President Obama!


golden ticket member
The tax will apply to anyone making $23,000 and up......that's even lower than middle class.

And by paying the fine, it does not get you ins. so you are still in violation.


golden ticket member
2010 ??? why do I want a guide when none of this was really was talked about on today's news shows!!
It's 2012 today!!


golden ticket member
bending over backwards for people who hate us....

Update: The AP just picked up the story.
ISLAMABAD (AP) — U.S. Embassy advertisements condemning an anti-Islam video appeared on Pakistani television on Thursday in an attempt to undercut anger against the United States, where the film was produced. Hundreds of youths, however, clashed with security officials as they tried in vain to reach the embassy in Islamabad amid outrage in many countries over the film’s vulgar depiction of the Prophet Muhammad.

The ads reflected efforts by the U.S. government to distance itself from the video in a country where anti-American sentiment already runs high. Violence linked to the movie has left at least 30 people in seven countries dead, including the American ambassador to Libya. Two people have died in protests in Pakistan.
In recent days, the decision by a French satirical magazine to release cartoons crudely depicting the prophet has added to the tension, as may the upcoming issue of the German satirical magazine Titanic. The magazine’s co-editor Martin Sonneborn said it was up to readers to decide whether the cover of an Arab wielding a sword actually depicts the Prophet Muhammad.

Most outrage appears linked to the amateurish movie, which portrays the prophet as a fraud, womanizer and child molester.


Well-Known Member
Just for the record. I will be voting for Obama. I will never vote for romney. Guy will never do anything for me ,I don't make enough money. Just missed the cut of upper class

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Got home @ 930 PM from second job and started eating dinner. My lovley wife had mail for me to read as I sat at the kitchen counter no need to watch TV Phillies were up 8-1 . On Top of the pile was Teamster magazine I scanned through it read the message from Hoffa(by the way I do not believe has ever lifted or delivered a package) Looked at the colorful cover with Romney as the corporate marionette,and read the content within the magazine.I like to see what local's guys get thrown out of 'bringing reproach". anyway back on point... On digesting my dinner and the magazine content with a glass of red wine I came to the conclusion that what the written word of Teamster did not say spoke volumes.The Hoffa message and articles said that Romney was a representative for the elitiest rich and bad for the working man but what was noticibly absent was an overwhelming endorsement for Obama. It struct me and brought to the surface what I already knew in my subconscience that both canidates are not for us. I mean the middle class. Romney wants to abolish unions support big busssiness and either directley or indirectley send more jobs away.Obama wants to give what we already have to the 47 % who don't have and may not deserve so we have less. I work my butt off at 2 jobs ! He also wants kill the unborn and deny God. I came to the conclusion that I have a helluva decesion to make in November....... I think I will pray and ask God for guidance.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

Are you better off today than you were 4 years ago?? WALL STREET IS. The Stock Market Closes At Another Record High Apple is better off today than it was 4 years ago Q The Stock Market Closes At Another Record High Corporations are better today than they were 4 years ago, they just aint giving any of it back to america. Peace TOS
DON'T KID YOURSELF!!!! The stock market is on a sugar high because of QE 1, 2 and newly released QE-3.----QE 3 was just released by Ben Bernanke trying to save Obama's hide and represents a faux economy full of smoke and mirrors..... You just don't get it....Spend, spend, spend, spend, spend, spend all you know.-----How about this----Japan is on QE 8 and going on 20 years: Japan launches QE8 as 20-year slump drags on.----Get---A----Clue----!!! Japan launches QE8 as 20-year slump drags on - Telegraph


Strength through joy


Space Cadet
Certainly nobody wants to be dragged into another war....But if you woke tomorrow morning to find that Israel disappeared in a cloud of nuclear dust how would you feel for ignoring the warnings? Remember it is the leadership of Iran that has said it would like to wipe Israel off the face of the map, put yourself in their shoes before passing judgment. Furthermore it is Iran whose nuclear program is more than suspect.

Israel has enough nuclear weapons that should Iran be so stupid as to nuke it, the entire country of Iran would become a glass parking lot. Not a lot of comfort to the millions of Israelis killed, but Mutual Assured Destruction is still a viable strategy. Talk is cheap from Iran, but actual stupidity is not a characteristic of their REAL power center, which is NOT Ahmadinejad, but the mullahs.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
I have posted my prolife views and my belief in God before in various threads and apparentley the leaders of the Democratic party including it's leader Obama do not share my views. Over a discussion at lunch a friend mentioned that the Catholic clergy would be preaching against Obama care this weekend and its pro-choice content and policies. Well I came back and went on the web to see if that was correct and came accross a stream of pro choice websites ,but at the very bottom was an advertisement for safe abortions to 24 weeks.So I goggled "fetus 24 weeks"I myself would use the term baby,but to be fair I used fetus.Here is the picture that came up:
24 weeks.jpgHow in the world could anybody vote for these people ! How can we so callously disregard the life of the innocent unborn!
24 weeks.jpg


Well-Known Member
I have posted my prolife views and my belief in God before in various threads and apparentley the leaders of the Democratic party including it's leader Obama do not share my views. Over a discussion at lunch a friend mentioned that the Catholic clergy would be preaching against Obama care this weekend and its pro-choice content and policies. Well I came back and went on the web to see if that was correct and came accross a stream of pro choice websites ,but at the very bottom was an advertisement for safe abortions to 24 weeks.So I goggled "fetus 24 weeks"I myself would use the term baby,but to be fair I used fetus.Here is the picture that came up:
View attachment 7505How in the world could anybody vote for these people ! How can we so callously disregard the life of the innocent unborn!
I agree with you. I do not have answers for all those what about questions....
But I agree with your post sir.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
I have posted my prolife views and my belief in God before in various threads and apparentley the leaders of the Democratic party including it's leader Obama do not share my views. Over a discussion at lunch a friend mentioned that the Catholic clergy would be preaching against Obama care this weekend and its pro-choice content and policies. Well I came back and went on the web to see if that was correct and came accross a stream of pro choice websites ,but at the very bottom was an advertisement for safe abortions to 24 weeks.So I goggled "fetus 24 weeks"I myself would use the term baby,but to be fair I used fetus.Here is the picture that came up:
View attachment 7505How in the world could anybody vote for these people ! How can we so callously disregard the life of the innocent unborn!

I understand. Here's the thing, though. Mitt signed off/paid for Tiggs recent set of twins through a surrogate mother. Anyone in the contract had the option of aborting for any reason at any time. I guess it depends on the situation for some.

I'm willing to make abortion illegal if the well being, food, housing, education and medical welfare of every child is guaranteed. Are you willing to take care of the children once they've left the womb?

It's like voter ID, I'm willing to have strict voter ID if you make it mandatory that every citizen be compelled/forced to register to vote. Cash a check? Must be a registered voter or ID'd as a non-citizen. Credit card, same deal. MO at the 7-11? Yep, voter ID or non-citizen. You want to take that route?


Well-Known Member
Israel has enough nuclear weapons that should Iran be so stupid as to nuke it, the entire country of Iran would become a glass parking lot. Not a lot of comfort to the millions of Israelis killed, but Mutual Assured Destruction is still a viable strategy. Talk is cheap from Iran, but actual stupidity is not a characteristic of their REAL power center, which is NOT Ahmadinejad, but the mullahs.
My problem with fundamentalist leaders in the Middle east, that they are the only ones (I am afraid) to takes this "Judgement day" or "end times" seriously by nuking everything.
I mean even if somebody has fundamentalist religious beliefs, nobody can be serious about saying that's what "god" wants in the end times (Jeremiah 50) so that we can prove that a book said so or that's how "god" wants it to be done, so just pray...