President Obama!


Well-Known Member
"Health insurance companies across the country are seeking and winning double-digit increases in premiums for
some customers, even though one of the biggest objectives of the Obama administration’s health care law was
to stem the rapid rise in insurance costs for consumers.

In California, Aetna is proposing rate increases of as much as 22 percent, Anthem Blue Cross 26 percent and
Blue Shield of California 20 percent for some of those policy holders, according to the insurers’ filings
with the state for 2013."

But I thought the “Affordable Health Care Act” was supposed to make health care affordable?


golden ticket member
Tried to warn people, but they laughed and voted for him anyway!!

Health costs are going to keep rising as Obamacare is enacted until 2020. Don't blame your company........blame the originator of Obamacare.


Staff member
Yeah. But never, ever even think of looking at the insurance companies.
of course it all plays into eventual "tweaking" and tthe eventual creation of a government option and eventual single payer system.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

If Obama ends up doing "executive order" on gun rules......then isn't this rigamarole of meeting with Biden just a big waste of time &money ??


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamabastic !!

Actually, sounds like just about any successful American business CEO.


CEO'S who actually have business plans and BUDGETS. Know how to create wealth, reduce wasteful spending, make significant cuts when necessary and create profits.

Most of those terms are foreign to Obama and the Democrats ---I also wonder what is happening with that jobs committee that Obama formed over a year ago and has never met with ?????


Staff member
Re: Obamabastic !!


CEO'S who actually have business plans and BUDGETS. Know how to create wealth, reduce wasteful spending, make significant cuts when necessary and create profits.

Most of those terms are foreign to Obama and the Democrats ---I also wonder what is happening with that jobs committee that Obama formed over a year ago and has never met with ?????
Like the former CEO of AIG? Yeah. He has a plan alright. LOL.


Staff member
Re: Obamabastic !!

Changing the subject.......typical ploy!!
Where's Obama's budget for the past 4 years???? Not AIG.....OBAMA !!! huh????
I was replying to Island, not changing the subject. And he was replying to me and I was replying to your Al Pacino who exactly was changing the topic?


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

I was replying to Island, not changing the subject. And he was replying to me and I was replying to your Al Pacino who exactly was changing the topic?
Island said thatCEOs have budgets.......

Obama doesn't know anything about CEOs or budgets..........He asked about Obama stuff and you reply about AIG stuff........changed the subject in my opinion!!


Staff member
Re: Obamabastic !!

Island said thatCEOs have budgets.......

Obama doesn't know anything about CEOs or budgets..........He asked about Obama stuff and you reply about AIG stuff........changed the subject in my opinion!!
Actually he made statements extolling the virtues or fine business minded CEOs. You know. The guys who took the bailout, and now want to sue because of it? The ones who had their banks reliquidated with 0% money from the Fed and loaned it back to the government and collected interest on it so that they could repay the bailout? Yeah. They make plans and find every possible way to make a profit, ethical or not.

As far as a budget goes, what difference does it make? Would we be any better off with one today or would it just be more crap to fight about? And if that's the case, may as well just let you go on, and on, and on about there not being one.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

Actually he made statements extolling the virtues or fine business minded CEOs. You know. The guys who took the bailout, and now want to sue because of it? The ones who had their banks reliquidated with 0% money from the Fed and loaned it back to the government and collected interest on it so that they could repay the bailout? Yeah. They make plans and find every possible way to make a profit, ethical or not.

As far as a budget goes, what difference does it make? Would we be any better off with one today or would it just be more crap to fight about? And if that's the case, may as well just let you go on, and on, and on about there not being one.
With a budget, people wouldn't be denying that we have a spending problem. It'd be there in Black & White!!!


Strength through joy
Expect more companies to follow suit .
Thus we will end up with people working 2-3 jobs just to pay their bills & still have to use a gov't health program .
The end of an era of having a full time job with benefits is coming .


Well-Known Member
Obama should have gone for single-payer, right out of the box.

It's the most elegant answer to the c-fk'd healthcare system we have now.

Cry 'Socialism !' all you want, but we're all getting bent-over-the-barrel by insurance companies who charge (for instance) $19 for an advil, etc, etc.

That's WHACK.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!



The Nim
Re: Obamabastic !!

With a budget, people wouldn't be denying that we have a spending problem. It'd be there in Black & White!!!

I haven't heard anyone deny that.

If it's so obvious the problem is spending, why is it always increase taxes on the rich and not cut spending?

I know both parties have a hard time with cutting spending, but one of them is seemingly more willing than the other. Which one do you think the party that controls the White House and the Senate is part of?