President Obama!


Got the T-Shirt


golden ticket member
Via The Hill:
Bill and Hillary Clinton, actress Kerry Washington, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and producer Harvey Weinstein were among those who joined the Obamas at the White House’s secret post-inauguration bash.

President Obama and Michelle Obama held the hush-hush, swanky, ultra-A-list party to celebrate his second term the night he took the oath of office. The party was not announced or listed on his official schedule, but a few of the guests tweeted about the event, which is what publicly revealed its existence.

The guest list that reveals who attended was never released though the White House visitors log from January, which came out at the end of April and was examined by The Hill: a mix of rock stars, actors, top campaign donors, White House aides, Obama friends and leading Democratic politicians.

Some of the names include actor Jamie Foxx; Obama adviser David Axelrod; Rep. Joaquín Castro (D-Texas) and his twin brother, San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro; singer Kelly Clarkson; Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.); actress Eva Longoria; singer James Taylor; former NBA player Alonzo Mourning; Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley (D); and former White House spokesman Robert Gibbs. Clinton aide Huma Abedin was on the list, but her husband, former New York Democratic Rep. Anthony Weiner, was not. [...]

Other names in the grouping include Commerce Secretary nominee Penny Pritzker; longtime Obama friends Eric and Cheryl Whitaker; Obama aides/advisers Ben Rhodes, Jim Messina, Julianna Smoot and Jeremy Bird; actress Whoopi Goldberg; Gayle King; actress Jennifer Hudson; and Attorney General Eric Holder.


golden ticket member
So she wants to amend the Constitution to add in Obamacare?

Via Washington Times:
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee took to the House floor Monday night and implied that the right to health care and education exists in the Constitution.

Ms. Jackson Lee, Texas Democrat, also made the case that the moral authority for such services is also derived from the Declaration of Independence.
“One might argue that education and health care fall into those provisions of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” she said.

Ms. Jackson Lee added, “I think that what should be continuously emphasized is the president’s leadership on one single point: that although health care was not listed per se in the Constitution, it should be a constitutional right.”


Strength through joy
[h=1]Drug company that supported Obamacare now says rebate plan could be ‘catastrophic’[/h]
Eli Lilly CEO John Lechleiter, who previously lobbied on behalf of Obamacare, said that one of President Obama’s costly new health-care reforms would have “catastrophic” consequences for innovation and that he plans to fight against it.

“Even though Eli Lilly was a financial backer of the Obamacare legislation, its leadership has recognized that the bill is flawed,”


golden ticket member
And the law still hasn’t been implemented.

Via Washington Secrets:

The growing tower of Obamacare red tape flooding out of federal agencies will sock American businesses and families with nearly 200 million hours of paperwork compliance a year, a 50 percent jump in just the past three months as the administration pushes out more rules.

The number of compliance hours is so staggering that three House committees, in updating their Obamacare Burden Tracker, put it in perspective by claiming that the Empire State Building could be built 27 times in the 189,822,836 hours estimated so far by the Office of Management and Budget and IRS.

Just three months ago, the House Ways and Means, Education and the Workforce, and Energy and Commerce committees first estimated the paperwork burden at 127 million hours per year. Since then, the administration has scrambled to issue more regulations in time for the Jan. 1 kickoff of the Obamacare program.


Well-Known Member
Come on 2014 midterms. If God is still willing to "Bless America," Reid has got to go and this debacle of a Marxists wet dream must also.


golden ticket member
Subject: Go Figure that out....
When a soldier is killed in the line of duty, his family eventually

gets a flag and a note conveying sympathy and respect from the

United States Government.

When a NBA Basketball Player announces he

is gay, he immediately gets a personal phone call from the

President of the United States congratulating him for his courage.

Go figure that out...


Strength through joy
When can I expect to see the anti-war crowd's newest bumper sticker ?
A different version of those old ones that said " Bush lied , soldiers died " ,
" Obama hides while Embassy staff die " .


Well-Known Member
Actually if you just take the time to do a little research you will find

"“Freedom is not free, but the United States Marine Corps will pay most of your share.” – President Obama. Happy 235th Birthday"

​hahaahha....hopefully he pronounced the word "corps" correctly this time? hahahaha!


golden ticket member
This will end up being the understatement of the decade.
Obama says there will be “Mistakes and Hiccups” with the implementation of Obamacare (May 10, 2013).


golden ticket member
Affordable (?) Care a misnomer !!

Yes, he said “cut.”

Via Washington Examiner:

As part of a Mothers’ Day weekend defense of his signature legislative accomplishment, President Obama claimed that the law represented the “largest health care tax cut for working families and small businesses in our history. “ [...]

Far from being a historic tax cut, Obamacare actually qualifies as one of the largest tax increases in history. It contains roughly $1 trillion in taxes — on insurance plans, medical devices and investment income.
And many of the taxes will end up falling on the middle class. The law’s individual mandate, which the Obama administration successful argued was a tax before the U.S. Supreme Court, is projected to hit nearly 5 million Americans with incomes under $60,000 by 2016.