President Obama!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

You guys amaze me. Obama had no intention of cutting NASA when he came to office. After the republicans came to office insisting on smaller government, Obama came to the middle and began making cuts including NASA. What did you think would happen when government started cutting costs? And now you want to blame Obama for being bipartisan?!

Other than not being them in name, I never understood the republican ire against Obama. From my POV, Obama was always one of them anyway. See here, here and here.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

You guys amaze me. Obama had no intention of cutting NASA when he came to office. After the republicans came to office insisting on smaller government, Obama came to the middle and began making cuts including NASA. What did you think would happen when government started cutting costs? And now you want to blame Obama for being bipartisan?!

So I'm guessing the blame Bush thing has finally run it's course?


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Hard to say. You bring it up as much as anyone.

I think that is dishonest but I do find it interesting that every failure, and there are many, by this President get blamed on someone else by almost all of his supporters. So the question still stands does this mean you guys are moving past Bush and onto Congress or will you still be stuck on Bush? I have observed that the philosophy isn't one of the buck stops at the top.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

So I'm guessing the blame Bush thing has finally run it's course?

For politicos and naysayers? Pretty much. For historians and longterm thinkers? Probably not but then most of their conclusions are off the popular grid anyway.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Bill Clinton had the same interaction with republicans.

Funny how the global market economy that so-called conservatives or republicans love to crow about came to be as a result from Clinton policies and handiwork.


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

Funny how the global market economy that so-called conservatives or republicans love to crow about came to be as a result from Clinton policies and handiwork.
Yes, but to say so is spiking the ball.


Re: Obamanation here today

Funny how the global market economy that so-called conservatives or republicans love to crow about came to be as a result from Clinton policies and handiwork.

you sure Clinton didnt inherit that?


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

you sure Clinton didnt inherit that?

I'm good with that argument but in making it you'd have to concede that Reagan's de-regulation started under Carter just as the Afghan containment of the USSR did as well. Along with that you'd also have to concede that the deficit spending and foreign policy of Bush continued with Obama. Or you could just embrace hypocrisy like both political parties do now.

WAIT! I'll save you the trouble.

Listen to yourself.

You're welcome.


Re: Obamanation here today

I'm good with that argument but in making it you'd have to concede that Reagan's de-regulation started under Carter just as the Afghan containment of the USSR did as well. Along with that you'd also have to concede that the deficit spending and foreign policy of Bush continued with Obama. Or you could just embrace hypocrisy like both political parties do now.

WAIT! I'll save you the trouble.

You're welcome.

I think it all got inherited from George Washington...there you go...who gets the blame now?


golden ticket member