President Obama!


Staff member
Yeah, I'm on Medicare and fell into the donut hole and one of my regular sugar medicines that I pay $20-30 for, I was quoted $342 !!! Yes, I'm selfish wanting to protect my $$$ !!!

I almost had the sniffles for you and the hammer but couldn't find it in the me. Just like I said. Probably sucks for a few better for most.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today



Strength through joy
Obama's phantom presence
Exclusive: Andrea Shea King discovers president's 'followers' are fake
How do we know that? By using an app developed by Status People. It’s called “Fakers App,” and more than 150,000 people have already used it to find out what their follower quality is.
Status People also have developed a Fakers Dashboard you can use – for a nominal fee – that tells you how many of your Twitter followers and those of five other Twitter account holders are fake, inactive or good. For example, my Twitter account @RadioPatriot shows that 2 percent of my followers are fake, 12 percent are inactive, and 86 percent are good.
So I ran a test on Obama’s Twitter handle, @BarackObama. The result? Of his 20,014,187 followers, 32 percent are fake, 40 percent are inactive and only 28 percent are good.
So who’s really reading Obama’s tweets? His base? His campaign war room worker bees?
Go ahead and plug your Twitter handle into this handy app. Once you do, it’ll automatically save your details and update your account.


Strength through joy
President Barack Obama promised that Obamacare would cut family health insurance premiums by $2,500 by the end of the first term--but instead they have risen by $3,000, according to a new Kaiser Family Foundation study cited by Investor’s Business Daily.


golden ticket member
I almost had the sniffles for you and the hammer but couldn't find it in the me. Just like I said. Probably sucks for a few better for most.
So, middle class people don't take any prescriptions? Everyone in Medicare can fall through the donut hole.


Staff member
So, middle class people don't take any prescriptions? Everyone in Medicare can fall through the donut hole.
We'll see. I thought the "donut hole" was caused by Bush's Medicaid part D. I think the big thing that is going to come into effect is that although ruled constitutional via congress' taxing power, the true strength will come through it's ability to regulate interstate commerce between doctors and insurance companies.


golden ticket member
We'll see. I thought the "donut hole" was caused by Bush's Medicaid part D. I think the big thing that is going to come into effect is that although ruled constitutional via congress' taxing power, the true strength will come through it's ability to regulate interstate commerce between doctors and insurance companies.
Sounds like you don't know the dfference between medicAID and mediCARE


Staff member
Sounds like you don't know the dfference between medicAID and mediCARE
True. I do know that I pay about $1000/month for insurance and if everybody else has to pay a little bit more, that works. I'm also not sure I believe the spin you put on things either, so there is that.


golden ticket member
True. I do know that I pay about $1000/month for insurance and if everybody else has to pay a little bit more, that works. I'm also not sure I believe the spin you put on things either, so there is that.

I don't spin things....the fact that I almost fell over at the pharmacy should be proof enough.
If not, too bad.

Like I've mentioned before, before May, we were paying @ $1800 a month for ins. for 2 of us. Since I went on Medicare, mine is reduced and a more comfortable payment. Bob's got about 14 mos. to go. We've had our own ins since 2000 and it started at $300 a month (inluded both) and rose steadily ever since. That's no spin.

To me "spin" means a lie. That's just cruel of you!


Well-Known Member
Ran across this quote today: If you just set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing.-------- Margaret Thatcher

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I find it insulting that seniors are all about protecting their own and screw everyone else. Maybe it is bad for some and maybe it is better for the majority. Either way, nobody has to be convinced of anything. It's law. My guess is that overall patients will see little overall change.

Apparently you have no idea what insulting is! Paying more than your fair share and then having Barry ROB YOU BLIND so he can play Robin hood and steal your money to buy votes is not my idea of being a president of ALL the people.

Liberals are fine with spending other people's money.... not a concept I will ever buy into.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
It is insulting to listen to those who say that obamacare is GOOD for seniors. You will save money. This is no different than "we have to pass the bill so we can know what is in it!".[/QUOTE]

Again with the statement that was NEVER made. You just dont get it.



Susana Martinez - is a HISPANIC Republican Successful Governor. SOOO - kind of a paradox for the hypocrite don't you think? OH! That's right you can't muster up an intelligent thought about this. I hear nothing but crickets chirping. Any comment said would form a true paradox to your belief system! HA! HA! HA!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Here is a link to the 3.8% tax that can be levied through Capital Gains. This does not count any increase in the overall Capital Gains in 2013. There will be a lot less investment in America come 2013. More cause for loss of jobs and a stagnant economy! Thanks Barry.

Check out this brochure with a lot of different scenarios. This should get rid of a lot of misconceptions of how this tax is applied.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Voters don't live in the past and last I looked, Bush isn't running. You act like and Obama behaves like he's not liable for anthing!!


Well-Known Member
Thank you for posting the link. It did clear up a lot of the misconceptions I had. From what I read it is highly unlikely that I will be personally affected by the tax but I can see where it could have a neglible impact on investments.


golden ticket member
Seems Obama has started attending his briefings now.......I just assumed he had been doing that........So the word detached fits him.

Quit looking at poll numbers and look at the economic numbers. Every report that comes out is worse than the last one.
Every single payday, your check goes down. You can't afford another 4 years of him.