President Obama!


Strength through joy
Via Grouchy Old Cripple


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

War On Women: 175K Fewer Women Held Jobs In July, 94K Dropped Out of Labor Force…
Sandra Fluke unavailable for comment.
( – 175,000 fewer American women held jobs in July than in June, according to employment data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

From June to July, the number of women in the labor force–meaning they either had a job or had actively looked for one in the last four weeks–dropped by 94,000.

Meanwhile, the national unemployment rate ticked up for women for the third straight month. In May, it was 7.9 percent. In June, it was 8.0 percent. And in July, it was 8.1 percent.

In June, there had been 66,929,000 American women employed. In July, that dropped 66,754,000–a month-to-month decline of 175,000.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

White House Calls Unemployment Rate Rising To 8.3% And 195K Fewer Americans With Jobs “Evidence” of Recovery…

What planet do these people live on?
Via Beltway Confidential:
President Obama’s top economic aide described the July jobs report — which shows a small increase in the national unemployment rate — “further evidence” that the economy is recovering.

“While there is more work that remains to be done, today’s employment report provides further evidence that the U.S. economy is continuing to recover from the worst downturn since the Great Depression,” Alen Krueger, chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, wrote.

He made the White House’s oft-repeated caveat that “it is important not to read too much into any one monthly report,” but offered today’s numbers as a ratification of Obama’s policies.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Flashback: Team Obama Said In 2009 Stimulus Bill Would Have Unemployment Below 6% By 2012…
And let’s not forget 2010′s “Recovery Summer“.
Via Beltway Confidential:
Today’s news that the unemployment rate moved up to 8.3 percent is as good of a time as time as any to revisit the promises the then-incoming administration made in 2009 regarding the economic stimulus bill. Back then they said the stimulus would have unemployment below 6 percent by now.

Not only that but they claimed that the unemployment would be at that 6 percent level now even if the stimulus bill was not passed. That is, that they predicted the economy would recover to that level naturally. In short, the White Houses projections regarding stimulus and the economy were wildly off.

The report, entitled “The Job Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan,” was released on Jan. 9, 2009. It was put out by the office of the president-elect was written by economists Christina Romer and Jared Bernstein. Romer would become chairwoman of the Council of Economic Advisers for President Obama. Bernstein was Vice President Biden’s chief economic advisor.


golden ticket member
Via Weekly Standard:
In a statement posted to his Facebook page, Florida congressman Allen West calls President Obama’s decision “to unleash his campaign cronies against our Military … unconscionable.”
“As a retired Army officer I am appalled at the Obama administration’s actions to bring a lawsuit against the State of Ohio for the early voting privileges it extends to our Men and Women serving in uniform,” West writes. “To have the Commander in Chief make our US Servicemen and Women the target of a political attack to benefit his reelection actions is reprehensible. The voting privilege extended to these Warriors who represent the best among us should not be a part of the collective vision of this inept President who is more concerned about his reelection than sequestration.

As a Combat Veteran, for this President to unleash his campaign cronies against our Military is unconscionable….how dare this President compare the service, sacrifice, and commitment of those who Guard our liberties not as special and seek to compare them to everyone else. Barack Obama is undeserving of the title Commander-in-Chief.”


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

[h=2]Obama’s Plan To “Pay Down Our Debt” Would Add $10.6 Trillion In Federal Debt…[/h]

Errr, you’re doing it wrong, Barack.

Via Washington Examiner:
President Obama’s budget will add almost $11 trillion to the federal debt over the next ten years, according to the ranking member on the Senate Budget Committee.

Obama’s budget, which was unanimously voted down in the House and the Senate, would increase the national debt to $25.4 trillion by 2022, according to the office of Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., which studied the update filed by Obama’s Office of Management and Budget.

Sessions’ office noted that the president’s budget is consistent with his claims that the country can “pay down our debt in a balanced way” by raising taxes on the wealthy. “[T]he President’s call for tax increases would not be used to reduce deficits, but rather to fund new spending,” his office said.



golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Via Judicial Watch:
Surprise, surprise the Hezbollah terrorist released by the Obama Administration to Iraq out of respect for the country’s sovereignty won’t make it to the U.S. to face trial for killing five American soldiers.

We all knew this would happen back in December when the commander-in-chief handed over the Lebanese militant, Ali Mussa Daqduq, to Iraqi officials. A mainstream newspaper presented it as a “dilemma” for the president as American troops prepared to exit Iraq. Daqduq had been in U.S. military custody in Iraq since 2007 for his involvement in a carefully orchestrated plot that killed, kidnapped and tortured American military officers.

The atrocities took place in a city called Karbala, south of Baghdad in early 2007. Around a dozen terrorists dressed in U.S. military uniforms opened fire on Americans after approaching a camp in five sports utility vehicles resembling U.S. transports. One U.S. soldier died at the scene and four others were kidnapped, tortured and executed. Daqduq, a Hezbollah commander, was the mastermind.

But President Obama didn’t want to remove the terrorist from Iraq without permission from the country, in order not to violate its sovereignty. He also refused to take Daqduq to the U.S. Naval base in Guantanamo Cuba, which houses other high-value terrorists, because the facility is an anathema in the Middle East and Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki would not approve the “unacceptable” Guantanamo option.

So Obama handed Daqduq over to the Iraqis even though several members of congress pointed out that it would be the same as freeing him. Apparently, Iraq pinky promised to hold him accountable for murdering our soldiers. No one, probably not even Obama, really believed that and this week a national newswire story confirmed it.

It turns out that two Iraqi courts have found Daqduq not guilty of masterminding the 2007 raid on an American military base and just a few days ago the nation’s central criminal court ordered that he be freed im


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

A small price to pay for King Obama to raise millions of campaign dollars.

Via Keith Koffler:
A popular Connecticut park and its 234 acres of wetlands, woodlands and beach on Long Island Sound will be shut down all day Monday so that President Obama can use the location as a base for fundraising nearby.

The Sherwood Island State Park in Westport, Connecticut will have to turn away thousands of bathers so that Obama can get to and from his events, including a $35,800 per head bash at the 9,000-square-foot, $8.3-million waterfront estate of movie mogul Harvey Wienstein, according to The Connecticut Post.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

He's A.W.O.L. with the press!!!

You think the press would have allowed Bush to get away with this? Of course not, they’d be raising holy hell.

Via White House Dossier:
President Obama has not taken a serious question from the White House press corps in nearly seven weeks, a remarkable string that points to a campaign-style White House operation that is seeking to insulate the candidate from tough cross examination. [...]

After a July 26 Cabinet meeting, Obama actually laughed off the prospect of taking a serious question about gun laws.
From the White House transcript:
Q Mr. President, can you tell us, if what the Colorado shooter did was entirely legal, how do you do more on this subject without any new laws?

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. I’m sure we’ll have more opportunity to talk about this.
Q This afternoon is fine. I’m available.

THE PRESIDENT: Thanks. I’ll ask Jay for your number. (Laughter.)


golden ticket member
All I've been hearing the past few days is how the health premiums are heading up.

Got the proof today. Health Net raising hubby's rate from $817 to $917 a month. He still has a year and 4 months to go before Medicare.

He hasn't used his health care (thank goodness). He has an $8500 deductible....and that was because we wanted the lowest premiums. I've never seen so many people anxious about turning 65.


Für Meno :)
All I've been hearing the past few days is how the health premiums are heading up.

Got the proof today. Health Net raising hubby's rate from $817 to $917 a month. He still has a year and 4 months to go before Medicare.

He hasn't used his health care (thank goodness). He has an $8500 deductible....and that was because we wanted the lowest premiums. I've never seen so many people anxious about turning 65.

Well, hopefully Romneny wins the election, and the fairy will suddenly appear, and lower those rates for him !


golden ticket member
Well, hopefully Romneny wins the election, and the fairy will suddenly appear, and lower those rates for him !
You are a real piece......

Do you know why “private health insurance costs” are expected to rise by 9.4%? Because the privately insured will be tapped to help pay the difference between what an expanded Medicaid base pays and what doctors charge. Or, in other words, they will be the victim of government intrusion and market distortion.


Für Meno :)
You can always take the time and get an online quote for him in Mass.
If it's more than he pays now - Romney screwed it up !
If it's less than he pays now - Obama is on the right track. ;)


golden ticket member
You can always take the time and get an online quote for him in Mass.
If it's more than he pays now - Romney screwed it up !
If it's less than he pays now - Obama is on the right track. ;)
He'll wait for make absolutely no sense!!! Do we live in Mass.?