President Obama!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

So, if I understand you correctly, you are completely fine writing a check for $7000 every april 15th since there would be NO DEDUCTIONS with a tax rate so low, RIGHT?

$7000 cash right out of your pocket, no complaints, right?



Gee, for once you didn't get it!!!
No problem if everyone else is 10% also
Since you get all that "free money", you should have no problem deductions !!!

And $7000 will be the check I write for E-pipe next week.

If we have to pay 10%, it'll be much much more.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanomics

Gee, for once you didn't get it!!!
No problem if everyone else is 10% also
Since you get all that "free money", you should have no problem deductions !!!

And $7000 will be the check I write for E-pipe next week.

If we have to pay 10%, it'll be much much more.

WHAT? All i asked you is if you are saying you are willing to cut a check to the goverment for $7000 with no complaints since there would be NO deductions with a tax rate of 10%.

Thats all.

YES or NO...

Pretty simple stuff.




golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

WHAT? All i asked you is if you are saying you are willing to cut a check to the goverment for $7000 with no complaints since there would be NO deductions with a tax rate of 10%.

Thats all.

YES or NO...

Pretty simple stuff.


Yeah, because gloating and digging is only one-sided. Boo-hoo


golden ticket member
Thanks for your reply. I still contend that I will never be personally affected, despite what others may think, by this as my home and personal investments are and will be well below the threshold.

The only way you won't be affected is if you keep any cash in your mattress. You talked about "firms" who counsel you on financial matters (forgot who you said)..........they invest your money whether you like it or not.!!


golden ticket member
Thanks for your reply. I still contend that I will never be personally affected, despite what others may think, by this as my home and personal investments are and will be well below the threshold.
You are affected your pension invested? My brother-in-law had a great teacher's union retirement until they went all in on Enron!!
Big mistake!!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

I never in a millions years would have thought there could be a worse president or administration after living through Jimmy Carter's presidency. This was the one president that brought the possibility of a nuclear war to our doorstep. Now we have another threat that is far worse than the peanut farmer ever brought to our nation. God help us!

History will unfortunately show this to be true in the years to come.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
You tried, but he thinks he's not personally affected by illegal immigration too !!!!

People tend to make decisions based on how they perceive how it affects them. If we don't place it high on our list, the importance is not a factor in your opinion. It is why we ask the question - what the heck were they thinking or how could they see it that way!!!

This is why we are all unique individuals. :its_all_good:

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

WHAT? All i asked you is if you are saying you are willing to cut a check to the goverment for $7000 with no complaints since there would be NO deductions with a tax rate of 10%.

Thats all.

YES or NO...

Pretty simple stuff.



"Pretty simple stuff", is 2 questions that I asked you a long time ago and you are afraid to answer. I was trying to find some redeeming good in you .... that you were not an extreme hater.

Pretty simple stuff.... HUH? ! Actually, by not answering the questions you absolutely proved to me my assumption of what kind of individual you really are.


Two points about this article says it all....

1) "" A group of former U.S. intelligence and Special Forces operatives is set to launch a media campaign, including TV ads,"" FORMER, like in LONG AGO, with no INSIGHT on the Usama Rain.

2) ""An Obama campaign official said: “No one in this group is in a position to speak with any authority on these issues and on what impact these leaks might have, and it’s clear they’ve resorted to making things up for purely political reasons.”"

Just another attempt to use swift boat tactics to smear the president. Either way, the public knows how important a decision it was for the president to authorize the successful mission to get Usama Bin Laden, and millions of americans appreciate it.

Maybe 8 years of "smoke em out" would be better for the GOP?

Fahrenheit 911 Clip - George W Bush on Osama bin Laden From 2002 - YouTube



Where is the other part of the video? What was the question asked to Bush?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanation here today

I never in a millions years would have thought there could be a worse president or administration after living through Jimmy Carter's presidency. This was the one president that brought the possibility of a nuclear war to our doorstep. Now we have another threat that is far worse than the peanut farmer ever brought to our nation. God help us!

History will unfortunately show this to be true in the years to come.

How is he worse than Carter?? and please, spare me the talking points you heard on fox, give me some specifics, like , GDP, Interest rates, wall street, retail sales, auto sales, and so on...

SHow us how he is worse than CARTER.

And then when your done scratching your head, ask yourself how the WORSE president in history ( in your opinion) could be wiping the floor with your GOP candidate?

what does that say for MITTENS that he cant beat the "worse president in history" (according to you.)?

How is that line of argument playing out for ya?



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanomics

"Pretty simple stuff", is 2 questions that I asked you a long time ago and you are afraid to answer. I was trying to find some redeeming good in you .... that you were not an extreme hater.

Pretty simple stuff.... HUH? ! Actually, by not answering the questions you absolutely proved to me my assumption of what kind of individual you really are.

For someone who went to the same junior college that I went to, Im embarrased for you. You must have been one of those loadies who skipped class most of the time.




COLIN POWELL once told BUSH and his morons in his cabinet... "in IRAQ, if you break it, you will own it".

He was right. Before our PRE EMPTIVE war with IRAQ, there were no car bombings, no mass murders, no sectarian violence on the streets and NO IEDS being set off...

It wasnt until BUSH BROKE the country that it turned into a chaotic hell for the people of IRAQ.

Dont like it? Too bad, you gave BUSH a pass.



Im glad Suddam is DEAD!

Documented human rights violations 1979–2003

Human rights organizations have documented government-approved executions, acts of torture and rape for decades since Saddam Hussein came to power in 1979 until his fall in 2003.

  • In 2002, a resolution sponsored by the European Union was adopted by the Commission for Human Rights, which stated that there had been no improvement in the human rights crisis in Iraq. The statement condemned President Saddam Hussein's government for its "systematic, widespread and extremely grave violations of human rights and international humanitarian law". The resolution demanded that Iraq immediately put an end to its "summary and arbitrary executions... the use of rape as a political tool and all enforced and involuntary disappearances".[SUP][1][/SUP]

  • Full political participation at the national level was restricted only to members of the Ba'ath Party, which constituted only 8% of the population.

  • Iraqi citizens were not allowed to assemble legally unless it was to express support for the government. The Iraqi government controlled the establishment of political parties, regulated their internal affairs and monitored their activities.

  • Police checkpoints on Iraq's roads and highways prevented ordinary citizens from traveling across the road without government permission and expensive exit visas. Before traveling, an Iraqi citizen had to post collateral. Iraqi females could not travel outside of the country without the escort of a male relative.[SUP][2][/SUP]

  • The activities of citizens living inside Iraq who received money from relatives abroad were closely monitored[SUP][citation needed][/SUP].

  • Halabja poison gas attack:The Halabja poison gas attack occurred in the period 15–19 March 1988 during the Iran–Iraq War when chemical weapons were used by the Iraqi government forces and thousands of civilians in the Iraqi Kurdish town of Halabja were killed.[SUP][3][/SUP]

  • Al-Anfal Campaign: In 1988, the Hussein regime began a campaign of extermination against the Kurdish people living in Northern Iraq. This is known as the Anfal campaign. The campaign was mostly directed at *****e Kurds (Faili Kurds) who sided with Iranians during the Iraq-Iran War. The attacks resulted in the death of at least 50,000 (some reports estimate as many as 182,000) people, many of them women and children. A team of Human Rights Watch investigators determined, after analyzing eighteen tons of captured Iraqi documents, testing soil samples and carrying out interviews with more than 350 witnesses, that the attacks on the Kurdish people were characterized by gross violations of human rights, including mass executions and disappearances of many tens of thousands of noncombatants, widespread use of chemical weapons including Sarin, mustard gas and nerve agents that killed thousands, the arbitrary imprisoning of tens of thousands of women, children, and elderly people for months in conditions of extreme deprivation, forced displacement of hundreds of thousands of villagers after the demolition of their homes, and the wholesale destruction of nearly two thousand villages along with their schools, mosques, farms and power stations.[SUP][3][/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP]

  • In April 1991, after Saddam lost control of Kuwait in the Persian Gulf War, he cracked down ruthlessly against several uprisings in the Kurdish north and the Shia south. His forces committed wholesale massacres and other gross human rights violations against both groups similar to the violations mentioned before. Estimates of deaths during that time range from 20,000 to 100,000 for Kurds, and 60,000 to 130,000 for Shi'ites.[SUP][5][/SUP]

  • In June 1994, the Hussein regime in Iraq established severe penalties, including amputation, branding and the death penalty for criminal offenses such as theft, corruption, currency speculation and military desertion, while government members and Saddam's family members were immune from punishments ranging around these crimes.[SUP][6][/SUP]

  • On March 23, 2003 during the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Iraqi television presented and interviewed prisoners of war on TV, violating the Geneva Convention.

  • Also in April 2003, CNN revealed that it had withheld information about Iraq torturing journalists and Iraqi citizens in the 1990s. According to CNN's chief news executive, the channel had been concerned for the safety not only of its own staff, but also of Iraqi sources and informants, who could expect punishment for speaking freely to reporters. Also according to the executive, "other news organizations were in the same bind."[SUP][7][/SUP]

  • After the 2003 invasion of Iraq, several mass graves were found in Iraq containing several thousand bodies total and more are being uncovered to this day.[SUP][8][/SUP] While most of the dead in the graves were believed to have died in the 1991 uprising against Saddam Hussein, some of them appeared to have died due to executions or died at times other than the 1991 rebellion.

  • Also after the invasion, numerous torture centers were found in security offices and police stations throughout Iraq. The equipment found at these centers typically included hooks for hanging people by the hands for beatings, devices for electric shock and other equipment often found in nations with harsh security services and other authoritarian nations.
'Saddam's Dirty Dozen'

According to officials of the United States State Department, many human rights abuses in Saddam Hussein's Iraq were largely carried out in person or by the orders of Saddam Hussein and eleven other people. The term "Saddam's Dirty Dozen" was coined in October 2002 (from a novel by E.M. Nathanson, later adapted as a film directed by Robert Aldrich) and used by US officials to describe this group. Most members of the group held high positions in the Iraqi government and membership went all the way from Saddam's personal guard to Saddam's sons. The list was used by the Bush Administration to help argue that the 2003 Iraq war was against Saddam Hussein and the Baath Party leadership, rather than against the Iraqi people. The members are:

  • Saddam Hussein (1937–2006), Iraqi President, responsible for many torturings, killings and of ordering the 1988 cleansing of Kurds in Northern Iraq.
  • Qusay Hussein (1966–2003), son of the president, head of the elite Republican Guard, believed to have been chosen by Saddam as his successor.
  • Uday Hussein (1964–2003), son of the president, had a private torture chamber and of the rapes and killings of many women. He was partially paralyzed after a 1996 attempt on his life, and was leader of the paramilitary group Fedayeen Saddam and of the Iraqi media.
  • Taha Yassin Ramadan (1938-2007), Vice-President. He oversaw the mass killings of a Shi'a revolt in 1991, and he was born in Iraqi Kurdistan.
  • Tariq Aziz (b. 1936), Foreign Minister of Iraq, backed up the executions by hanging of political opponents after the revolution of 1968.
  • Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti (1951-2007), Hussein's half brother, leader of the Iraqi secret service, Mukhabarat. He was Iraq's representative to the United Nations in Geneva.
  • Sabawi Ibrahim al-Tikriti (b.?), Hussein's half brother, he was the leader of the Mukhabarat during the 1991 Gulf War. Director of Iraq's general security from 1991 to 1996. He was involved in the 1991 suppression of Kurds.
  • Watban Ibrahim al-Tikriti (b.?), Hussein's half brother, former senior Interior Minister who was also Saddam's presidential adviser. Shot in the leg by Uday Hussein in 1995. He has ordered tortures, rapes, murders and deportations.
  • Ali Hassan al-Majid (1941-2010), Chemical Ali, mastermind behind Saddam's lethal gassing of rebel Kurds in 1988. A first cousin of Saddam Hussein;
  • Izzat Ibrahim ad-Douri (b. 1942), military commander, vice-president of the Revolutionary Command Council and deputy commander in chief of the armed forces during various military campaigns.
  • Aziz Saleh Nuhmah (b. ?), appointed governor of Kuwait from November 1990 to February 1991, ordered looting of stores and rapes of Kuwaiti women during his tenure. Also ordered the destruction of Shi'a holy sites during the 1970s and 1980s as governor of two Iraqi provinces.
  • Mohammed Amza Zubeidi (1938-2005), alias Saddam's shi'a thug, Prime Minister of Iraq from 1991 to 1993 – to have ordered many executions.