President Obama!


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
I posted it as it was on WZ. If you don't like the source, put me on ignore. Why do you torture yourself so?

I was referring to your post#1220, which is not a WZ link. You clearly stated 'I' in a way that a reasonable person was talking about themselves. Sorry for my misunderstanding.


golden ticket member
Post 1220 is completely copy & pasted from WZ....every word!!!!!!
. I don't lie, so quit accusing me of it... here's the proof.....Complete story from comments by me at all. Satisfied now ??

ZIP | December 15, 2012 1:38 pm | 110 Comments
[h=2]Report: Obama Has Picked John Kerry As His Next Secretary Of State…[/h]

I don’t think he could have picked a man with a worse track record on foreign policy.
Via Chicago Sun-Times:
President Barack Obama has chosen Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts to be the next secretary of state, a source has told Sun-Times columnist Michael Sneed.
His replacement as head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee will be Sen. Robert Menendez of New Jersey, the Sneed source said.
This comes on the heels of Thursday’s announcement that U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice had removed herself from the list of candidates to take over from Hillary Clinton. Rice said that what was sure to be a contentious and lengthy approval process took attention away from more pressing problems facing the nation.
Sneed had tipped previously that Kerry is Clinton’s first choice for her old job– and that Obama is interested in U.S. Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska for either secretary of state or defense.


golden ticket member
It clearly says "I" before the article is posted, as if YOU are making the comment.

I see what he sees.



The "I" was written by the WZ guy....not me. I do not lie !!!

People who write the commentary use the word, "I" because they mean themselves. Go bug someone else!!


golden ticket member
This just in.....Obama is the 4th best president ever !

I was just reading that after 4 years, Obama has been
rated the 4th best president ever:

Reagan and 9 others tied for first,

15 presidents tied for second, and

18 other presidents tied for third.

Obama came in fourth.



golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

[h=2]National Crisis! Obama Delays Hawaiian Vacation…[/h]

Be strong America, we’ll get through this.

Via WHD:
The battle over the fiscal cliff appears to have already delayed the start of President Obama’s annual Hawaii vacation, which was set to begin as early as today.

According to the Hawaii Reporter, officials had informed residents of Oahu that the usual Obama vacation-related restrictions on their travel would go into effect today and last until January 6. The White House has not announced specific vacation plans, though the restrictions are a good indicator of when they were planning to be in Hawaii.

The White House says Obama will be in Washington until at least Thursday – though it lists no specific events – so his vacation is unlikely to begin before then.


golden ticket member
Wonder what the other top 2 priorities are?????????????????

Al Gore’s bank account reportedly ecstatic.

Via The Hill:
President Obama has identified climate change as one of his top three priorities in his second term after coming under fire from environmentalists for giving the issue short shrift during the campaign.

The president, in an interview for TIME’s Person of the Year award, said the economy, immigration, climate change and energy would be at the top of his agenda for the next four years.

Obama said his daughters have influenced his thinking about the need to tackle climate change.

“[O]n an issue like climate change, for example, I think for this country and the world to ask some very tough questions about what are we leaving behind, that weighs on you. And not to mention the fact I think that generation is much more environmentally aware than previous generations,” he told TIME.


golden ticket member
Questionable tastes.........pick an American talent to emulate!!

Obama Says He Does “Gangnam Style” Around White House…


Via Daily Mail:
The President has admitted that he loves the PSY track Gangnam Style, much to his two daughters’ embarrassment.

In an interview with People, Barack Obama says he does the South Korean rapper’s infamous dance at home in the White House, with the sole purpose of winding up Malia, 14 and Sasha, 11.

He tells the new issue of the magazine: ‘They’re cooler than I am. There are things I like that they think are cheesy, like Gangnam Style. I love that.’

Even his wife admits it is ‘a little embarrassing’ when he attempts to do the routine – and indeed, he warns the reporter that he won’t be doing any impromptu performances.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

The regime’s propaganda rag of choice.

Via Politico 44:
White House press secretary Jay Carney had a special prop in the West Wing briefing room on Thursday: a copy of the latest Time Magazine featuring President Obama on the cover.

“The Time ‘Person of the Year,” Carney said, smiling as he held it up. “Excellent magazine.”