President Obama!


Well-Known Member
Now you understand why the DNC eliminated the word GOD from their platform!!!!

Where will it end!?


Who in America, or their right mind, would vote for Obama after they read this?
Obama must really want to be a one term president! The soldiers who wake up in Walter Reed Medical Center are in Maryland, not communist China. But,under the Navy's new rules, they may not know the difference!

After months of peeling away the military's core values, Obama's army is on the move. And this time, it has a high-value target: the Bible.

In a memo obtained by FRC, Navy officials have announced that "no religious items (including Bibles, reading material, and/or artifacts) are allowed to be given away or used during a visit." The new orders are buried in a four-page document about patient care, which an Army officer forwarded to us in disbelief!

Effective immediately, families, friends, and even pastors will have to check their beliefs at the door to visit one of the largest military hospitals in the United States Last night, after we circulated the memo to leaders on the Hill, an outraged Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) took to the House floor and blasted the policy!

"Mr. Speaker, these military men and women who are recovering at Walter Reed and Bethesda have given their all for America! They've defended and taken an oath to the Constitution, and here they are. The people who come to visit them can't bring a religious artifact?They can't bring a Bible? ... A priest can't walk in with the Eucharist and offer communion to a patient who might be on their deathbed because it's prohibited in this memo from the Department of the Navy?"

This is Obama's military, where homosexuality is celebrated and Christianity is censored; where witches are financed and crosses are scorned; where bestiality is embracedand Bibles are banned; where same-sex "weddings" are encouraged but international charity is not! After three years of ideological warfare, the Obama administration's intent is clear: to disarm the military of its biggest weapon…..FAITH!

Regardless of Obama's agenda, there is absolutely nothing in the Constitution that empowers the government to stop family members from giving Bibles or crosses to their loved ones! And from a PR standpoint, I'm not sure the best way to boost approval ratings is by denying comfort to wounded warriors! Unfortunately for our troops, who have endured so much turmoil under the Obama administration, this is another blow!

Hopefully, with the help of Congressman King and others, it's only a temporary one.

Even liberal Snopes says it’s Walter Reed Bible Ban


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Now you understand why the DNC eliminated the word GOD from their platform!!!!

Where will it end!?


Who in America, or their right mind, would vote for Obama after they read this?
Obama must really want to be a one term president! The soldiers who wake up in Walter Reed Medical Center are in Maryland, not communist China. But,under the Navy's new rules, they may not know the difference!

After months of peeling away the military's core values, Obama's army is on the move. And this time, it has a high-value target: the Bible.

In a memo obtained by FRC, Navy officials have announced that "no religious items (including Bibles, reading material, and/or artifacts) are allowed to be given away or used during a visit." The new orders are buried in a four-page document about patient care, which an Army officer forwarded to us in disbelief!

Effective immediately, families, friends, and even pastors will have to check their beliefs at the door to visit one of the largest military hospitals in the United States Last night, after we circulated the memo to leaders on the Hill, an outraged Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) took to the House floor and blasted the policy!

"Mr. Speaker, these military men and women who are recovering at Walter Reed and Bethesda have given their all for America! They've defended and taken an oath to the Constitution, and here they are. The people who come to visit them can't bring a religious artifact?They can't bring a Bible? ... A priest can't walk in with the Eucharist and offer communion to a patient who might be on their deathbed because it's prohibited in this memo from the Department of the Navy?"

This is Obama's military, where homosexuality is celebrated and Christianity is censored; where witches are financed and crosses are scorned; where bestiality is embracedand Bibles are banned; where same-sex "weddings" are encouraged but international charity is not! After three years of ideological warfare, the Obama administration's intent is clear: to disarm the military of its biggest weapon…..FAITH!

Regardless of Obama's agenda, there is absolutely nothing in the Constitution that empowers the government to stop family members from giving Bibles or crosses to their loved ones! And from a PR standpoint, I'm not sure the best way to boost approval ratings is by denying comfort to wounded warriors! Unfortunately for our troops, who have endured so much turmoil under the Obama administration, this is another blow!

Hopefully, with the help of Congressman King and others, it's only a temporary one.

Even liberal Snopes says it’s Walter Reed Bible Ban

This is ridiculous.

There are many service members of different faiths, and an unconcious service person has a right to be left alone and not forced into a religious ceremony for a faith he may not believe in. Again, CHRISTIANS trying to force everyone into the Christian faith.

Please, separation of church and state.

The founders would bar them as well.




Well-Known Member
Now you understand why the DNC eliminated the word GOD from their platform!!!!
Where will it end!?

My answer it will end when we become "enlightened" until then Jesus/Mohamed and religions in general will take more hits. Interesting times we live in... it's a new... never mind. :D

Tent foil:
On the side note there is more and more purple showing up in awards/news/magazine/different platforms that's going to be matrix pill, blue with red together = purple :D
Like on this "ceremony" the phoenix/fire rises London10-Olympics-Closing-C.jpg


Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanomics

DON'T KID YOURSELF!!!! The stock market is on a sugar high because of QE 1, 2 and newly released QE-3.----QE 3 was just released by Ben Bernanke trying to save Obama's hide and represents a faux economy full of smoke and mirrors..... You just don't get it....Spend, spend, spend, spend, spend, spend all you know.-----How about this----Japan is on QE 8 and going on 20 years: Japan launches QE8 as 20-year slump drags on.----Get---A----Clue----!!! Japan launches QE8 as 20-year slump drags on - Telegraph

Japan has been in a recession forever...and i think they actually lowered their corporate tax rates recently and it has had a positive effect.


bella amicizia
Re: Obamanomics

They need to re-vamp the tax code and worry about our debt. That is our problem. We would get an enormous influx of investment money if we just worry fix those two problems.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

They need to re-vamp the tax code and worry about our debt. That is our problem. We would get an enormous influx of investment money if we just worry fix those two problems.

I would like that!! Here's a plan....(not real numbers!!! Let me repeat that....numbers are not real)

Make the tax return as easy as a postcard. That would do away with most of the IRS and the waste generated there.
Make it simple like what did you earn?
Pay 10 % of that, but only if you make over $20,000.

I made $70,00 (pretend)last year.....10% is $700 and that's all I I can fire my accountant, don't wrack your brain around April 15. No stress!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

I would like that!! Here's a plan....(not real numbers!!! Let me repeat that....numbers are not real)

Make the tax return as easy as a postcard. That would do away with most of the IRS and the waste generated there.
Make it simple like what did you earn?
Pay 10 % of that, but only if you make over $20,000.

I made $70,00 (pretend)last year.....10% is $700 and that's all I I can fire my accountant, don't wrack your brain around April 15. No stress!

Oops, $7000!!!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

She quickly forgets that BUSH apologized for the european cartoon and so did BUSH's state department saying that attacking anothers religion goes beyond the first amendment of our country and should never be allowed.

But, that information isnt convenient right now, so they ignore it.



Talking about ignoring questions. You can't answer simple easy questions about 10 Republicans and Susanna Martinez a Republican HISPANIC who is a well - regarded governor.... HA HA -

Steering away from legitimate questions not only lacks courage, it is downright hypocritical.


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

Talking about ignoring questions. You can't answer simple easy questions about 10 Republicans and Susanna Martinez a Republican HISPANIC who is a well - regarded governor.... HA HA -

Steering away from legitimate questions not only lacks courage, it is downright hypocritical.
Since you bring up the question, I must point out that TOS = moreluck.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member

Nothing in the left wing print media will convince a senior that bull sheet.

Just a few actual circumstances that are personally affecting me is enough to convince me anyone who says that obamacare is good for seniors is full of sheet.

This is UPS insurance changes just this year....

Labcorp will no longer be accepted by Aetna - Go somewhere else to get your blood drawn.

My doctor is charging a fee at the start of each year just to remain a patient - They stated it was because of obamacare.

4 doctors told me they will be retiring by 2014 because of these changes. Less doctors, less allowed procedures, more patients. This sounds great! Can't wait to have a health issue.

Medco has consolidated with some other carrier for Rx and UPS is going to another provider in 2013. ???

It is insulting to listen to those who say that obamacare is GOOD for seniors. You will save money. This is no different than "we have to pass the bill so we can know what is in it!".


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Interesting quote from the article:
“I would like to find out what my government is going to say about this,” said Bill Donohue, president of
the Catholic League. “We have the United States government making apologies and some very critical statements
about the abuse of freedom of speech because it might offend Muslims.”

Donohue said the Obama administration seems to have a double standard when it comes to incidents that
might offend the Christian community.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

She quickly forgets that BUSH apologized for the european cartoon and so did BUSH's state department saying that attacking anothers religion goes beyond the first amendment of our country and should never be allowed.

But, that information isnt convenient right now, so they ignore it.


If he / or the WH inferred this, or our State Department said this, then they are just as wrong.
I will not research it.

Both are wrong.


Staff member
I find it insulting that seniors are all about protecting their own and screw everyone else. Maybe it is bad for some and maybe it is better for the majority. Either way, nobody has to be convinced of anything. It's law. My guess is that overall patients will see little overall change.


golden ticket member
Yeah, I'm on Medicare and fell into the donut hole and one of my regular sugar medicines that I pay $20-30 for, I was quoted $342 !!! Yes, I'm selfish wanting to protect my $$$ !!!