President Obama!


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

Which one do you celebrate?

Which one do you attend?

Or do you just stay home and drink beer like any other day off?


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Imagine the shocked look on my face !!!!

Via The Hill:
The White House has informed House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) that it will miss the legal deadline for sending a budget to Congress.
Acting Budget Director Jeff Zients told Ryan (R-Wis.) late Friday that the budget will not be delivered by Feb. 4, as required by law, a House aide said.

“Late Friday evening, Deputy Director Zients confirmed that for the fourth time in five years, the president’s budget will not be submitted in compliance with the law,” the aide said.

“Zients did not indicate how late the administration will delay its submission, simply noting ‘We will submit it to Congress as soon as possible,’ ” the aide said.

Ryan last Wednesday had asked the White House in a letter if it would miss the deadline.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

Dear USA,
I will not be able to pay my taxes on time.
I will pay them as soon as possible.
Sorry for the inconvenience, I just can't seem to spend less than I make.
I'm sure you understand.

250 million taxpayers


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

assumptions! assumptions!
I'll be at the January WHITE Sales !!!!

Best Time to Buy in January:

1. White Sale Items: Sheets, Pillow Cases, Blankets, etc.: Named originally by John Wanamaker, an early pioneer of the department store concept, January White Sales are a great time to buy high end items such as those good towels you know will last you for years or sheets with higher thread counts.


golden ticket member
Obama will be surrounded by kids when he presents the gun crap tomorow........does he learn those theatrics from his Hollyood fake friends?

He had white coats when it was obamacare
He has normal citizens when necessary.
Do you see a theme??

Show & Tell ?

Obama Plans To Surround Himself With Children During Gun Control Announcement…


Via Beltway Confidential:
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney announced this afternoon that President Obama will unveil a “concrete package” of gun control proposals including assault weapons bans, high capacity ammunition magazine bans, and closing loopholes on background checks.

Carney said that the president will be joined by Vice President Joe Biden as well as children who wrote to the president after the Newtown shootings.

“They will be joined by children around the country expressing their concerns about gun violence and school safety, along with their parents,”
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UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

I find it interesting that the "leader" of our country has actually threatened that payments will be "delayed" for social security recipients, military personnel, small business contractors etc. if the Republicans do not approve raising the debt ceiling. After the interest on our debt is paid, the president has the authority to decide what payments will be made and to who.

The president is completely responsible if payments are delayed to SS recipients. He cares only about politics and spending and nothing about our people or our economy.


Staff member
Re: Obamanomics

Well Lifer, I hate to break it to you, but that's all politicians all the time. Obama actually tried to change that dynamic in his first term but didn't have much coming from the other side. It's a new term and a different Obama and I see nothing to suggest that the Republicans are going to be able to win the publicity war and they will cave again. They have set themselves up to look like obstructionists for four years. All Obama has to do is insinuate that they are doing more of the same and the public will buy into it.
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golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Well Lifer, I hate to break it to you, but that's all politicians all the time. Obama actually tried to change that dynamic in his first term but didn't have much coming from the other side. It's a new term and a different Obama and I see nothing to suggest that the Republicans are going to be able to win the publicity war and they will cave again. They have set themselves up to look like obstructionists for four years. All Obama has to do is insinuate that they are doing more of the same and the public will buy into it.

2/3 vs. 1/3 and it was 3/3 during his first 2 years.........there is no excuse why Obama couldn't have had everything his way..........except even some Democrats can't stand his lack of leadership. Prety bad when your own party won't cast a vote......99 to 0......I forget what it was for, but it was funny as hell!!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

I find it interesting that the "leader" of our country has actually threatened that payments will be "delayed" for social security recipients, military personnel, small business contractors etc. if the Republicans do not approve raising the debt ceiling. After the interest on our debt is paid, the president has the authority to decide what payments will be made and to who.

The president is completely responsible if payments are delayed to SS recipients. He cares only about politics and spending and nothing about our people or our economy.
I wonder if he'll make sure Egypt gets their $2 billion and all those other ,sorry ass, countries get their money. Stop it. Keep the money here !!!


Staff member
Re: Obamanomics

2/3 vs. 1/3 and it was 3/3 during his first 2 years.........there is no excuse why Obama couldn't have had everything his way..........except even some Democrats can't stand his lack of leadership. Prety bad when your own party won't cast a vote......99 to 0......I forget what it was for, but it was funny as hell!!
But don't you see? Obama's going to get what he wants this time too. The narative is set. People are willing to believe him over Boehner and McConnell.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

But don't you see? Obama's going to get what he wants this time too. The narative is set. People are willing to believe him over Boehner and McConnell.

All his vileness and narcissism will bite him in the ass..........I'm waiting!


Staff member
Re: Obamanomics

All his vileness and narcissism will bite him in the ass..........I'm waiting!
His, while significant is far outdone by that of the Tea Party. He's found his coalition. Dem's, some moderate republicans, and Boehner. The Tea Party is about to be rolled.


golden ticket member
It amazes me how they (pres. and congress)will say Obamacare is the best, but they don't have it for themselves.......only us. Aren't we the lucky ones?

We will get all kinds of stupid gun regulations.....BUT the pres. will still have ARMED guys. The rules are "good for us", but he can do whatever........just like the stars and their bodyguards. And the rich kid's schools with the armed guards.

When will people decide they don't want to be 2nd class citizens???