President Obama!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
He barely squeaked it out !!!


Does math escape your logic on this election?

Romney won 27 states and averaged 7.62 votes per state.

Obama won 23 states and averaged 14.43 votes per state.

And you call that a squeaker?

How do you calculate a squeaker?



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
And worse than the 52% he got last time. That's what I'm saying, the divide has only got..... more even... over time.

The divide "didnt" get larger, the election simply went back to party line voting.

In 2008, the entire country was SICK of BUSH and his policies, and that meant that independents and republicans voted for OBAMA. This is why he had record numbers.

In 2012, those republicans that voted for him were sucked back into the republican column and the votes OBAMA lost were merely GOP votes.

The independent voters still went with Obama, and with less than 35% of the country's voters actually voting, it worked out to about a 50/50 proposition.

Nothing else can be concluded.




Well-Known Member
Actually if you counted all the people legally eligible to have a say (210 million) 75% of the people said no sale.


Strength through joy

Does math escape your logic on this election?

Romney won 27 states and averaged 7.62 votes per state.

Obama won 23 states and averaged 14.43 votes per state.

And you call that a squeaker?

How do you calculate a squeaker?



Your math is wrong 27 + 23 = 50.
who won the other 7 states , that bhos claims to exist.


golden ticket member
50.63% of the popular vote was what Odumbo got......................far from a mandate !!!! Very much a squeaker in my world!!! The people........that's what counts and some day they are going to change that antiquated electoral crud!!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Two More Stimulus-Backed Solar Companies Given $84 Million In Tax Credits Announce Layoffs…

Obama’s got the magic touch, everything he touches turns to crap.
Via Heritage:
A pair of foreign-owned solar companies that benefited from a combined $84 million in Energy Department tax credits have announced they will lay off employees.

One of the companies, German-owned SolarWorld, was integral in the fight for tariffs against the importation of Chinese photovoltaic solar panels. The other, Chinese company SunTech, blamed those tariffs for its own layoffs.

Both companies benefited from the Energy Department’s stimulus-funded Advanced Energy Manufacturing (48C) Tax Credit. The 48C credit is worth up to 30% of the cost of manufacturing qualifying green energy projects.

SolarWorld received a credit worth $82 million, while SunTech’s was worth $2.1 million.
Both companies announced this week that they will shed some employees. SolarWorld, which announced a 47% revenue decline in the third quarter, blamed a potential 37 layoffs at its Oregon plant on “illegal” Chinese trade practices.

SunTech said the U.S. International Trade Commission’s 35.95% tariff on Chinese solar panels was partially responsible for the 50 impending layoffs at its Arizona production facilities.



Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

30% federal tax credit
Two very important laws have gone into effect this past year that have an impact on VELUX products. On October 3, 2008, George W. Bush signed the Emergency Stabilization Act of 2009 that extended the federal income tax credit available for solar-powered energy systems and solar water heating systems. In addition, it expanded the qualifying product requirements.

On February 17, 2009, President Barack Obama signed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), which removed a $2,000 cap on the tax credit for solar products. The net affect of these two bills is a 30-percent tax credit on the purchase and installation of residential solar water heating, photovoltaic equipment, and fuel cell property, with no cap on the amount of the credit. The tax credit applies to all qualifying property installed and placed in service, on or between January 1, 2009 and December 31, 2016.

Velux Solar Products website

I question the motives of people who always and only give Obama all the credit.


Well-Known Member
Proves there is hope for the country after all.
So how is that going for you?