President Obama!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics



Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

[h=1]Police: Deaf Man Stabbed After His Sign Language Was Mistaken For Gang Signs[/h]BURLINGTON, N.C. (AP) — Police in Burlington say a deaf man was stabbed several times after his sign language was mistaken for gang signs by another man.
45-year-old Terrance Ervin Daniels was using sign language with another deaf man. A third person saw them, thought they were flashing gang signs and stabbed Daniels several times with a kitchen knife. A neighbor saw the victim and called emergency personnel.
Daniels is in stable condition at UNC Hospitals in Chapel Hill after Wednesday’s incident.
Police arrested 22-year Robert Jarell Neal and charged him with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill inflicting serious injury and felony assault on a handicapped person. He’s in the Alamance County jail on a $500,000 bond. It’s not known if Neal has an attorney.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

"Secure resources and funding, and begin construction of a Death Star by 2016" was also mostly joking. However, as that petition promptly accumulated well over 34,000 signatures, the White House had no choice but to respond. Here are the White House's thoughts on becoming the next iteration of the Galactic Empire (and, by implication, Barack Obama becoming Emperor Palpatine reincarnated)."
"May The Farce Be With You" - White House Responds To Imperial Death Star Petition | Zero Hedge


golden ticket member
[h=2]More Obamacare Fun- Electronic Records May Actually Cost MORE Rather Than Less[/h]

Via Hot Air:
Remember how the White House and Democrats promised that ObamaCare would “bend the cost curve downward”? One key initiative involved spending billions to convert medical records into digital form, which supposedly would reduce costs by as much as $81 billion a year. Instead, the same group that insisted that would happen now says it might make costs rise — in part by allowing providers to bill patients and insurers more:

The report predicted that widespread use of electronic records could save the United States health care system at least $81 billion a year, a figure RAND now says was overstated. The study was widely praised within the technology industry and helped persuade Congress and the Obama administration to authorize billions of dollars in federal stimulus money in 2009 to help hospitals and doctors pay for the installation of electronic records systems.

“RAND got a lot of attention and a lot of buzz with the original analysis,” said Dr. Kellermann, who was not involved in the 2005 study. “The industry quickly embraced it.”
But evidence of significant savings is scant, and there is increasing concern that electronic records have actually added to costs by making it easier to bill more for some services. …

Officials at RAND said their new analysis did not try to put a dollar figure on how much electronic record-keeping had helped or hurt efforts to reduce costs. But the firm’s acknowledgment that its earlier analysis was overly optimistic adds to a chorus of concern about the cost of the new systems and the haste with which they have been adopted


golden ticket member
[h=2]Still More Businesses Cutting Hours In Response to Obamacare[/h]Via Twitchy:
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi famously said of Obamacare: “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what’s in it.“
Nearly three years later, many Americans are beginning to discover what’s in it.

Taco Bell employees in Oklahoma City, Okla., found out.

Wendy’s employees in Obama, Neb., found out.



Staff member
So no disdain for the billion dollar companies? Just Obamacare? These companies don't give a damn about their employees, just the bottom line.


Well-Known Member
Obama should have gone for single-payer, right out of the box.

It's the most elegant answer to the c-fk'd healthcare system we have now.

Cry 'Socialism !' all you want, but we're all getting bent-over-the-barrel by insurance companies who charge (for instance) $19 for an advil, etc, etc.

That's WHACK.

This is whack. When you need a heart transplant but the government run single payor tells you it is too expensive --take an aspirin --you will be crying for private insurance coverage. Politicians and government have made a mess out of all they have touched. The majority of Politicians are power hungry a-holes.


Staff member
This is whack. When you need a heart transplant but the government run single payor tells you it is too expensive --take an aspirin --you will be crying for private insurance coverage. Politicians and government have made a mess out of all they have touched. The majority of Politicians are power hungry a-holes.
Don't be ridiculous. There is always going to be private insurance and it will be very profitable. It will be supplemental insurance and people will eat it up.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

The late economist/historian Clarence Carson circa 1985' wrote a piece that poised a pointed question when considering gov't intervened economics regardless of who is in charge.

Capitalism: Yes or No?

Marx often gets the blame/credit for challenging the state privilege of capital and yet it was someone out of the libertarian/classical liberal/free market/laissez faire Hall of Fame who challenged it first.

“Our leaders invent nothing but new taxes, and conquer nothing but the pockets of their subjects.” — Thomas Hodgskin

The man who said the above is oddly enough often classified as a socialist and yet he advocated free(d) markets, individual owned property and individualism. Yet Hodgkins also understood the danger that capital in the form of privileged capitalism eg crony capitalism or it's current evolution in finance capitalism eg consumerism would poise to these very things and the harm to labor, the backbone of what is called the middle class.

Sheldon Richman, former editor of The Freeman, also wrote concerning Hodgkins,

Thomas Hodgskin (1787-1869) well understood this. He deserves to be better known than he is. Hodgskin was an early editor of The Economist and an important influence on Herbert Spencer, who also worked at that publication. Hodgskin is something of a puzzle for many people. He is often described as a Ricardian socialist, but in his case the label is misleading. Having lived before the marginal revolution, in which Carl Menger, founder of the Austrian school, and other economists provided an alternative to the Adam Smith/David Ricardo labor theory of value, Hodgskin did regard labor, rather than utility, as the source of economic value. [UPDATE: There are indications in Hodgskin's writings that he regarded utility as a fundamental economic phenomenon. He writes in Labour Defended against the Claims of Capital: "But it is quite plain that the sum the weaver will be disposed to give for the thread will depend on his view of its utility." Nevertheless, he thought that what people found useful had to be created by labor.]
But calling him a socialist is bound to confuse. He was indeed a critic of “capitalism,” by which he and others back then meant government intervention on behalf of capital to the prejudice of labor. But he was no advocate of state control of the means of production. On the contrary, he was a influenced by the radical market economist J. B. Say and believed violations of laissez faire, such as tariffs, are what exploited workers by depriving them of their full, market-derived product. Only in a fully free and openly competitive environment void of privilege (“Middle English, from Old French, from Latin, a law affecting one person“) could laborers achieve justice. (Hodgskin developed his sympathy for labor while in the navy, where he observed the cruelty toward sailors. He himself was disciplined and eventually court-martialed and discharged.) As David Hart and Walter Grinder (pdf) write, “The radical individualist Thomas Hodgskin … gives a clear example of the application of the libertarian nonaggression principle to the acquisition and exchange of property. He also implies that those who benefit from ‘artificial’ property rights, that is, by force and state privilege, comprise a class antagonistic to the producing class.”

Whatever Obama is doing in the way of economic policy, it's clearly within the historical legacy of capitalism and if one doesn't like the outcome, maybe instead of blaming Obama, one might rethink one's ideal and belief in what is called capitalism.

And when one considers the 3 factors of production being capital, labor and land, why is one component (capital) is so heavily weighted over the other two in modern economics? One could also ask can capital itself come into being without first the action of labor?


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

TAYLOR, Mich. (WXYZ) -
A chaotic scene erupted at the Taylor Human Services Center when the crowd waiting for a Section 8 housing voucher distribution got out of control.
The center is located at Eureka and Lange Roads. That's on Eureka, between Beech Daly and Inkster.
Police say thousands of people from all over the area were at the center. Many were homeless, single moms, or disabled. They were hoping to get help paying for their housing from the government.
"There was elderly, disabled people, pregnant single women. They were here for help, to get their Section 8 vouchers. It just shows you what a desperate need... some were here since yesterday," said Rhianna Rodriguez.
7 Action News is being told there were 1,000 vouchers available and 5,000 people showed up trying to get one.
The crowd had grown overnight as more and more people arrived. Witnesses say the line stretched for a mile down Lange Road.
Police say, when the time came for the vouchers to be distributed, there was a mad rush for the door. Officers tried to control the crowd, but couldn't.
Officers had to shut down several lanes of Eureka Road until the situation could be brought under control. The road is now reopened.
Several people were arrested. The rest were sent home. Today's distribution has been canceled and will be rescheduled.
"There was a lady with an oxygen tank. She was elderly. When they told everybody they had to go home and they weren't going to help, she was in tears," said Rodriguez.


golden ticket member
I’m surprised he’d consider picking another white guy after the heat he’s been getting from the lib “diversity” police. I hope he picks McDonough, the lefty meltdown will be entertaining to watch.

Via The Hill:
President Obama is leaning toward choosing Denis McDonough, currently a deputy national security adviser, as his next chief of staff, sources told Bloomberg.

McDonough, who worked on Obama’s 2008 campaign, is considered deeply loyal to the president. He was a longtime congressional aide who worked for Obama when he was a freshman senator. McDonough also served as foreign policy adviser to then-Senate Democratic Leader Tom Daschle (S.D.) and legislative director to then-Sen. Ken Salazar (D-Colo.), who is now the secretary of the Interior.

He also worked as a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress [who own Media Matters - ed.], a liberal think tank, and joined the National Security Council in 2009.

Another leading candidate is Ron Klain [also a white guy -.ed], former chief of staff to Vice President Joe Biden.


golden ticket member
This is whack. When you need a heart transplant but the government run single payor tells you it is too expensive --take an aspirin --you will be crying for private insurance coverage. Politicians and government have made a mess out of all they have touched. The majority of Politicians are power hungry a-holes.

You pay for prisoners to have a sex reassigment surgery!! Cutting off the dick is AOK, but that other surgical artistry is B,S. !!



golden ticket member
[h=2]Obama: “We’ve Come Very Close To Achieving Our Central Goal, Which Is To De-Capacitate Al Qaeda, To Dismantle Them”…[/h]

He’s specifically talking about Afghanistan, but the reality is al-Qaeda globally is stronger now than at any time since 9/11.
(Reuters) – President Barack Obama and Afghan President Hamid Karzai agreed on Friday to speed up the handover of combat operations in Afghanistan to Afghan forces, raising the prospect of an accelerated U.S. withdrawal from the country and underscoring Obama’s determination to wind down a long, unpopular war. [...]

Asked whether the cost of the war in lives and money was worth it, Obama said: “We achieved our central goal … or have come very close to achieving our central goal, which is to de-capacitate al Qaeda, to dismantle them, to make sure that they can’t attack us again.”


golden ticket member
Someone needs to clue in this Sharpto character that we have yet to get our first black president. Obama is the 7th or 8th mulatto president.......definitely not special enough for Mt. Rushmore!!! Sharpton is serious too!!

Oh yeah, he’s dead serious.
ABBY HUNTSMAN: You look at Reagan, he ended the Cold War. I think they have to have a legacy that changed America. Obama was the first black president. That is something that will always be remembered.
AL SHARPTON: And he stopped two wars and the whole question of finance reform on Wall Street and health care. I mean, he has done some concrete things. I can, again, the reason I raised Teddy Roosevelt is that a lot of people could say that Teddy Roosevelt was more of a character than a transformative president.

I can name, literally, things that President Obama has done. Now, I’m going to say that if Teddy Roosevelt is the measure, I think it strengthens the case for President Obama.


Strength through joy
If Rev Al wants to pay for it , I'm sure we can find a spot on the other side of the mountain for his bust. After all I'm positive he would not want to be associated with all those rich white men.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I have learned that in today's culture, people only figure it out when it affects them. When their take home pay drops, when they can't get the operation they need, when they are waiting hours and hours in a waiting room to see a nurse (not a doctor), when their company goes broke and goes bankrupt and 350,000 employees are out of work, at that point they start to realize that it wasn't all that bad before; AND EVEN THEN, you will still have those who will continue to blame the Republicans and Bush etc., etc., etc. !