President Obama!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

What the hell is the difference between giving you a tax cut or giving you a stimilus check If it creates spending like you so simply explained. Republicans are so easily fooled into false security, just give them a few extract bucks back on there taxes and there ok with anything you do. Start wars , triple the deficit, do nothing while corporate greed destroys the worlds economy. Everything is sunny in your mind because you got a bigger tax refund. How simple minded is that?

While I have no statistics to prove this. I think tax cuts stimulate and tend to get reinvested and a refund tends to get spent foolishly. Corporate greed doesn't destroy the economy, terrible oversight does. Rules are only as good as their enforcement. If we would have checked into freddy and fannny back in 2004, we probably could have started fixing things before problems arose. We had evidence of accounting fraud back then. On a positive note, I do believe today is a good day to short the hell out of the market.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Give me a break, how can you blame this friggen mess on Obama? This is all Bush's mess, Obama is just here to clean it up. Sorry if the employment is the last thing to come back from the worst recession since the great depression but for this economy to be this much better off than a year ago is amazing to say the least.

Sorry the economy is only less bad than a year ago. unemployment is much worse than it was a year ago. We will not get better until we bottom. We haven't bottomed yet. Obama keeps talking about the worst recession since the great depression, But hasn't planned ahead. Jobs should have been number one priority after the bank stress tests. But who will hire in this anti-prosperity environment?


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

the only growing sector is the government.
with all the increased programs , the government will need countless more to push for even more programs, quite an endless cycle.
With the lastest reports that more unionized workers are in the public sector.
These unions will require the government to increase their wages & benefits thus starting an endless cycle of increases in taxes to pay for all their desires.
Thus in the long run ,everyone loses.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

While I have no statistics to prove this. I think tax cuts stimulate and tend to get reinvested and a refund tends to get spent foolishly. Corporate greed doesn't destroy the economy, terrible oversight does. Rules are only as good as their enforcement. If we would have checked into freddy and fannny back in 2004, we probably could have started fixing things before problems arose. We had evidence of accounting fraud back then. On a positive note, I do believe today is a good day to short the hell out of the market.
Tax refund or tax cut is all the same, money given to you by the government. Corporate greed is exactly what destroyed the economy, the securities fraud that took place was just that, corporate greed at its ugliest.Freddy and Fanny were just instruments in the fraud by the greedy executives. short the market? I hope you are one of the same people that did that when Obama was elected. I made a lot of money last year.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Tax refund or tax cut is all the same, money given to you by the government. Corporate greed is exactly what destroyed the economy, the securities fraud that took place was just that, corporate greed at its ugliest.Freddy and Fanny were just instruments in the fraud by the greedy executives. short the market? I hope you are one of the same people that did that when Obama was elected. I made a lot of money last year.

The thing with fnm and fre is the democrats were protecting one of their own.
The difference is that the poor typically don't invest into their future. They tend to say "sweet, a new big screen tv" and their money is gone. If I got a tax cut on my 2009 taxes. (My 2009 tax bill is about 27,000) I would probably buy a new or newer car, give more to the food bank (charity), and purchase another house. I did ok last year. In and out of FAZ twice today for a 1300 gain.


Re: Obamanation here today

Bush was the worst president in history and I'm the one who is brainwashed. You voted for Nixon too I bet.

Oh yea? I know your president sucks but what about mine!!!!

you're little pout is funny too watch. No matter how much you try to distract me your president and the economy still sucks.


Re: Obamanation here today

Sorry the economy is only less bad than a year ago. unemployment is much worse than it was a year ago. We will not get better until we bottom. We haven't bottomed yet. Obama keeps talking about the worst recession since the great depression, But hasn't planned ahead. Jobs should have been number one priority after the bank stress tests. But who will hire in this anti-prosperity environment?

89 the sad thing is that the government caused this crash by excessively trying to manipulate the real estate results. Our liberal friends have not learned anything and now want us to support more government tinkering with the economy.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

89 the sad thing is that the government caused this crash by excessively trying to manipulate the real estate results. Our liberal friends have not learned anything and now want us to support more government tinkering with the economy.

How do you get that? Corporate greed is behind it totally. Bonuses and pay at big banks are so out of control that they created these securities and allowed any person no matter what there income was to get a loan so that they could get bigger boneses. What don't you understand about that? Fanny and Freddy were just instruments for that greed.


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

"Money *given* to you by the government". Well my Liberal friend, where did the government get this money they're giving us?
Duh. They printed it. Then they put it into circulation. From one transaction to another a portion was sent back in the form of taxes which then went to pay for social services, roads, bridges, fire departments, police forces. Now the expenditure of such funds was such that others would receive compensation and use said funds in the course of economic activity thus again creating tax revenue and profits for the companies providing goods and services. But should one insist upon the least common denominator, yes, the U.S. Treasury owns the money. Don't feel too bad though, it's only really debt that they own.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

I swore I wasn't going to, but I watched the speech tonight. Obama was talkin' out his rear!!

He didn't move an inch to the middle and is still pushing that damn healthcare !!

For a year he has stuck to his guns and it hasn't worked and he's still sticking to his guns.......AND he sounded like he was still campaigning.

He basically made us aware of huge differences between the parties. He complained about "Washington", but for the past year he and his Dem. majority have been"Washington".

What a waste of an hour and 20 mins. The New Adventures of Old Christine would've been more educational. :dead:


Re: Obamanation here today

Good news. Looks like we have a new president named Obama that is running against the old president named Obama. Goofy speech. The new president just discovered that we have an unemployment problem and wants a bill on his deak to create jobs. Should have the libs gushing with joy. ROFLMAO


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

I would rather be brainwashed by Obama then to be hypnotized by Rush and vote for some idiot like Bush, Twice.

Known facts: John Kerry ran against Bush and their school records are part of the public records{ Bush got better grades } and Bush was trained as a military pilot.
Unfortunately no one has ever seen any school records for barry so no one can actually say just how smart he is. Other than his constant use of the word "I " in his speeches { I think the record is 132 times in one speech } not much is known about his intelligence.


Re: Obamanation here today

god does not undergo the same scrutiny that everyone else does. There is an arrogance with this guy that is second to none.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Known facts: John Kerry ran against Bush and their school records are part of the public records{ Bush got better grades } and Bush was trained as a military pilot.
Unfortunately no one has ever seen any school records for barry so no one can actually say just how smart he is. Other than his constant use of the word "I " in his speeches { I think the record is 132 times in one speech } not much is known about his intelligence.

But he has no common sense. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. maroon, the war is still going.