President Obama!


Staff member
I'm with Bachman when she told the president he should cancel David Letterman show, cancel JayZ and cancel Beyonce and schedule a meeting with Netanyahu.

Yet he has the time to meet with the Muslim Brotherhood. His priorities are misdirected!!
Those people all can vote, Netanyahu can't.


Well-Known Member
I'm getting real tired of Netanyahu.

Maybe he should put on some big-boy pants and stop relying on the US to solve the problems he's creating.

Both Egypt and Israel would become failed states without US funding.

How are we advancing our own interests by giving both nations a free (financial) pass?

And now this guy is jumping on US television saying 'redline with Iran' etc?

Talk about biting the hand that feeds...

And we're going to let this guy dictate our foreign policy, and potentially get us dragged into another 'war of choice' vis-a-vis Iran?



Well-Known Member
Certainly nobody wants to be dragged into another war....But if you woke tomorrow morning to find that Israel disappeared in a cloud of nuclear dust how would you feel for ignoring the warnings? Remember it is the leadership of Iran that has said it would like to wipe Israel off the face of the map, put yourself in their shoes before passing judgment. Furthermore it is Iran whose nuclear program is more than suspect.


Well-Known Member
Certainly nobody wants to be dragged into another war....But if you woke tomorrow morning to find that Israel disappeared in a cloud of nuclear dust how would you feel for ignoring the warnings? Remember it is the leadership of Iran that has said it would like to wipe Israel off the face of the map, put yourself in their shoes before passing judgment. Furthermore it is Iran whose nuclear program is more than suspect.

The saber-rattling is compelling no doubt, but:

There is NO WAY IN THE WORLD that Iran, if they actually developed a NUKE, would use said NUKE on Israel. They would be committing literal suicide.

It's great for the Khomeini's to stir up public sentiment against the west:

It makes great TV, it grabs headlines, and it stirs the 'base' (sound familiar?)


If Iran got their own NUKE, and used it against Israel, the western world WOULD WIPE IRAN OFF THE MAP... (I'm pretty sure China and Russia might even help, or at least let us use their air-space).

(The global community is simply not going to tolerate these Nagasaki/Hiroshima-type situations in 2012).


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Certainly nobody wants to be dragged into another war....But if you woke tomorrow morning to find that Israel disappeared in a cloud of nuclear dust how would you feel for ignoring the warnings? Remember it is the leadership of Iran that has said it would like to wipe Israel off the face of the map, put yourself in their shoes before passing judgment. Furthermore it is Iran whose nuclear program is more than suspect.

Given all the tough talk that Israel makes about air strikes and first strikes, if they cant put up, then they should shut up. If they want to shut down IRAN so badly, why wait for the USA? Go for it, and if the repercussions are their eventual elimination, well, at least they went down swinging.

I am personally tired of all the tough guy talk from NET and his trying to suck us into "his" war in the middle east.




Strength through joy

Lue C Fur

Evil member
The saber-rattling is compelling no doubt, but:

There is NO WAY IN THE WORLD that Iran, if they actually developed a NUKE, would use said NUKE on Israel. They would be committing literal suicide.

It's great for the Khomeini's to stir up public sentiment against the west:

It makes great TV, it grabs headlines, and it stirs the 'base' (sound familiar?)


If Iran got their own NUKE, and used it against Israel, the western world WOULD WIPE IRAN OFF THE MAP... (I'm pretty sure China and Russia might even help, or at least let us use their air-space).

(The global community is simply not going to tolerate these Nagasaki/Hiroshima-type situations in 2012).


So your taking a 'Wait and See approach"??? Wait and see if Israel gets blown up and than take action...kinda like how the world did with Hitler when all the signs were there...Hmmmm.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

I just received my tax return for 2011 back from the IRS. It puzzles me!!! They are questioning how many dependents I claimed.

I guess it was because of my response to the question: "List all dependents?" I replied: 12 million illegal immigrants; 3 million crack heads; 42 million unemployed people on food stamps, 2 million people in over 243 prisons; Half of Mexico; and 535 persons in the U.S. House and Senate." 1 useless President.

Evidently, this was NOT an acceptable answer.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll