President Obama!


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
I didn't know American businesses were limited as to where in the world they could do business??

I thought thinking locally and acting globally was preached by the liberals!!!

I believe that it is 'think globally, act locally.' Pretty much the opposite of what you said. Big surprise.


golden ticket member
Re: President Obama! Liar In Chief !!

If you are so unhappy with my sources....then post the story from your sources.

Oh, I forgot,you are protected from all stories that might show the other side of issues. Doesn't it get hot with your head buried like that


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

[h=2]Oops, Obama Program: “Cash for Clunkers” Actually HURT Economy And Environment[/h]

Everything he touches…
Via Yahoo News
Back in 2009, President Obama’s “Cash for Clunkers” program was supposed to be a boon for the environment and the economy. During a limited time, consumers could trade in an old gas-guzzling used car for up to $4,500 cash back towards the purchase of a fuel-efficient new car. It seemed like a win for everyone: the environment, the gasping auto industry and cash-strapped consumers.

Though almost a million people poured into car dealerships eager to exchange their old jalopies for something shiny and new, recent reports indicate the entire program may have actually hurt the environment far more than it helped.

According to E Magazine, the “Clunkers” program, which is officially known as the Car Allowance Rebates System (CARS), produced tons of unnecessary waste while doing little to curb greenhouse gas emissions.
The program’s first mistake seems to have been its focus on car shredding, instead of car recycling. With 690,000 vehicles traded in, that’s a pretty big mistake.

According to the Automotive Recyclers Association (ARA) , automobiles are almost completely recyclable, down to their engine oil and brake fluid. But many of the “Cash for Clunkers” cars were never sent to recycling facilities. The agency reports that the cars’ engines were instead destroyed by federal mandate, in order to prevent dealers from illicitly reselling the vehicles later.

The remaining parts of each car could then be put up for auction, but program guidelines also required that after 180 days, no matter how much of the car was left, the parts would be sent to a junkyard and shredded.

Shredding vehicles results in its own environmental nightmare. For each ton of metal produced by a shredding facility, roughly 500 pounds of “shredding residue” is also produced, which includes polyurethane foams, metal oxides, glass and dirt.

All totaled, about 4.5 million tons of that residue is already produced on average every year. Where does it go? Right into a landfill.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

[h=2]Oops, Obama Program: “Cash for Clunkers” Actually HURT Economy And Environment[/h]

Everything he touches…
Via Yahoo News
Back in 2009, President Obama’s “Cash for Clunkers” program was supposed to be a boon for the environment and the economy. During a limited time, consumers could trade in an old gas-guzzling used car for up to $4,500 cash back towards the purchase of a fuel-efficient new car. It seemed like a win for everyone: the environment, the gasping auto industry and cash-strapped consumers.

Though almost a million people poured into car dealerships eager to exchange their old jalopies for something shiny and new, recent reports indicate the entire program may have actually hurt the environment far more than it helped.

According to E Magazine, the “Clunkers” program, which is officially known as the Car Allowance Rebates System (CARS), produced tons of unnecessary waste while doing little to curb greenhouse gas emissions.
The program’s first mistake seems to have been its focus on car shredding, instead of car recycling. With 690,000 vehicles traded in, that’s a pretty big mistake.

According to the Automotive Recyclers Association (ARA) , automobiles are almost completely recyclable, down to their engine oil and brake fluid. But many of the “Cash for Clunkers” cars were never sent to recycling facilities. The agency reports that the cars’ engines were instead destroyed by federal mandate, in order to prevent dealers from illicitly reselling the vehicles later.

The remaining parts of each car could then be put up for auction, but program guidelines also required that after 180 days, no matter how much of the car was left, the parts would be sent to a junkyard and shredded.

Shredding vehicles results in its own environmental nightmare. For each ton of metal produced by a shredding facility, roughly 500 pounds of “shredding residue” is also produced, which includes polyurethane foams, metal oxides, glass and dirt.

All totaled, about 4.5 million tons of that residue is already produced on average every year. Where does it go? Right into a landfill.

and they think they can run a healthcare program?????


Got the T-Shirt
Re: Obamanomics



golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

NY Democrat Proposes To Repeal 22nd Amendment, Term Limits on Presidency

It ain’t happening, but the attempt is galling. Hail Obama!

Via Examiner:
… H.J.Res 15 proposes an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the Twenty-second Amendment. This would remove the limitation on the number of terms an individual may serve as President. Rep. José Serrano (D- NY15) introduced the controversial joint resolution on Friday, the second day of the 2013 legislative session.

The last President to serve more than two terms was Franklin D. Roosevelt. Roosevelt served three full terms as President and was elected to a fourth term. Roosevelt died 83 days into his fourth term in office.

Congress passed the Twenty-second Amendment on March 21, 1947. The required number of states ratified it in 1951. There have been numerous attempts to repeal the Twenty-second Amendment, including a previous attempt by Rep. Jose Serrano. Rep. Serrano attempted to repeal the Twenty-second Amendment with H.J.Res. 5 in 2009.

Opponents of H.J.Res. 15 are being urged to inform their representatives of their opinions and to voice their opinion on PopVox


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanomics

Now the question is who's medals did he throw over the WH fence back in the 70's when he was still in the military & protesting against the war ?
Because according to published reports he still has his medals proudly being displayed in his senate office .


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!
Report: Team Obama “Starting To Seriously Worry” About Low Turnout At Inauguration Ceremony…

Via NY Post:
It would be difficult to upstage President Obama’s starry inauguration four years ago where an estimated 1.8 million descended to see Beyoncé,Bono and Bruce perform. But things are so grim this time that Presidential Inaugural Committee members are sweating over the Jan. 21 event, sources say.

The number of inaugural balls this year where the president and Michelle Obama will appear has sharply dwindled from 10 to two. And donors have also dropped, sources say.

“Some on the presidential inaugural committee are starting to seriously worry,” said a political insider. “They’ve dramatically cut the number of balls from 2008 to two, and both will be taking place in the Washington Convention Center.” It will mark the fewest number of official inaugural balls since 1953.

Meanwhile, DC hotels that were booked solid for Obama’s first inauguration have struggled to attract visitors. “Hotels have been slashing prices, and ticket prices to the inaugural events are expected to go down,” said a source, who added, “The committee has been working hard to find benefactors to raise funds.”

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

Most folks don't want to understand economics or the effects. Talk to them about econ and their eyes glaze over. "BORING" ... We can continue to talk until we are blue in the face on the different theories of what is going to happen.

Bottom line- Two things are going to happen when the spending shift hits the brink of no return. Our credit rating will drop and continue to drop over time and we will have no choice but to print oodles of money to pay the interest on our "risky" credit. Rampant inflation will follow.

This is when people will take notice!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

Most folks don't want to understand economics or the effects. Talk to them about econ and their eyes glaze over. "BORING" ... We can continue to talk until we are blue in the face on the different theories of what is going to happen.

Bottom line- Two things are going to happen when the spending shift hits the brink of no return. Our credit rating will drop and continue to drop over time and we will have no choice but to print oodles of money to pay the interest on our "risky" credit. Rampant inflation will follow.

This is when people will take notice!
A voice of reason and reality. We are in trouble as a country, deeeeeeeep trouble.
Yet most do not listen as you have pointed out.
Myself so be it, but as I look into my 6 grandchildern's eye, and see their hope of a future.............