President Obama!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

A pattern developing ?

From CBS 2 New York:
Westport Will Not Be Reimbursed For Costs Related to Obama Visit
The town of Westport will not be reimbursed for $14,812 worth of costs related to President Barack Obama’s fundraising visit earlier this month, according to Westport First Selectman Gordon Joseloff.

Joseloff said he knows from experience not to expect reimbursement for security costs during a private presidential visit, but pointed out the president raised $2 million for his re-election campaign when he visited a couple weeks ago.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

From the Seattle Times:
Cities pay a price for campaign swings: $100,000 for recent Obama visit
Local law-enforcement agencies spent nearly $100,000 in overtime to protect President Obama during a fundraising trip to the Seattle area last month, according to records released by the groups involved in the effort.

The roughly $98,500 tab, which won’t be reimbursed, could have been much higher — the largest security force in the presidential motorcade, the Washington State Patrol, adjusted its schedules, shifting troopers from regular duties to avoid what would have been an additional $60,000 in overtime.

The single largest overtime tab came from the Bellevue Police Department, which paid $28,817 extra to some 60 officers involved in securing the Hilton Bellevue Hotel, where the president spent the night.

In all, dozens of employees from nine local agencies were involved in security for the July 24-25 visit, Obama’s sixth to the state as president. Although the Secret Service coordinated the protection effort, local agencies also had to spend hours helping to craft a 72-page incident plan, officials said.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamabastic !!

bhos is no gentleman.
bhos is not charitable towards his church.
bhos is cheap.
bhos is rude.
bhos is not very smart.
bhos is constantly mixing up facts.
bhos does not understand our military forces .
bhos thinks the flotus needs to be paid , just for being his wife.
bhos claims that mentioning his kids is off limits expect for him.
bhos is running not on his record , but still blaming others for his failures.
bhos is not making any friends by skipping out on these security obligations.

Ya, just what this country needs another 4 years of decline.


golden ticket member
Thanks, but no thanks?

From NY Post:
WASHINGTON — President Obama turned down a chance to have Timothy Cardinal Dolan deliver a prayer at the Democratic National Convention after Dolan told Democrats he would be “grateful” to deliver a blessing in Charlotte.

Dolan — considered the top Catholic official in the nation, as head of the Archdiocese of New York and president of the Conference of Catholic Bishops — tipped off Democrats a few weeks ago that he had agreed to deliver the prime-time benediction at the Republican convention in Tampa next week, Dolan’s spokesman Joseph Zwilling told The Post.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

From The NY Times :
[h=2]Obama has millions of fake Twitter followers[/h]
A new Web tool has determined that 70% of Obama's crowd includes "fake followers," The New York Times reports in a story about how Twitter followers can be purchased.
"The practice has become so widespread that StatusPeople, a social media management company in London, released a Web tool last month called the Fake Follower Check that it says can ascertain how many fake followers you and your friends have," the Times reports.
"Fake accounts tend to follow a lot of people but have few followers," said Rob Waller, a founder of StatusPeople. "We then combine that with a few other metrics to confirm the account is fake."
Notes the Times:
If accurate, the number of fake followers out there is surprising. According to the StatusPeople tool, 71 percent of Lady Gaga's nearly 29 million followers are "fake" or "inactive." So are 70 percent of President Obama's nearly 19 million followers.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

That man that opened fire in NYC was let go in downsizing.......Bain had nothing to do with it, but with the reasoning behind the cancer death of that woman in the ad......Obama was president, the economy tanked, that company had to adjust and downsize , so Obama is responsible for this man being let go......and therefore, Obama is responsible for 2 people dying in NYC today!! That should sound reasonable to the Dems.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamabastic !!

But who is to blame for all the people shot by the cops?

And is there any proof that the shooter had consumed a 32oz. soda prior ?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Obama has millions of fake Twitter followers If accurate, the number of fake followers out there is surprising. According to the StatusPeople tool, 71 percent of Lady Gaga's nearly 29 million followers are "fake" or "inactive." So are 70 percent of President Obama's nearly 19 million followers.
Wow, it is all becoming so transparent....He can't be transparent because he is a--"fake"!!--- The problem is that what he is doing and has done to the economy is very real...


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

From Investors Business Daily:
36 Obama aides owe $833,000 in back taxes
Previous reports have shown how well-paid Obama’s White House staff is, with 457 aides pulling down more than $37 million last year. That’s up seven workers and nearly $4 million from the Bush administration’s last year.

Nearly one-third of Obama’s aides make more than $100,000 with 21 being paid the top White House salary of $172,200, each.

The IRS’ 2010 delinquent tax revelations come as part of a required annual agency report on federal employees’ tax compliance. Turns out, an awful lot of folks being paid by taxpayers are not paying their own income taxes.