President Obama!



Re: Obamanation here today

Anyone doubt for a second in four years we’ll still be hearing the same thing?
Via Fox News:
President Obama opened his first White House press conference in eight months Wednesday with a familiar refrain: Blame Bush.

Before diving into an explanation of how he wants to avoid the so-called “fiscal cliff” — and imploring House Republicans to approve legislation to raise taxes on high earners — Obama sought to once again remind Americans that he took office, four years ago, during a recession that started with the George W. Bush administration.

“Right now our economy is still recovering from a very deep and damaging crisis, so our top priority has to be jobs and growth,” Obama said. “We’ve got to build on the progress that we’ve made.”

The reminder was a refrain on the campaign trail, and apparently will be part of the rhetorical repertoire going forward in a second term.

When he says build on the progress we have made, he means welfare, poverty, and unemployment...the only things going up!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Isnt that what you have been doing up here for the past 18 months? People died, People lost homes, people lost businesses, people lost family, people lost jobs, people lost everything, and all you can do as a fellow american is cry about politics. and you promoted Obama?

Hey Bro, you came late to the party, you contributed to the Romney hype and you too were WRONG, just like the rest of these guys. Your confidence was laughable at best, and now you want to take a shot at me?





golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

You do realize that this reflects the Hurricaine? Right?


I know it's Sandy !!!!...........but I also know numbers weren't reported if they were going to make Obama look bad. It's the tip of the iceberg!

I don't care "why", because the number is what it is and will always show in history as such.....until next week when they revise it ! Geesh!


Hey Bro, you came late to the party, you contributed to the Romney hype and you too were WRONG, just like the rest of these guys. Your confidence was laughable at best, and now you want to take a shot at me?




Have yet to be wrong about your BRO.


Hey Bro, you came late to the party, you contributed to the Romney hype and you too were WRONG, just like the rest of these guys. Your confidence was laughable at best, and now you want to take a shot at me?




Sorry, those are your words not mine..funny how it resembles whos in office.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
A lot of us didn't want this law to be implemented. But, as it is implemented, what we may find is that Congress will see the actual affects of the law and work to fix it and make it better and more workable.


Staff member
A lot of us didn't want this law to be implemented. But, as it is implemented, what we may find is that Congress will see the actual affects of the law and work to fix it and make it better and more workable.
That's generally what I expect to see happen.


Well-Known Member
In 1972, neoconservative godfather Norman Podhoretz published an article in Commentary magazine promoting “The Idea of a Common Culture.” Neocons opposed to multiculturalism and what they saw as a slippage of “standards” argued that the idea of “one America” could only be saved by public education’s training children uniformly for “entry into the common culture.” Under George W. Bush, that idea became No Child Left Behind, which mandated uniform national standards and testing in public schools. Under Arne Duncan, Obama's Secretary of Education, NCLB was rebranded as Race to the Top and now mandates even stricter compliance to national standards and testing, which many education experts have blamed for the dramatic escalation in the amount of homework that schoolkids, including my son, are forced to do. As Carlos Santana said, our president is "Bush with a tan."

Historian Thaddeus Russell

Arne Duncan on remaining Sec. of Education

As federal control of education grows, the output of their handy work gets worse. The Dept. of Education is nothing more than privatized education for the benefit of special business and union interests. The sooner our education returns to the classical form and the 7 liberal arts, the better we will be.



You predicted an Obama win? Maybe you can define "win" for me. If that's how republicans define winning, are we going to see Romney on the White House lawn trying to be sworn in?

about his record? nobody has been wrong about that.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Now that Obama has been re elected, can we agree that it is the will of the people? Wouldn't it be nice to work together and see what we can do instead of try to tear the country apart?

A true American would do this. Love of country and all...