President Obama!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

Typical Obama move.

Via WHD:
In a move that is rich in irony, President Obama agreed Tuesday night to sign an emergency deficit reduction bill that does almost nothing to rein in spending and then jetted out to Hawaii to resume his vacation at an extra cost of more than $3 million to taxpayers.

The price tag is in addition to more than $4 million that is already being spent on the Obamas’ Hawaii idyll, bringing the total cost of the excursion to well over $7 million.

The added cost was incurred because by the time the Obamas return from Hawaii – whenever that is – the president will have used Air Force One to travel to Honolulu


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

Hmmmmm. Markets seem to like Obamanomics today.

Of course they do. They know now that they will get return on investment from that over 1$ billion they gave to Obama. Same would have been for Romney only he's not in power to take credit for installing what likely would have been the same plan for all intent and purposes. You yourself rightly called it political theater did you not?

Besides, they like it because they can now plan and that more than anything else is what the market was looking for. But toot your horn cause you did win the election, not that it really means anything.


Staff member
Re: Obamanomics

I agree with everything you say, wk, except tooting my own horn. Let's say rather that I am pulling other peoples chains.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Re: Obamanomics

Hey tos, why hasn't bhos come down hard on the Senate , this will be year 5 of them breaking their own laws about passing a budget .
I'm talking about a real budget , not some stop-gap extension that lasts only for a few months.
It would show everyone just how much power bhos really has .

Since your knowledge of parliamentary procedure is so astute, maybe you'd like to explain why it is that the Senate has not wasted time on something that the opposition party would never vote for?


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Since your knowledge of parliamentary procedure is so astute, maybe you'd like to explain why it is that the Senate has not wasted time on something that the opposition party would never vote for?
The President submitted a budget and not ONE person in the senate voted for it !!!

Maybe people who go to Harvard don't understand budgets the way normal people do.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

was that on fox news? How is your life different then it was before Obama? If you re no longer a millionaire it is not his fault. If you are no longer it might be because someone is charging per post .Election is over . get out and enjoy life...respectfully


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

I know I could afford my house when I bought it, but everything around has foreclosed, and now its worth 20k less than when I got it. I can still afford it, but seeing crap falling down around here, makes me wish I could move, now I cant. Ive only had it ten yrs, and I should have equity, but I dont. I put 20% down, and yet the value continues to decline. Afte all the improvements I have done, Im even. It sucks. Im glad I still like it, I just dont look around the neighborhood.
need more protection from big business.r e g u l a t i o n


All Trash No Trailer
Re: Obamanomics

that danged Obamer!!!! As i predicted the Stock Market is SOARING
Stocks skyrocket; Dow gains 2.4% on 'cliff' deal

[h=1]Stocks skyrocket; Dow gains 2.4% on 'cliff' deal[/h]Matt Krantz, USA TODAY5:41p.m. EST January 2, 20130 CommentsShare


(Photo: Spencer Platt, Getty Images)
  • Stocks open sharply higher after lawmakers avert fiscal cliff
  • The deal ends months of fear over automatic spending cuts and tax hikes
  • The battle isn't over, though, as debt ceiling needs to be lifted by February
Stocks shot higher Wednesday on the first trading day of the new year as investors expressed relief lawmakers finally found a way to avert the economy from falling off the fiscal cliff.
The Dow Jones industrial average rocketed more than 300 points higher and the Standard & Poor's 500 index gained more than 2.5% to 1,462, getting 2013 started off following a better-than-average 13.4% gain in 2012.
It was the best first-day percentage gain by the S&P 500 since the 3.2% opening in 2009. It's also the first time ever that the S&P 500 has gained the first day of the year for five consecutive years.
The Dow's 308-point, 2.4%, gain to 13,412.55 was its best one-day gain since Dec. 20, 2011.
"We can all breathe a sigh of relief that the country is not unnecessarily lurching into recession," says David Joy, strategist at Ameriprise Financial in a letter to clients.
All three major U.S. stock market indexes are now pushing toward setting new bull market highs. The S&P 500 is the closest, falling shy of its Sept. 14, 2012 bull market high by just 0.2%. The Dow is 1.5% below its bull market high.
Stocks around the world also leapt higher. Major indexes in Britain, France and Germany rose more than 2%. Markets in Greece and Spain were up more than 3%. Stocks in Asia also zoomed higher.
Some investors cautioned that the euphoria can't last long. Analysts are torn on what the budget deal means for the economy, and investors remain torn on how the deal will affect stocks long term.
Brian Belski, strategist at BMO Capital Markets, remains bullish and is calling for a 10% return this year.
Russ Koesterich, strategist at BlackRock, is less optimistic. "Investors should be prepared for a bumpier ride in 2013, at least until Washington produces a more definitive, longer-term agreement," he wrote in a note to clients.
The market's big escalation Wednesday, they said, was driven not so much because investors love the budget deal that Republicans and Democrats hammered out, but because they're grateful there was any deal at all.
"Most people think that no deal would have been worse than a bad deal," said Mark Lehmann, president of JMP Securities in San Francisco. He called the current package "not too Draconian."
The bill passed Tuesday night avoids the "cliff," but it only postpones many of the budget issues haunting the U.S.
The deal doesn't include any significant deficit-cutting agreement, meaning the country still doesn't have a long-term game plan for how to rein in government spending. Big cuts to defense and domestic programs, which were slated to kick in with the new year, were delayed for two months and are still overhang the market. And the U.S. is still set to bump up against its borrowing limit, or "debt ceiling," in about two months.
"There's definitely another drama coming down the road," said Lehmann. "That's the March cliff."
Others worry that more political bickering could cause the U.S. to get its debt rating downgraded by the ratings agencies. The stock market plunged in August 2011 after Standard & Poor's rating agency cut the U.S. government's credit rating a notch.
But Wednesday's market performance gave little hint of any dark clouds on the horizon.
The yield on the 10-year Treasury note rose sharply, to 1.84% from 1.75%, as investors dumped safe harbor investments like U.S. government bonds and plowed money into stocks. Prices for oil and key metals, including gold, copper and platinum, were up.
Among stocks making big moves, Zipcar shot up 48%, or nearly $4, to $12.18 after the company said it had agreed to sell itself to Avis. Avis rose $1.02 to $20.84, about 5%.
Zipcar has a business model that's popular with drivers, allowing them to rent cars for just a few hours at a time. The company has struggled to win over investors, however, and its stock plunged nearly 39% in 2012. Avis rose 84% in the same period.


Staff member
Re: Obamanomics

My prediction is that this kind of fervor is going to be sustained and business leaders of all stripes are going to do everything they can to reign in the Republican House. They will point out what Republicans always point out. Growth is the important thing in bringing down deficits. Any move to once again politicize the debt limit and stymie the growth that seems right around the corner will inflame Wall Street. Republicans and Democrats will split much like they did last night.


All Trash No Trailer
Re: Obamanomics

So the market grows and grows and so does the are you going to explain that?

when the market grows the economy grows. when the economy grows jobs are created.when jobs are created people spend money.when money is spent the stock values go up even further and that makes 728UPs a HAPPY guy!