President Obama!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

[h=2]Chutzpah: Obama Calls For “Shared Sacrifice” Weeks Before He Heads Out On Multi-Million Dollar Hawaiian Vacation…
Not the first time Obama’s called for Communist-style “shared sacrifice.”

Via The Hill:
President Obama visited a middle-class family in Virginia on Thursday to underline his call for tax rates to be raised on the wealthy but not the middle class.

Obama reiterated that that he would not sign any legislation that would prevent the wealthiest individuals from paying higher tax rates.

But Obama did once again signal that there’s room to compromise on the looming crisis.

“Everyone is going to have to share in some sacrifice,” Obama said, speaking at a private home in Northern Virginia. “But it starts with folks who are in the best position to sacrifice.

“Just to be clear,” the president reaffirmed while sitting at the family’s kitchen table as television cameras rolled, “I’m not going to sign any package that somehow prevents the top rate from going up, the top 2 percent from going up.”


golden ticket member
Does Obama realize he’s also Commander-in-Chief?
Via Mediaite:
He has the most-watched YouTube video of all-time, an international phenomenon of a mega-hit in “Gangnam Style,” has made appearances on nearly every American morning talk show under the sun from Today to Ellen, and is scheduled to appear at the White House later this month.

It’s safe to say that Korean pop star PSY is now the “most-liked” entertainer on the planet.

It has recently been unearthed in the states, however, that eight years ago, long before achieving this massive stardom, the mega-star rapped about “slowly and painfully” killing American military members and their families.

Some context: since becoming a democracy in the late 80s, South Korea has developed a rich, sometimes over-the-top, tradition of protest. Swarms of Koreans hit the streets to protest everything from free trade agreements to North Korea to Muslim extremism to American troops stationed on their peninsula.

During a 2002 protest concert against the presence of 37,000 American troops in Korea, PSY took the stage in gold face-paint and, with the crowd egging him on, lifted a miniature “American tank” and smashed it on the ground to massive applause.

And then in 2004, a Korean missionary was captured in Iraq by Islamists who demanded that South Korea not send troops to aid America in the war in Iraq.

Seoul refused to negotiate and the missionary was beheaded. The result: massive protests throughout Korea against both Muslim extremism and the U.S. military for indirectly bringing this fate upon a Korean missionary.

As part of the protests, PSY and several other popular Korean musicians put on a live performance of a Korean rock band’s song “Dear American.” When PSY’s turn came, he rapped:
Kill those :censored2: Yankees who have been torturing Iraqi captives
Kill those :censored2: Yankees who ordered them to torture
Kill their daughters, mothers, daughters-in-law and fathers
Kill them all slowly and painfully

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Does Obama realize he’s also Commander-in-Chief?
Via Mediaite:
He has the most-watched YouTube video of all-time, an international phenomenon of a mega-hit in “Gangnam Style,” has made appearances on nearly every American morning talk show under the sun from Today to Ellen, and is scheduled to appear at the White House later this month.

It’s safe to say that Korean pop star PSY is now the “most-liked” entertainer on the planet.

It has recently been unearthed in the states, however, that eight years ago, long before achieving this massive stardom, the mega-star rapped about “slowly and painfully” killing American military members and their families.

Some context: since becoming a democracy in the late 80s, South Korea has developed a rich, sometimes over-the-top, tradition of protest. Swarms of Koreans hit the streets to protest everything from free trade agreements to North Korea to Muslim extremism to American troops stationed on their peninsula.

During a 2002 protest concert against the presence of 37,000 American troops in Korea, PSY took the stage in gold face-paint and, with the crowd egging him on, lifted a miniature “American tank” and smashed it on the ground to massive applause.

And then in 2004, a Korean missionary was captured in Iraq by Islamists who demanded that South Korea not send troops to aid America in the war in Iraq.

Seoul refused to negotiate and the missionary was beheaded. The result: massive protests throughout Korea against both Muslim extremism and the U.S. military for indirectly bringing this fate upon a Korean missionary.

As part of the protests, PSY and several other popular Korean musicians put on a live performance of a Korean rock band’s song “Dear American.” When PSY’s turn came, he rapped:
Kill those :censored2: Yankees who have been torturing Iraqi captives
Kill those :censored2: Yankees who ordered them to torture
Kill their daughters, mothers, daughters-in-law and fathers
Kill them all slowly and painfully

and your problem is?? I thought you were an advocate of free speech? OR does that apply just to yourself?




golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Less relevent......'til you are hungry...........

WASHINGTON (AP) — Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has some harsh words for rural America: It’s “becoming less and less relevant,” he says.

A month after an election that Democrats won even as rural parts of the country voted overwhelmingly Republican, the former Democratic governor of Iowa told farm belt leaders this past week that he’s frustrated with their internecine squabbles and says they need to be more strategic in picking their political fights.
“It’s time for us to have an adult conversation with folks in rural America,” Vilsack said in a speech at a forum sponsored by the Farm Journal. “It’s time for a different thought process here, in my view.”

He said rural America’s biggest assets – the food supply, recreational areas and energy, for example – can be overlooked by people elsewhere as the U.S. population shifts more to cities, their suburbs and exurbs.

“Why is it that we don’t have a farm bill?” Vilsack said. “It isn’t just the differences of policy. It’s the fact that rural America with a shrinking population is becoming less and less relevant to the politics of this country, and we had


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Waste not....want not!!

Putting your hand on some holy book to swear you in should not cost a ton!! He's not new....he's re-elected, so he's already in.

When you and the Hammer were planning your wedding would a civil ceremony down at the courthouse on your lunch hour have sufficed? Would you prefer that he be sworn in the same way LBJ was after JFK was killed?

I agree that the costs associated with the inauguration are absurd but they are in keeping with the dignity of the office.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Actually, it would've saved a lot of fighting among families.....Yes, I would've preferred court house or Vegas over the formal crap. You don't know it all !!!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Psy performed. Apparently burning your bridges is OK as long as you apologize. Why didn't he apologize 6 years ago? Why now? What took him so long? Think he wants to make money in America ??? It's all about the money and our pres. is all about the glitz!!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics



golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

The troll in red sequins (big Liberace fan?) on the left is South Korean rapper PSY.

A sample of PSY’s lyrics:
Kill those :censored2: Yankees who have been torturing Iraqi captives
Kill those :censored2: Yankees who ordered them to torture
Kill their daughters, mothers, daughters-in-law and fathers
Kill them all slowly and painfully


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Via Weekly Standard:
A new poll conducted by Politico/GWU/Battleground finds that 76 percent of Americans favor “Cutting government spending across the board.”

Fifty-nine percent of Americans registered to vote strongly favor the “across the board” cuts and 17 percent “somewhat” favor the cuts. Only 13 percent strongly oppose “across the board” spending cuts, and 10 percent “somewhat” oppose the cuts. Two percent are unsure.

Sixty-five percent of Americans registered to vote are in favor of greater taxes on corporations, while 33 percent are against them. And only 29 percent favor taxing “small businesses that earn more than $250,000, while 69 percent are against these sorts of taxes.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

Spwelling iz hahd.

Via Weekly Standard:
The White House misspelled Santa Claus twice, according to a recent transcript of President Barack Obama’s remarks at the national Christmas tree lighting ceremony.

From the official transcript:

THE PRESIDENT: No, no, no — (laughter) — I just wasn’t sure. I know this program is taped so we can always edit this out. (Laughter.) Was there something else that we were supposed to be singing? Santa Clause Is Coming To Town — that’s what I thought. Let’s hit it!

(Everyone sings “Santa Clause Is Coming To Town.)


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

Via Weekly Standard:
Barack Obama’s reelection campaign sent an email today asking supporters to call Congress to help gather support for the president’s “fiscal cliff” proposal. Then, the campaign asks supporters to donate–even though the election ended over a month ago.

“We know we can affect change in Washington when we raise our voices together. So pick up the phone and make a few calls. Republicans in the House need to hear from their constituents. You can help,” writes former deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter in the email. The email includes a link so that supporters can phone bank on their own from home or where ever.


Staff member
Re: Obamabastic !!

Via Weekly Standard:
Barack Obama’s reelection campaign sent an email today asking supporters to call Congress to help gather support for the president’s “fiscal cliff” proposal. Then, the campaign asks supporters to donate–even though the election ended over a month ago.

“We know we can affect change in Washington when we raise our voices together. So pick up the phone and make a few calls. Republicans in the House need to hear from their constituents. You can help,” writes former deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter in the email. The email includes a link so that supporters can phone bank on their own from home or where ever.

Why should they change the game plan when it works so well?