President Obama!


Strength through joy
Since we’ve heard it all before, you can’t blame a guy for getting bored and attending to other business:
The Patriot Post.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

Why should I listen to a 54 yrs old singer who flashes her rear quarters and now wants to be considered a British subject ?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Seems Obama has started attending his briefings now.......I just assumed he had been doing that........So the word detached fits him.

Quit looking at poll numbers and look at the economic numbers. Every report that comes out is worse than the last one.
Every single payday, your check goes down. You can't afford another 4 years of him.

Every payday MY CHECK goes UP!... each year since OBAMA has been in office I have made more money. Under Bush, avg 89K, under OBAMA, avg 100K... this year on pace to break 105K.

Dont know how you can make such a statement and apply it to everyone.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanation here today

Fom Madonna a few days ago at one of her concerts:

"Now, it's so amazing and incredible to think that we have an African-American
in the White House …

we have a black Muslim in the White House … it means there is hope in this
country, and Obama is fighting for gay rights, so support the man," Madonna said.

Madonna defends 'black Muslim' Obama endorsement | Music |

Madonna clarifies her statement as IRONIC.

Madonna: Calling Obama a Muslim meant to be "ironic" - Political Hotsheet - CBS News



UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Thank you for posting the link. It did clear up a lot of the misconceptions I had. From what I read it is highly unlikely that I will be personally affected by the tax but I can see where it could have a neglible impact on investments.

Honestly, I think it would be worse if Capital Gains goes up a lot. People forget that Capital Gains is profit that you already paid income taxes on the investment that you are getting taxed 15% on now. Similar to inheritance tax. Your inheritance is what is left over from what your parents or who ever was already taxed and now you are paying a tax on top of already taxed property.

Even with this new 3.8% tax on Obamacare, people will cash out of profits just enough to stay under the threshhold of the tax... This means very little re-investment in businesses meaning no continued growth.

My guess is that you will see a lot of overseas type investments with off shore accounts if CG goes up a lot also.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You must work at the unemployment office, their bussiness is booming

You wish.. UPS is paying top dollar for excessive overtime.. Today, I am on my second lunch at 730pm with 48 stops left. I started at 830am, 8 hours at 32.68 an hour and 5 hours at 48.99 and hour... an easy $507.00 for the day. For the week, Ill break 2000K in package!

Great planning, free money. THANKS OBAMA!



golden ticket member
Honestly, I think it would be worse if Capital Gains goes up a lot. People forget that Capital Gains is profit that you already paid income taxes on the investment that you are getting taxed 15% on now. Similar to inheritance tax. Your inheritance is what is left over from what your parents or who ever was already taxed and now you are paying a tax on top of already taxed property.

Even with this new 3.8% tax on Obamacare, people will cash out of profits just enough to stay under the threshhold of the tax... This means very little re-investment in businesses meaning no continued growth.

My guess is that you will see a lot of overseas type investments with off shore accounts if CG goes up a lot also.

You tried, but he thinks he's not personally affected by illegal immigration too !!!!


Well-Known Member
Every payday MY CHECK goes UP!... each year since OBAMA has been in office I have made more money. Under Bush, avg 89K, under OBAMA, avg 100K... this year on pace to break 105K.

Dont know how you can make such a statement and apply it to everyone.


Let's see...
I don't know how can you credit a president for your paycheck, economy but whatever...
For the check:
You forgot inflation, you actually make less money(purchasing power) then under Bush. :biting:
Here is a calculator for you: let's say you made 89k in 2000, by now with CPI inflation included that would be the same purchasing power as 119k, and thanks to that you even pay more taxes because you made less money this year(common sense), but looks good quantity wise so you got bumped into higher tax bracket, good for you.
Inflation Rate Calculator- from


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I think it would be worse if Capital Gains goes up a lot. People forget that Capital Gains is profit that you already paid income taxes on the investment that you are getting taxed 15% on now. Similar to inheritance tax. Your inheritance is what is left over from what your parents or who ever was already taxed and now you are paying a tax on top of already taxed property.

Even with this new 3.8% tax on Obamacare, people will cash out of profits just enough to stay under the threshhold of the tax... This means very little re-investment in businesses meaning no continued growth.

My guess is that you will see a lot of overseas type investments with off shore accounts if CG goes up a lot also.

Thanks for your reply. I still contend that I will never be personally affected, despite what others may think, by this as my home and personal investments are and will be well below the threshold.


Well-Known Member

With all of that overtime I hope you are paying your fair share. Soon you will be a 1% er.

You are WORKING to earn that money and most likely working very hard --nothing like giving a bigger share to the generational non-producers --yes I said it the "takers" .

Part two coming soon to a theatre near you --Atlas shrugged:happy-very:


Staff member

With all of that overtime I hope you are paying your fair share. Soon you will be a 1% er.

You are WORKING to earn that money and most likely working very hard --nothing like giving a bigger share to the generational non-producers --yes I said it the "takers" .

Part two coming soon to a theatre near you --Atlas shrugged:happy-very:
Especially those damn deployed troops, eh?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

With all of that overtime I hope you are paying your fair share. Soon you will be a 1% er.

You are WORKING to earn that money and most likely working very hard --nothing like giving a bigger share to the generational non-producers --yes I said it the "takers" .

Part two coming soon to a theatre near you --Atlas shrugged:happy-very:

As you laugh at your humorous intellect, I simply notch you down a peg as I realize that you are insulting our brave men and women who come home to nothing after fighting in wars that YOU supported and I did not only to be missing limbs or suffering from mental problems.

If my Extra overtime gets reduced by deductions for these brave men and women, then I support that wholeheartedly as I recognize that these people served me and my country while I voiced my objections to the mission.

You call them "TAKERS".... I call you ignorant. I call them Patriots.

