President Obama!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!



golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Via Washington Examiner:

House Republicans proposed a bill today that would cut the pay of Vice President Joe Biden and other federal officials, noting that the executive order that President Obama signed to raise their pay costs $11 billion in new spending.

“The President has once again demonstrated his penchant for unrestrained spending by giving federal employees an across the board pay hike and sticking the rest of us with the $11 billion bill,” Rep. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., the lead sponsor on the bill, said in a statement today.

“At a time when the average federal worker compensation is nearly double the median U.S. household income, and attrition from the federal workforce is already at an all-time low, we simply cannot afford this unnecessary and unilateral action by the President.”

Obama’s executive order raises Biden’s salary $225,521 to $231,900. House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, would see an $1,100 raise while the Senate majority and minority leaders would get paid an extra $1,000, according to Fox.

“The House and Senate, however, voted down the congressional pay increase earlier this year,” the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee notes.


golden ticket member
He's going to have 8 citizens sing his praises at his they'd be nowhere without him. Why doesn't he just get sworn in on Sunday and bag Monday and leave it to MLK?

The first one counts........maybe he should forego the second one !!!
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golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Hitting the campaign trail.....what a novel idea!!!

Vice President Biden said he and President Obama will tour the country making the case for gun control laws – the centerpiece of which is a requirement that all gun buyers submit to a federal background check.

Biden, speaking to the U.S. Conference of Mayors, devoted the heart of his remarks to pushing the background check requirement twinned with pleas that state and federal governments share their information on prospective gun purchasers.

Obama has already begun recruiting supporters on the gun issue through both his campaign apparatus — which e-mailed supporters Thursday asking them to “stand with the president to reduce gun violence,” and the official Web site, but Biden’s remarks at the Capitol Hilton mark the first declaration that the White House plans to barnstorm to build support for its gun proposals.

“We’re going to take this fight to the halls of Congress, Biden said. “We’re going to take it beyond that. We’re going to take it to the American people. We’re going to go around the country making our case and we’re going to let the voices, the voices of the American people be heard.”


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Racists (obviously).

Via Washington Secrets:
President Obama is fast getting to know how the late comic Rodney Dangerfield felt: He’s getting no Inaugural respect.

A new Rasmussen Reports poll finds that just 58 percent plan to watch his Inauguration, a staggering drop from 75 percent in 2009.

And those planning to ignore the televised historic event is 41 percent, up from 21 percent in 2009.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

I heard Arnold this morning promoting his new movie. They did ask him his opinion on raising the debt ceiling.

His response was not partisan, but more common sense.

He said he can go to any bank and ask to borrow money......but, he must present his "spending plan" to show the bank how he is going to payback the money and divert debt in the future....a plan. Sounds reasonable to me..Very Ramsey-esque.


golden ticket member
Obama IS Lance Armstrong.
Many narcissistic traits that are very similiar.

He doesn't think he's done anything wrong.
They each don't apologize.
They both lie while looking at you.
So if Lance passed 500 pee tests, who peed for him?
There are so many similiarities, I can't list them all.........

Throw Oprah into he mix and there is no room in the world to contain these egos!!!

"There probably aren’t two more arrogant people in this world (except the Obamas) than Lance Armstrong and Oprah Winfrey. He is on his own Conceit and Deceit World Tour, and she is just on her Everlasting Lifelong Conceit World Tour (Sponsored by Upper Class Liberal White Housewives Who Want to Feel Unracist & So They Buy $500 Cashmere Q-Tips From Oprah’s Favorite Things)."
Lance Armstrong & Oprah: The Room Ain’t Big Enough for Even One of Those Egos – HOprah Alert