President Obama!


Well-Known Member
“If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.”

This unambiguous, clearly-stated pledge was demonstrably false when it was first uttered and has remained so to this day. The latest piece of evidence, via the Associated Press (headline: "Like Your Healthcare Policy? You May Be Losing It"):



golden ticket member
Something that draws away from the central issue ????.................explain your red herring.

Maybe the plea for private lung donations will be answered, but little Sarah is going to die waiting for people like Sebellius to change the law would take 2 years....she'll be lucky to have 2 weeks left.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
This is where the expression "death panels" comes from. Everyone just assumed it would affect decisions made about seniors' healthcare, though this situation may not be tied to obamacare, it shows the intrusion of the government into the privacy of healthcare decisions that should be left up to doctors, patients and hospitals.


Well-Known Member
This is where the expression "death panels" comes from. Everyone just assumed it would affect decisions made about seniors' healthcare, though this situation may not be tied to obamacare, it shows the intrusion of the government into the privacy of healthcare decisions that should be left up to doctors, patients and hospitals.

Not in Ameritopia.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Krauthammer is the man..... Far far too much sound reason for those who simply refuse to see reality.

Exactly WHAT has Krauthammer been right on in the last 18 months? Lets see...

1) he said obamas policies would create a double dip recession.... didnt happen

2) he said Fast and Furious would result in obamas impeachment...didnt happen

3) he said Fast and Furious would result in Holders resignation.... didnt happen

4) he said Obama would take unemployment over 10%.... didnt happen

5) he said Mitt Romney would win the white house..... again, didnt happen

NOW, you want to believe this man knows what he is talking about just because FOX news parades this maroon on tv with stupid advice?


Name another channel anywhere other than FOX news where charles Krauthammer is allow to speak on issues? You people get your hopes and dreams stuck on "SURROGATES" who get paid to said exactly what guys like YOU want to hear.

Once you hear it, you start calling the person a genious.

Next thing you know, youll be saying monica crowley is a genious, or Mike Huccabee or even TUCKER CARLSON.

Even though TUCKER CARLSONS PHONEY prostitute story blew up in his face, YOU all ran with his garbage just because FOX news broke the story. But at the end of the day, the story turned out to be a hoax perpetrated by CARLSON and they took him off the air for a few weeks until the story died down, and now he's back, feeding the red meat to the drones.

Get a clue bro.




golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
Krauthammer is the man..... Far far too much sound reason for those who simply refuse to see reality.

Exactly WHAT has Krauthammer been right on in the last 18 months? Lets see...

1) he said obamas policies would create a double dip recession.... didnt happen

2) he said Fast and Furious would result in obamas impeachment...didnt happen

3) he said Fast and Furious would result in Holders resignation.... didnt happen

4) he said Obama would take unemployment over 10%.... didnt happen

5) he said Mitt Romney would win the white house..... again, didnt happen

NOW, you want to believe this man knows what he is talking about just because FOX news parades this maroon on tv with stupid advice?


Name another channel anywhere other than FOX news where charles Krauthammer is allow to speak on issues? You people get your hopes and dreams stuck on "SURROGATES" who get paid to said exactly what guys like YOU want to hear.

Once you hear it, you start calling the person a genious.

Next thing you know, youll be saying monica crowley is a genious, or Mike Huccabee or even TUCKER CARLSON.

Even though TUCKER CARLSONS PHONEY prostitute story blew up in his face, YOU all ran with his garbage just because FOX news broke the story. But at the end of the day, the story turned out to be a hoax perpetrated by CARLSON and they took him off the air for a few weeks until the story died down, and now he's back, feeding the red meat to the drones.

Get a clue bro.



Surrogates? Ha, he's a brilliant writer with his own valid points and opinions. I'm sure you've never been wrong in your opinionated utopian pea brain? I'm sure you saw Pelosi handing that gavel over to Boehner before it ever happened, and continuously tout how you called it?

Thanks for some Sunday morning entertainment. Another reason Krauthammer is such a genius.... once again he pisses off all the right people. It's a bitch waking up ain't it? Or not. As usual, your not entitled to your own opinions or reasoning in Ameritopia, if you fail to fall in lockstep with the regime.
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golden ticket member
Via Weekly Standard:

Valerie Jarrett, a top adviser to President Barack Obama, says she and the rest of the White House remain “very upbeat” despite the series of scandals that have engulfed the Obama administration in recent weeks.

“In any given day, our administration has about 2 million employees, and things happen,” Jarrett tells the Boston Globe. “We put in process procedures to make sure if there has been any wrongdoing, there will be appropriate consequences, and we will move on.”

Jarrett just wants to move on from the scandals. And, she says, the American people want these scandals not to serve as a distraction.
“We have every confidence that people within the White House have behaved appropriately,” Jarrett says. “People all around the country are counting on us not to get distracted or bogged down by this.”

She adds, “I think everybody knows he’s doing his best. … Our focus is moving the country forward.”[ed.- over the cliff]


golden ticket member
Fore! Obama Hits The Links For The 125th Time…
George W. Bush by contrast played only 24 rounds during his eight years in office.
Via White House Dossier:
President Obama headed out to Fort Belvoir early this afternoon for a round of golf. Among those playing are First Friend Marty Nesbitt, one of Obama’s long-time pals from Chicago.


Well-Known Member
Probably because he was earning the reputation as the most vacationing president in US history at his ranch in Crawford, TX.
Was he maintaining his coca plants?


golden ticket member
Probably because he was earning the reputation as the most vacationing president in US history at his ranch in Crawford, TX.
Was he maintaining his coca plants?
His ranch in Crawford was also the location for many working meetings......I remember seeing pics. of a Saudi in his "dress" at the ranch.


golden ticket member
Time before last......Sebellius was part of his foursome. I'm sure the business discussed was how to fire her arse just as soon as all the private donations are turned over to Obama!!!


golden ticket member
One unqualified person promotes another unqualified person........Must reward the "puppets"

She’s lucky Obama doesn’t have a shred of integrity or she’d be out of a job, never mind being promoted.

Via TPM:
President Barack Obama on Wednesday formally announced Susan Rice’s appointment as National Security Advisor to succeed Tom Donilon, who is stepping down.
“I’m absolutely thrilled that she’ll be back at my side leading my national security team in my second term,” Obama said of Rice.

In the press conference at the White House Rose Garden, he described the ambassador as “fearless” and a “consummate public servant.”
Rice thanked the president, saying “I am deeply grateful for your enduring confidence in me.”