President Obama!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today


OBAMA corrected his mistake the moment he made it, ROMNEY had to be TOLD he messed up and had to walk back to the microphone and CORRECT himself.

Big difference!



OBAMA is wiping the floor with Romney in the polls:future:, hows that campaign donor thingy working out for ya??:st_patrick:



thats funny? :obeyhypnosmiley: Ronald Reagans budget director :tinfoilhatsmile: calls the RYAN BUDGET a "fairy tale".

Let a Republican explain it to you: Paul Ryan’s Fairy Tale Budget - Baja Democrats :sissyfight:



"Peace" :getwell: TOS

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
So sorry, I haven't read your autobiography. I get it now, 'left'. Bless your heart.

In any case try not to ignore the main point, and realize that the ACA would be great for you if it were fully enacted today.

You need to stop drinking the kool-aid....

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Many doctors have personally told me that they will leave the profession as obamacare is fully implemented. With a lot less doctors to serve us we all will suffer. Hey! You go on drinking the kool-aid and thinking that your president has your back. The only back he has is his own!

After all..... we have to pass it to know what is in it!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

What would you think would happen to the american people ...

What do you think the carry-over from the collapse of the economy would be on welfare, unemployment and food stamps??

Tell us how the country was spared ...?

what did you think was going to happen to all those millions of people when the benefits ran out?? Wouldnt they end up on food stamps??

Of course its natural for those people to end up either on welfare or food stamps... after a PRESIDENT wrecks it.

... Was the recession not bad enough to warrant that title??

... I dont get it.


Get real.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You need to stop drinking the kool-aid....

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Many doctors have personally told me that they will leave the profession as obamacare is fully implemented. With a lot less doctors to serve us we all will suffer. Hey! You go on drinking the kool-aid and thinking that your president has your back. The only back he has is his own!

After all..... we have to pass it to know what is in it!

This is such BALONEY its not even funny. This ridiculous rhetoric is repeated by all the talking heads for the GOP and people actually believe it. As if a DOCTOR, after going to school to learn a serious skill would "leave the profession" because of the affordable health care act and do something else for a living.

This is such crap.

Doctors in this country make a ton of money on overpriced care already, order tons of services older people dont need, prescribe drugs people dont need and NOW that costs will face controls, they will no longer to be able to "RIP OFF" the public, so the argument becomes, "doctors will leave the profession".

This is the FOX SPEWS nonsense is action. Bring in doctors stupid enough to sell this garbage to its viewers and make such claims.

In reality, the ONLY doctors who say anything close what is claimed are doctors that are close to retirement. They say, and it is distorted by the GOP through FOX SPEWS, that "they will leave the profession".

They are retiring anyways, and simply dont want to go through the trouble of updating their business models to accomodate the new law for care.

There are NO young doctors considering leaving the field.




Well-Known Member
Replace and repeal this monstrosity! I agree we need something in this country but this is not it. It is all smoke and mirrors and will continue to bankrupt the country. Watch as our new VP Schools the Pres...

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You need to stop drinking the kool-aid....

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Many doctors have personally told me that they will leave the profession as obamacare is fully implemented. With a lot less doctors to serve us we all will suffer. Hey! You go on drinking the kool-aid and thinking that your president has your back. The only back he has is his own!

After all..... we have to pass it to know what is in it!

Here's some of the kool aid that you missed..

Are 83% of doctors considering quitting as Amodei claims? | Fact Checker



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Replace and repeal this monstrosity! I agree we need something in this country but this is not it. It is all smoke and mirrors and will continue to bankrupt the country. Watch as our new VP Schools the Pres... [video=youtube;zPxMZ1WdINs][/video]

Replace and Repeal.... the talking points of the uninformed.

I get the repeal part, so where is the replacement?? Since WE both know that the GOP has no replacement, then it should only be REPEAL and go back to denying coverage for pre existing conditions, children off at 18 from parents policies, cancellations of insurance policies AT WILL, caps on coverage for ALL americans with policies and costs skyrocketing as they were for 20 years.

Yeah, sounds like a great argument.

Get rid of the fix and re break the problem.

Thanks for the advice!




golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today



Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

The caption contest results are in:
Second runner up:
The President’s visual aid helps him explain how Ryan’s radical budget reforms will explode the sun — women and minorities hardest hit.
—Steve M.
First runner up:
And Obamagod said, Let there be light: and there was light.
Genesis 1:3, KJV, revised 2008
The winner:
“I can see lower unemployment… fewer people on food stamps… increased energy production. OK, fine. Now, crystal ball, show me the future if I win.”


bella amicizia
Re: Obamanation here today

The caption contest results are in:
Second runner up:
The President’s visual aid helps him explain how Ryan’s radical budget reforms will explode the sun — women and minorities hardest hit.
—Steve M.
First runner up:
And Obamagod said, Let there be light: and there was light.
Genesis 1:3, KJV, revised 2008
The winner:
“I can see lower unemployment… fewer people on food stamps… increased energy production. OK, fine. Now, crystal ball, show me the future if I win.”
I like the first runner up.


Strength through joy
Via Washington Examiner:
President Obama was reluctant to play a game of golf with Republican Speaker of the House Rep. John Boehner because he did not want to lose, according to a new book by Politico’s Glenn Thrush.
Thrush writes that Obama was reluctant to play golf with Boehner, because he knew Boehner would beat him.
“He didn’t want Boehner kicking his ass,” Thrush writes.


bella amicizia
Via Washington Examiner:
President Obama was reluctant to play a game of golf with Republican Speaker of the House Rep. John Boehner because he did not want to lose, according to a new book by Politico’s Glenn Thrush.
Thrush writes that Obama was reluctant to play golf with Boehner, because he knew Boehner would beat him.
“He didn’t want Boehner kicking his ass,” Thrush writes.
Confidence issues, I see. Great. He's worthless and is worried about it. Just who I want with the finger on the button.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

Obama surrogate and Former U.S. Secretary of State Madeline Albright has finally revealed when they’ll stop blaming current conditions on Former President Bush, never. At a campaign rally in Highlands Ranch, Colorado last week Albright told an anecdote: “All of a sudden this man gets up and says, ‘How long are you people going to blame the previous administration?’ and I said, ‘Forever.’”

Via Revealing Politics: