President Obama!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

The best parts of the speech were......Harry Reid caught yawning in the gallery and San Fran Nan doing her jumping jacks!! I would put my knee out if I tried standing while clapping for 87 times.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

But he has no common sense. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. maroon, the war is still going.

Which war?

The war in Iraq
The war in Afghanistan
The war on business
The war against the other party
The war of the classes
The war on health care

I have never seen the country so divided before. By the way, obama sounded good last night. Although he wants a slow drug out recovery and talked a lot about campaign promises that he hasn't acted on. Very sceptical about jobs being number one. And when he talked about trust........right.


Re: Obamanation here today

The best parts of the speech were......Harry Reid caught yawning in the gallery and San Fran Nan doing her jumping jacks!! I would put my knee out if I tried standing while clapping for 87 times.

no goose stepping nazi ever did better.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

I liked it when the Republicans were forced to stand and clap. At first they just sat there and wouldn't move but when Obama started proposing tax cuts for business and how in order to get the deficit down we can't do what we have done for the last eight years because thats were 11 trillion of the deficit came from.


Re: Obamanation here today

that was a curve ball for them.

Kind of like an atheist saying he loved jesus.

they knew he was full of crap but had to reluctantly stand to support the concept of a tax and spend liberal setting new spending records now seeking tax cut salvation.
they sat there because they waited for him to finish with a "not" on the end of that line.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

I liked it when the Republicans were forced to stand and clap. At first they just sat there and wouldn't move but when Obama started proposing tax cuts for business and how in order to get the deficit down we can't do what we have done for the last eight years because thats were 11 trillion of the deficit came from.
I was wondering about that "the last eight years" line, { seven with Bush & one with barry }, trying to blame it all on Bush does not work anymore. He admitted that his lack of knowledge is showing.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Chris Matthews is an IDIOT !!! .................

NEW YORK – MSNBC's Chris Matthews says President Barack Obama has done so much to heal racial divisions that he "forgot he was black" while watching his State of the Union address.
Those four words — "forgot he was black" — so instantly set the Twitter world afire that Matthews came back less than 90 minutes later Wednesday night to explain what he meant.
The MSNBC commentator said it was noteworthy to him that a black president was addressing a room of mostly white people and how it didn't seem to be an issue. He said he saw it in the context of growing up at a time racial divisions were ever-present.
Says Matthews: "I went in the room tonight, you could feel it wasn't there tonight and that takes leadership on his part, to get us beyond those divisions."


Re: Obamanation here today

I was wondering about that "the last eight years" line, { seven with Bush & one with barry }, trying to blame it all on Bush does not work anymore. He admitted that his lack of knowledge is showing.

it never ceases to amaze me that
1) Obama/ congress do not believe they were in leadership positions the last 8 years.
2) that the press never call them on the fact they were running congress.


Re: Obamanation here today

Chris Matthews is an IDIOT !!! .................

NEW YORK – MSNBC's Chris Matthews says President Barack Obama has done so much to heal racial divisions that he "forgot he was black" while watching his State of the Union address.
Those four words — "forgot he was black" — so instantly set the Twitter world afire that Matthews came back less than 90 minutes later Wednesday night to explain what he meant.
The MSNBC commentator said it was noteworthy to him that a black president was addressing a room of mostly white people and how it didn't seem to be an issue. He said he saw it in the context of growing up at a time racial divisions were ever-present.
Says Matthews: "I went in the room tonight, you could feel it wasn't there tonight and that takes leadership on his part, to get us beyond those divisions."

mathews could make a groupie look comatose.



golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Did I hear right or did I dream it?? Pay the Taliban a hundred million a year to re train the Taliban foot soldiers with jobs so we can get out of Afghanistan !! HUH ??? Who's bright idea was this??


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

With no fanfare and little notice, the national debt has grown by more than $4 trillion during George W. Bush’s presidency.

It’s the biggest increase under any president in U.S history.

On the day President Bush took office, the national debt stood at $5.727 trillion. The latest number from the Treasury Department shows the national debt now stands at more than $9.849 trillion. That’s a 71.9 percent increase on Mr. Bush’s watch.

The bailout plan now pending in Congress could add hundreds of billions of dollars to the national debt – though President Bush said this morning he expects that over time, “much if not all” of the bailout money “will be paid back.”

But the government is taking no chances. Buried deep in the hundred pages of bailout legislation is a provision that would raise the statutory ceiling on the national debt to $11.315 trillion. It’ll be the 7th time the debt limit has been raised during this administration. In fact it was just two months ago, on July 30, that President Bush signed the Housing and Economic Recovery Act, which contained a provision raising the debt ceiling to $10.615 trillion.

How soon your narrow minds forget. This is Bush's mess.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

And as a US Senator barry voted "yes" to all these increases.
So in reality he helped create this mess.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq: Bush’s “big lie” and the crisis of American imperialism

By the editorial board
21 June 2003

More than two months after the US occupation of Baghdad, and three months after the onset of the American invasion, the Bush administration has been unable to produce any evidence that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction. It is increasingly obvious that the entire basis on which the White House and the American media “sold” the war was a lie.
In the months leading up to the war, Bush warned repeatedly that unless the United States invaded Iraq and “disarmed Saddam Hussein,” the Iraqi leader would supply terrorists with chemical, biological and even nuclear weapons to use against the American people. He cited this allegedly imminent threat as the reason for rejecting international law and unleashing the US war machine against a half-starved, impoverished country that has been under economic blockade for more than a decade.
That these claims have proven to be lies hardly comes as a surprise. Even before the conquest of Iraq, the US charges were widely rejected around the world. No government in Europe or the Middle East regarded Iraq as a serious military threat. The UN weapons inspectors had been unable to locate any WMD after months of highly intrusive inspections. Tens of millions of people—the supposed targets of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction—marched in the streets of cities on every continent to denounce the US decision to launch an unprovoked war of aggression.

How about this? Memories of an idiot got wild.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

7 years ago !!! Let's stick with the present. On a 60-40 vote the congress raised the debt ceiling allowing the government to go $1.9 trillion deeper in debt.our today. Straight down party lines. Spend, spend, spend is the mantra of the 59.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

7 years ago !!! Let's stick with the present. On a 60-40 vote the congress raised the debt ceiling allowing the government to go $1.9 trillion deeper in debt.our today. Straight down party lines. Spend, spend, spend is the mantra of the 59.
Democrats and Republicans alike share responsibility for running up the debt, but it falls upon Democrats to pass the measure since they control the government. It makes no difference that Republicans routinely backed increases in the debt when former President George W. Bush was in office.
Republicans blame recent generous spending bills enacted by the Democratic-controlled Congress for driving up the debt. Those measures, however, are just one relatively small part of the problem. The far bigger element is a sharp drop-off in tax revenues because of the recession and the economy’s slow recovery, as well as higher costs, since more people are taking unemployment benefits and food stamps in tough times.
As part of the debt ceiling bill, the Senate will also vote on new budget rules that would make Congress cover any increases in government benefits with either a corresponding tax increase, spending cuts elsewhere or a combination of the two. The same would apply for new tax cuts, such as the tax credit Obama proposed Wednesday night for small businesses that hire more workers. The tax cuts would have to be “paid” for with corresponding spending cuts or increases in other taxes.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., whose own re-election is in danger this fall, reversed course and came out in support of the new rules after moderate “Blue Dog” Democrats in the House insisted on them as condition for passing a new $14.3 trillion debt ceiling.