President Obama!


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
From the LEFT LEANING New York Times:

New York Times editorial board says administration has 'lost all credibility'

Those reassurances have never been persuasive — whether on secret warrants to scoop up a news
agency’s phone records or secret orders to kill an American suspected of terrorism — especially coming
from a president who once promised transparency and accountability.

The administration has now lost all credibility on this issue.

Mr. Obama is proving the truism that the executive will use any power it is
given and very likely abuse it.


Engorged Member
In comparison? Seriously?

Obama cannot have a moral compass because he isn't GOP. Only Republicans have a "moral compass", and it seems to be defective much of the time. Just ask David Vitter, Rush Limbaugh, Dick Morris, former Governor Sanford and the rest of them where their compass told them to go. For most of them, it would appear to point straight at their crotch.


Well-Known Member
In comparison? Seriously?

Obama cannot have a moral compass because he isn't GOP. Only Republicans have a "moral compass", and it seems to be defective much of the time. Just ask David Vitter, Rush Limbaugh, Dick Morris, former Governor Sanford and the rest of them where their compass told them to go. For most of them, it would appear to point straight at their crotch.

Seriously? As if it wouldn't be possible to cheery pic moral individual failures from both sides all night long here.


Well-Known Member
You leftist apologists tout how any opposition to this administration are just a bunch of racist old white men who refuse to "progress forward" and are dead. Meanwhile the current administration you vehemently support is being called out on lie after hypocritical lie.

But that's ok! Forward hartch!


Well-Known Member
The GOP or any party can hardly take the moral high ground. In case you haven't noticed, the human race has been immoral since the dawn of recorded time. Picking the lesser of two evils has been the way it is for a long time sadly. What's amazing to me is how many among us can justify some things for the sake of other things, and still have the secular audacity to claim a superior moral high ground.


Well-Known Member
Here it really is simple....

GOP = freedom to be who you are, to live free and prosper. To believe or not as you choose.

Democrat = total cradle to grave dependence on the state. To think and act as the state sees fit. Not to question authority, especially as it pertains to imposing its regulations over your every thought as well as actions and especially income.
I could go on and on but why bother. It's late and I have to get up early and give my fare share. Ostrich.


golden ticket member
Democrats wouldn’t know common-sense if it was a sledgehammer hitting them in the face.
Via Politico:
President Barack Obama told a fundraising crowd in California Thursday night that Democrats represent the moderate party.

“If you talk to us … it turns out we’re pretty common-sense folks,” he told a crowd of 75 in Palo Alto, Calif., at a fundraiser for Senate Democrats. “We believe in the free market … a light touch when it comes to regulations … we do think there’s a role to play for government.”
Obama blamed Republicans for the logjams in Congress. He said the sequester remains in place because of “the stubbornness of the other side.”