President Obama!


nowhere special
Clinton was the best president since FDR,and I am glad he is imparting his wisdom to Obama,and I cant wait to vote for Hillary in 2016!! as i ahve stated before the upward swing the economy is enjoying with the Obama presidency will be CATAPULTED into the Stratosphere when Hillary is elected!

Do you need a lesson in reading comprehension? Obama learned NOTHING from Bill Clinton. I wasn't a huge Clinton fan but he was more centrist and worked with both parties to actually get things done. Compare to Obama = "my way or the highway".


All Trash No Trailer
Do you need a lesson in reading comprehension? Obama learned NOTHING from Bill Clinton. I wasn't a huge Clinton fan but he was more centrist and worked with both parties to actually get things done. Compare to Obama = "my way or the highway".

funny, I thought it was the Republican Congress lead by that insufferable Mitch Mconnell who had adopted the strategy of no compromise.



nowhere special
funny, I thought it was the Republican Congress lead by that insufferable Mitch Mconnell who had adopted the strategy of no compromise.

That shows you have a faulty memory. The Republicans agreed to meet with Obama and when they did his ultimatum was his way. Take it or leave it.


All Trash No Trailer
That shows you have a faulty memory. The Republicans agreed to meet with Obama and when they did his ultimatum was his way. Take it or leave it.
we will have to agree to disagree. In truth we both have valid points supporting our side(s) as neither party is willing to 'reach across the aisle' .


nowhere special
we will have to agree to disagree. In truth we both have valid points supporting our side(s) as neither party is willing to 'reach across the aisle' .

I do agree that the Republicans will never agree to everything the Democrats want and vice versa. Politics are bad for everyone else.


Well-Known Member
Clinton was the best president since FDR,and I am glad he is imparting his wisdom to Obama,and I cant wait to vote for Hillary in 2016!! as i ahve stated before the upward swing the economy is enjoying with the Obama presidency will be CATAPULTED into the Stratosphere when Hillary is elected!

​Holy shee'ite I'm saving this one for the next midterm election results when Reid gets what Pelosi did in the last ones. Hahahah!


golden ticket member
Who can keep track?

Bob: “Hey Jim, Did you hear about that Obama administration scandal?”
Jim: “You mean the Mexican gun running?”
Bob: “No, the other one.”
Jim: “The State Dept. lying about Benghazi?”
Bob: “No, the other one.”
Jim: “The IRS targeting conservatives?”
Bob: “No, the other one.”
Jim: “The Department Of Justice spying on the press?”
Bob: “No, the other one.”
Jim: “Sebelius shaking down health insurance executives?”
Bob: “No, the other one.”
Jim: “The NSA monitoring our phone calls, e-mails and everything else?”
Bob: “No, the other one”
Jim: “The State Dept. (new today) interfering with an IG investigation on dept. sexual misconduct?”
Bob: “No, the other one.”
Jim: “HHS employees (also new today) being given insider information on Medicare Advantage?”
Bob: “No, the other one.”
Jim: “Clinton, the IRS, Clapper & Holder all lying to Congress?”
Bob: “No, the other one.”
Jim: “I give up! … Oh wait, You mean the 65 million low-informed voters that stuck us again with the most corrupt administration in American history?”



All Trash No Trailer


golden ticket member
and just WHO was the Commander in Chief that gave that order?? ...........................drumroll please...................................OBAMA!!
There are a gazillion people who would've answered "yes" to the question, "shall I pull the trigger?"


All Trash No Trailer
There are a gazillion people who would've answered "yes" to the question, "shall I pull the trigger?"

and yet somehow Dubya could never find him to answer yes to the question ,or to give the order(reckon it's cause Osama wasn't in Iraq!)

​Game,Set and Match