President Obama!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Pretty pathetic when the only people distorting our presidents face and being totally disrespectful to our leader is not Iran or Yemen or Korea but some depressing Republican die hard from Cali. You don't see other countries burning effigy's of Obama like they did with Bush.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

I heard this was the case also Upstate. You gotta wonder why some people would post just half the story. IMO just to pile on bad news to the Obama Administration.....

Here, your bad news just got better or should we say badder!:biting:

Go here to get your full story from the N.Y. Times.:sick:

Layoffs Spread to More Sectors of the Economy

Furloughs, wage reductions, hiring freezes and shorter hours simply did not do enough. A year into this recession, companies across the board are resorting to mass job cuts.

Home Depot, Caterpillar, Sprint Nextel and at least eight other companies announced on Monday they would cut more than 75,000 jobs in the United States and around the world — a gloomy start to the workweek for employees anxious about holding their own as the economy sinks. Caterpillar, the maker of heavy equipment, is slashing its payrolls by 16 percent. Texas Instruments said late in the day that it would eliminate 3,400 jobs, or 12 percent of its work force.

Monday’s parade of negative news comes after months of announcements from other prominent companies like Citigroup, General Electric, Nokia and Harley-Davidson.

“The economy is deteriorating at a faster clip than even the most dreary forecasts had expected,” said Joseph Brusuelas, an economist who, bucking the current job market trend, will soon start a new job at Moody’s

Reality sucks but I guess I'm just piling on Obama!:surprised:
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Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Give me a break, how can you blame this friggen mess on Obama? This is all Bush's mess, Obama is just here to clean it up. Sorry if the employment is the last thing to come back from the worst recession since the great depression but for this economy to be this much better off than a year ago is amazing to say the least.


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

Hahaha!!!! Oh yeah, and like Obama said, it's Bushs fault Scott Brown won the Mass election!!!

God, it's getting a little old blaming Bush for everything. Is Obama EVER going to take any responsibility for anything???? I'm sick of his whining and crying about everything being Bushs fault. Time to man-up, Barry!!!!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

I thought it was a mistake for Obama to try Health care reform at this time also. What does Helth care reform have to do with this economy and the way it is turning around so fast?


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

Give me a break, how can you blame this friggen mess on Obama? This is all Bush's mess, Obama is just here to clean it up. Sorry if the employment is the last thing to come back from the worst recession since the great depression but for this economy to be this much better off than a year ago is amazing to say the least.

I merely reported reality about the continued loss of jobs and you brought up some blame game theory...Why are you so protective of Obama, he's just another politician!:wink2:


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Give me a break, how can you blame this friggen mess on Obama? This is all Bush's mess, Obama is just here to clean it up. Sorry if the employment is the last thing to come back from the worst recession since the great depression but for this economy to be this much better off than a year ago is amazing to say the least.

The subject of who caused the current economic crisis has been beaten to death --even diesel and I can agree , many ,many politicians for many many years to blame. It totally collapsed under Bush's last year.
It is now Obama's JOB to stop whining and fix it.

You seem to have a very short memory --at the end of the Clinton Administration the dot com ecomomy ballon burst --to make matters much worse in the beginning of the Bush Presidency we had the sept 11th
devastation -another serious hit on the economy.
Instead of Bush whining about "inheriting" a mess --He cut all of our taxes by five to seven % -did not go on a wild spending spree --stimulated the economy by letting the American people spend more of their own money -kept unemployment at the 5% mark.
Time for the most powerful man in the world to step up --Obama has been in office for over one year --it is his problem to solve --holding "job Summits" does not cut it --- STOP the whining and fix the problem !!!

P.S. If the Bush Tax Cuts were so bad and has hurt the economy as Obama whines about --WHY has the totally controlled Democrat government not repealed the cuts instead of waiting to the end of this year.
Do you know why ??? Because if and when the BUSH tax cuts expire --it will further contract the economy (less money to spend) raise unemployment and again reduce --not raise-- tax revenue !!!:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Bush was nothing more than a lame duck president. He did nothing for the economy but he did give tax breaks for mostly the rich while corporate greed went through the roof knocking on poor peoples doors asking them if they wanted to morgage there house for twice what it was worth so they could have a new car like there neighbor. Yeah, thats a strong economy. Wrong , its a false economy and it just about caused the world economy to implode in on its self.
Bush was to busy starting a war with the wrong enemy to worry about all that stuff.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Bush was nothing more than a lame duck president. He did nothing for the economy but he did give tax breaks for mostly the rich while corporate greed went through the roof knocking on poor peoples doors asking them if they wanted to morgage there house for twice what it was worth so they could have a new car like there neighbor. Yeah, thats a strong economy. Wrong , its a false economy and it just about caused the world economy to implode in on its self.
Bush was to busy starting a war with the wrong enemy to worry about all that stuff.


????????????????? --I do not know what position you have at UPS -and I really do not care.
But if you are a driver you 5 % tax reduction
under Bush is somewhere around three thousand dollars a year --pretty good !!

If you are making a million dollars --your 5% tax reduction is about 50,000 --really good !!

Your total paid federal tax as a driver is about 6,000 dollars --high ???

If you are a millionaire your fed tax paid is 350,000 --Please stop the class warfare -----many ,many of the rich have worked very hard for what they have ----and are way overtaxed ---they pay in Tax what you can only dream about ---you should be more thankful toward them !!!!:sad-little:
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Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

So, is Obama suppose to cut taxes even as we struggle to pay for a war that will never end? Typical Republican, the only thing your concerned with is how much tax you pay but you want our country to destroy every country that looks at us wrong.


Re: Obamanation here today

So, is Obama suppose to cut taxes even as we struggle to pay for a war that will never end? Typical Republican, the only thing your concerned with is how much tax you pay but you want our country to destroy every country that looks at us wrong.

typical liberal response raise taxes on people who are hurting financially.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

So, is Obama suppose to cut taxes even as we struggle to pay for a war that will never end? Typical Republican, the only thing your concerned with is how much tax you pay but you want our country to destroy every country that looks at us wrong.

Lets see if I can explain it so simply --you can even understand it. This year you will have about 3,000 dollars more that next year because of the Bush tax cuts.
When you go to the Mall or the Movies or buy clothes or whatever --the more money you , the poor and the rich have to spend --the more business grows,the more people they hire, the more packages are shipped, the more the economy expands --not contracts--the more the economy grows -the more people are hired -when millions of people are rehired --the govenment makes much more in collecting tax and paying less unemployment.
Simple enough ???

You should take a deep breathe --stop repeating all the left talking points and use a little common sense.
If Obama or any one raises taxes even higher --less money available to be spent --business shrinks --lay off more people --unemployment goes up --less people paying taxes --SEE it is not that difficult !!!

Again if the solution is HIGHER taxes WHY has Obama not eliminated the Bush tax cuts --instead of just whining about them ?????:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

What the hell is the difference between giving you a tax cut or giving you a stimilus check If it creates spending like you so simply explained. Republicans are so easily fooled into false security, just give them a few extract bucks back on there taxes and there ok with anything you do. Start wars , triple the deficit, do nothing while corporate greed destroys the worlds economy. Everything is sunny in your mind because you got a bigger tax refund. How simple minded is that?


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

I've finally figured out the whole world !! We live among idiots and they're allowed to drive, breed and vote !!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

What the hell is the difference between giving you a tax cut or giving you a stimilus check If it creates spending like you so simply explained. Republicans are so easily fooled into false security, just give them a few extract bucks back on there taxes and there ok with anything you do. Start wars , triple the deficit, do nothing while corporate greed destroys the worlds economy. Everything is sunny in your mind because you got a bigger tax refund. How simple minded is that?

You continue to rant and will not answer a simple question. I will try to ask once again.

According to your argument -taxes should be higher --Why has Obama not cancelled the Bush tax cuts this year --if they have hurt us so much and are so bad ??????? Simple enough ???

Also --related to this --if the wars are so so bad --why are we still over there one year later --why has Obama sent THOUSANDS of more troops ???? Why not pull them all out ?????
Also -since you are willing to give the government an extra 3,000 dollars you work so hard for ---will you pay my taxes also !!!! :happy-very:


Re: Obamanation here today

Give me a break, how can you blame this friggen mess on Obama? This is all Bush's mess, Obama is just here to clean it up. Sorry if the employment is the last thing to come back from the worst recession since the great depression but for this economy to be this much better off than a year ago is amazing to say the least.

ROFLMAO my they have you brainwashed with all the fairy tales.


Re: Obamanation here today

Bush was nothing more than a lame duck president. He did nothing for the economy but he did give tax breaks for mostly the rich while corporate greed went through the roof knocking on poor peoples doors asking them if they wanted to morgage there house for twice what it was worth so they could have a new car like there neighbor. Yeah, thats a strong economy. Wrong , its a false economy and it just about caused the world economy to implode in on its self.
Bush was to busy starting a war with the wrong enemy to worry about all that stuff.

Roflmao you have been permanently brainwashed.