President Obama!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Obama can do his silly "tax the rich" thing.......and when that's not enough, then what? THEN WHAT, big guy?????


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

Ummmm. I think the plan was to cut Medicare, Medicaid, and defense spending, little girl. That's what "balanced" means. And for the record, again, I think ALL THE BUSH TAX CUTS SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO EXPIRE and put the proceeds toward debt reduction. Within 10 years, problem solved.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Ummmm. I think the plan was to cut Medicare, Medicaid, and defense spending, little girl. That's what "balanced" means. And for the record, again, I think ALL THE BUSH TAX CUTS SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO EXPIRE and put the proceeds toward debt reduction. Within 10 years, problem solved.
But then he would be lying to the middle class about NOT raising their taxes..........oops!

Little girl?? How condescending of you.


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

And for the record, again, I think ALL THE BUSH TAX CUTS SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO EXPIRE and put the proceeds toward debt reduction. Within 10 years, problem solved.

I 95% agree with that. We absolutely HAVE to feel some pain to fix this mess. If we're going to fix this, it's gonna hurt. But there's really no other way. Short term thinking will get us nowhere.

The other 5% of me says "10 years is a lot of pain".


Re: Obamanation here today

Ummmm. I think the plan was to cut Medicare, Medicaid, and defense spending, little girl. That's what "balanced" means. And for the record, again, I think ALL THE BUSH TAX CUTS SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO EXPIRE and put the proceeds toward debt reduction. Within 10 years, problem solved.

There is no such thing as the bush tax cuts...are you referring to the Obama tax cuts? Letting them all go is exactly what REP want...would DOOM the dems in 2014 and 2016.


Re: Obamanation here today

I think if someone was really worried about spending cuts, they definetly would not have rammed Obamacare down our throats!


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

I 95% agree with that. We absolutely HAVE to feel some pain to fix this mess. If we're going to fix this, it's gonna hurt. But there's really no other way. Short term thinking will get us nowhere.

The other 5% of me says "10 years is a lot of pain".
I too do not like the prospect of 10 years of pain. To that 5% of myself I say, "suck it up!" Besides, a year into it, it would feel almost normal.


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

But then he would be lying to the middle class about NOT raising their taxes..........oops!

Little girl?? How condescending of you.

If you feel inclined to call me "big guy", then I shall take whatever liberties I want while addressing you. Within the TOS of course.


Re: Obamanation here today

I too do not like the prospect of 10 years of pain. To that 5% of myself I say, "suck it up!" Besides, a year into it, it would feel almost normal.

and your attitude is the problem


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

That I'm willing to take the pain and persevere through it for the good of the country and future generations? What are you? French?!
"Martyr" popped in my head! I guess I need to stop looking at my 'Lives of the Saints' book.


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

"Martyr" popped in my head! I guess I need to stop looking at my 'Lives of the Saints' book.

Hardly. I guess more conservative than most. WE ran up the credit card and now WE have to pay for it. Maybe if it hurts, we won't put ourselves in that position again. Maybe we will weigh the costs of entitlement programs, wars, tax cuts, etc. Nothing wrong with that.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Hardly. I guess more conservative than most. WE ran up the credit card and now WE have to pay for it. Maybe if it hurts, we won't put ourselves in that position again. Maybe we will weigh the costs of entitlement programs, wars, tax cuts, etc. Nothing wrong with that.
For the past 35 yrs. we have not paid any interest on credit cards......we pay in full when the bill comes, no matter what! It's hard and takes discipline. Let all the others spend themselves into oblivion.


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

For the past 35 yrs. we have not paid any interest on credit cards......we pay in full when the bill comes, no matter what! It's hard and takes discipline. Let all the others spend themselves into oblivion.
We are talking about the national credit card.


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

Time to cut that card in half . And go back to using cash . If the funds aren't there to pay for something , then we need to learn to live without .

Yeah. Like that will ever happen. Banks and every other industry would fold almost over night.