President Obama!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics


UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

We are starting to see how much Barry has switched to the uber left. This is just the start.

He went to Michigan on 12-10 and emboldened union workers who today went to the state capital and are protesting.

This is a fabricator who has said that he wants the divisiveness to stop. Here is the interpretation..."I want anyone who disagrees with me to get in line. I am in charge and I make the decisions. You don't have a say and you Republicans should roll over and play dead. If you don't, I will squash you like a bug". This is a great way to start his second term.

During the demonstrations and protesting, the union thugs rushed a conservative tent and tore it down with people inside.

Remember Wisconsin??? ...
In 2010 - the 1st termer said that it was a Wisconsin issue...and peddled it softly.

In 2012 - the second termer embolden union members to fight against right-to-work laws. What a difference re-election makes.

Let's not forget that Michigan has a Republican governor and Republican Legislature elected by the people. Barry has interfered with the sovereign powers of the state legislature causing chaos in the capital of Michigan.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

[h=2]75% Of Obama’s Proposed Tax Hikes Go Toward New Spending…[/h]

Don’t worry, he’s not a tax-and-spend liberal.

Via Weekly Standard:
[A]ccording to the minority side of the Senate Budget Committee, $1.2 trillion of the proposed $1.6 trillion in tax hikes would go toward new spending, while only $400 billion would go toward deficit reduction.

“The [president's] plan called for $1.6 trillion in new taxes, twice what the president asked for in the campaign. He asked for $800 billion during the campaign. Now he wants $1.6 trillion in new taxes,” said Senator Jeff Sessions, the ranking member on the Senate Budget Committee, last week on the floor.

“Spending under that plan would increase $1 trillion above the levels agreed to in the Budget Control Act, as signed into law. We agreed to the Budget Control Act 16 months ago, in August 2011, and we raised the debt ceiling and agreed to reduce spending. We raised the debt ceiling $2.1 trillion and agreed to reduce spending $2.1 trillion.

President’s plan would take out over $1.1 trillion of those spending limitations that are in current law. I repeat, spending will increase more than $1 trillion above the already projected growth in spending,” Sessions added.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Via Fox News:
The U.S. budget deficit unexpectedly increased in November, to $172 billion for the month — pushing the country one step closer to the limit on government borrowing.

The Treasury said Wednesday the deficit last month was $22 billion more than the October mark and up from $137 billion in November 2011.

The numbers paint a gloomy picture of the country’s fiscal health and could complicate already delicate negotiations in Washington over tax rates and spending cuts with a deadline looming to to avert a fiscal crisis.
The Treasury said the unexpired jump was the result of a calendar quirk that pulled into November about $33 billion in benefits payments slated for December.

The new number could puts the country on pace to notch its fifth-straight annual deficit over $1 trillion. The government finished the 2012 budget year, which ends Sept. 30, with a deficit of $1.1 trillion.

With the economy and hiring improving a bit, the government is receiving more tax receipts. Overall tax revenue increased 10 percent in the first two months of the budget year to $346 billion. But spending has increased faster, up $87 billion or 16 percent.

The deficit, in simplest terms, is the amount of money the government has to borrow when revenues fall short of expenses. Last year’s deficit was lower than the previous year but still painfully high by historical standards.
Obama’s presidency has coincided with four straight $1 trillion-plus deficits — the first in history and a record he had to vigorously defend during his re-election campaign. He had promised in February 2009 to cut the deficit in half by the end of this first term.


golden ticket member
Via LA Times:

Health insurer Blue Shield of California wants to raise rates as much as 20% for some individual policyholders, prompting calls for the nonprofit to use some of its record-high reserve of $3.9 billion to hold down premiums.
In filings with state regulators, Blue Shield is seeking an average rate increase of 12% for more than 300,000 customers, effective in March, with a maximum increase of 20%.

Some consumer advocates and healthcare economists say Blue Shield shouldn’t be raising rates that high when it has stockpiled so much cash. The company’s surplus is nearly three times as much as the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Assn. requires its member insurers to hold to cover future claims. [...]

The company also expects higher costs from an influx of new customers under the federal healthcare law in 2014.

“It’s a once-in-a-lifetime change in the healthcare market that will bring a lot of volatility, and we need higher reserves for that,” Wagner said.


golden ticket member
I don’t think he could have picked a man with a worse track record on foreign policy.

Via Chicago Sun-Times:
President Barack Obama has chosen Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts to be the next secretary of state, a source has told Sun-Times columnist Michael Sneed.
His replacement as head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee will be Sen. Robert Menendez of New Jersey, the Sneed source said.

This comes on the heels of Thursday’s announcement that U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice had removed herself from the list of candidates to take over from Hillary Clinton. Rice said that what was sure to be a contentious and lengthy approval process took attention away from more pressing problems facing the nation.

Sneed had tipped previously that Kerry is Clinton’s first choice for her old job– and that Obama is interested in U.S. Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska for either secretary of state or defense.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Kerry has over two decades on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. What is the problem? What track record are you speaking of?

Facts please, not some WND tripe.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

[h=2]Obamanomics: Jobless Rates Among Blacks Twice That Of Whites…[/h]

Or as Jamie Foxx called Obama at the BET awards, “our lord and savior.”
Via WaPo:

In the quarter-century that Armentha Cruise has run her Silver Spring staffing firm, the nation has made strides toward racial equality. Voters have twice elected a black president, African Americans shine among Hollywood’s brightest stars, and the number of blacks who graduate from college has tripled.
But this stubborn fact remains: The African American jobless rate is about twice that of whites, a disparity that has barely budged since the government began tracking the data in 1972. In last week’s jobs report, the black unemployment rate was 13.2 percent, while the white rate stood at 6.8 percent. [...]

Recent research also shows immigrants have active networks that help new arrivals navigate the country, and trading information about jobs is an important part of that.

That is one reason that Hispanics — more than a third of whom are foreign born — have lower jobless rates than African Americans despite, on average, having fewer educational credentials.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
The 'I' in the comment was not in the linked news article. Are you plagiarizing someone else?

Do you have original thoughts or just what you are indoctrinated to believe?


golden ticket member
The 'I' in the comment was not in the linked news article. Are you plagiarizing someone else?

Do you have original thoughts or just what you are indoctrinated to believe?
I posted it as it was on WZ. If you don't like the source, put me on ignore. Why do you torture yourself so?