requires the business owner to RELY on something other than himself/herself to run a business. Who do you think issues the credit cards? Who do you think issues the second mortgage?




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golden ticket member
President Obama isn’t always paying attention during those major international summits. Instead he’s doodling.

The president admitted it himself during an interview Friday with WJLA, bragging that when it comes to his drawing skills he’s “pretty good” and enjoys sketching all sorts of things.

“Sometimes when I’m in a big important international meeting and you see me writing stuff down it might be that I’m just drawing some folks,” he said.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll


He mentioned Thomas Jefferson, but rather than go on a long explanation you wouldnt understand, ill leave you with Jeffersons own words.

the day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme
being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of
the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. But we may hope that
the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away
with all this artificial scaffolding, and restore to us the primitive and
genuine doctrines of this the most venerated reformer of human errors." --
Jefferson's letter to John Adams, April 11 1823

Jefferson was a rationalist. He
believed that Jesus was a pure and ethical teacher of morals. To that end,
Jefferson took a razor to the New Testament and removed passages he thought to
have been inserted by the authors of the gospels (whom he called the
"commentators"), and he pasted what remained together as "
The Jefferson
". With his razor blade, he removed every verse dealing with
the virgin birth, miracles, resurrection, claims of Jesus' divinity and other
puerile superstition, thus leaving us with a very much shorter book. In
1904, the Jefferson Bible was printed by order of Congress, and for many years
was presented to all newly elected members of that body.

Jefferson was called an ATHEIST by
Christian ministers of his day, who tried to block his presidency! How can
Christians claim him now as one of them, now that he's dead?!
to the calumny of Atheism, I am so broken to calumnies of every
kind, from every department of government, Executive, Legislative, and
Judiciary, and from every minion of theirs holding office or seeking it, that I
entirely disregard it, and from Chace it will have less effect than from any
other man in the United States. It has been so impossible to contradict all
their lies, that I have determined to contradict none; for while I should be
engaged with one, they would publish twenty new ones." -- Jefferson's Letter to
James Monroe, May 26, 1800

There is much more evidence in the historical record of THOMAS JEFFERSON to sustain that he was not a practicing christian, but there always seems to be some religious zealot out there attempting to make this a CHRISTIAN nation, despite the words of the founders themselves.





Staff member
"President Obama seems to have just given up on the economy. He hasn’t convened a meeting with his jobs counsel in six months, but has held more than a hundred fundraisers for his campaign. The only job he is interested in saving is his own."
Mitt Romney

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! Aint that the truth! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll