President Obama!


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
My wife has worked for years as a para-pro and substitute teacher in our local school system. She mainly liked to work with the severely handicapped students who had special needs and were confined to wheelchairs. There is just about zero discipline of any kind, the teachers aren't allowed to use that awful "No" word to students. The elementary school she usually worked at is the poorest one in the county, just about everybody gets free breakfast and lunch.

Our public education system in this country is a joke, we spend more money per student than anywhere in the world, and are ranked low. When both our sons graduated a few years ago, half the seniors that walked up to the stage during graduation didn't get a diploma, they were handed a piece of paper that said they attended school for twelve years. They didn't want their feelings to get hurt. We run into kids all the time that can't count money and work cash registers at businesses, its really pathetic. My wife decided not to sign back up this year, the schools are a waste of time.


golden ticket member
My wife has worked for years as a para-pro and substitute teacher in our local school system. She mainly liked to work with the severely handicapped students who had special needs and were confined to wheelchairs. There is just about zero discipline of any kind, the teachers aren't allowed to use that awful "No" word to students. The elementary school she usually worked at is the poorest one in the county, just about everybody gets free breakfast and lunch.

Our public education system in this country is a joke, we spend more money per student than anywhere in the world, and are ranked low. When both our sons graduated a few years ago, half the seniors that walked up to the stage during graduation didn't get a diploma, they were handed a piece of paper that said they attended school for twelve years. They didn't want their feelings to get hurt. We run into kids all the time that can't count money and work cash registers at businesses, its really pathetic. My wife decided not to sign back up this year, the schools are a waste of time.

Lowering the bar is never the answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Same at UPS. They may not have lowered the standards, but promoted by "equal opportunity" and those people eventually failed. That costs money and business is all about money !!


golden ticket member
This is from Executive Order #13621
".......reducing the dropout rate of African American
students and helping African American students graduate from high school
prepared for college and a career, in part by promoting a positive school
climate that does not rely on methods that result in disparate use of
disciplinary tools, and by supporting successful and innovative dropout
prevention and recovery strategies that better engage African American youths in
their learning, help them catch up academically, and provide those who have left
the educational system with pathways to reentry; .........."

Seems to me someone at home making them study and do their homework.........namely, parents, grandparens, step parents,uncle, aunt.... .....will do and there's no need for an executive order.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Lowering the bar is never the answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Same at UPS. They may not have lowered the standards, but promoted by "equal opportunity" and those people eventually failed. That costs money and business is all about money !!

What do you know about UPS? Some outdated info from your husband?

UPS has indeed lowered the bar. Thats the only way they are going to get people to work for the starting wage they pay. Today, instead of college kids working while attending school, UPS is looking for tatted up dropouts, or gang members to fill the preload shifts. The West La district is a revolving door of part timers who work for short periods and leave.

This is the strategy of UPS. They have no intention on making career employees any longer. Its all about turnover, and when you turn a business into a revolving door, then the business eventually fails.

Its pretty simple stuff even you could understand.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
This is from Executive Order #13621
".......reducing the dropout rate of African American
students and helping African American students graduate from high school
prepared for college and a career, in part by promoting a positive school
climate that does not rely on methods that result in disparate use of
disciplinary tools, and by supporting successful and innovative dropout
prevention and recovery strategies that better engage African American youths in
their learning, help them catch up academically, and provide those who have left
the educational system with pathways to reentry; .........."

Seems to me someone at home making them study and do their homework.........namely, parents, grandparens, step parents,uncle, aunt.... .....will do and there's no need for an executive order.

There is alot more to the executive order than you posted. While you attempt to take things out of context, how about you read the whole order and keep it in context?Barack Obama: Executive Order 13621 - White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans




Inordinately Right
This is from Executive Order #13621
".......reducing the dropout rate of African American
students and helping African American students graduate from high school
prepared for college and a career, in part by promoting a positive school
climate that does not rely on methods that result in disparate use of
disciplinary tools, and by supporting successful and innovative dropout
prevention and recovery strategies that better engage African American youths in
their learning, help them catch up academically, and provide those who have left
the educational system with pathways to reentry; .........."

Seems to me someone at home making them study and do their homework.........namely, parents, grandparens, step parents,uncle, aunt.... .....will do and there's no need for an executive order.

How are you gonna make a parent do their job at home? It's not the child's fault. It's a teacher's job to educate these children in spite of whatever their situation at home is.


golden ticket member
The teacher can't discipline as per this executive order. How does the pres. think this helps a child get an education?

The teachers sit around and say "You can't touch me, I've got tenure". Maybe getting rid of 'tenure' and actually holding teachers accountable might help.
Lowering the bar for anyone is NOT the answer.
Ask Dr. Ben Cross and other successful people. What drove them ? Why did they excel?


Well-Known Member
The teacher can't discipline as per this executive order. How does the pres. think this helps a child get an education?

The teachers sit around and say "You can't touch me, I've got tenure". Maybe getting rid of 'tenure' and actually holding teachers accountable might help.
Lowering the bar for anyone is NOT the answer.
Ask Dr. Ben Cross and other successful people. What drove them ? Why did they excel?

Define successful.


Inordinately Right
The teacher can't discipline as per this executive order. How does the pres. think this helps a child get an education?

The teachers sit around and say "You can't touch me, I've got tenure". Maybe getting rid of 'tenure' and actually holding teachers accountable might help.
Lowering the bar for anyone is NOT the answer.
Ask Dr. Ben Cross and other successful people. What drove them ? Why did they excel?

Kind of like how UPS drivers say, you can't touch me, I've got a union. Ya, not really. I don't think you know what you're talking about.

Tenure is a non factor here, teachers' tenure does not mean they are not held accountable. At least in my state, teachers have no bargaining rights, and although they are given tenure, they can still be surplussed and replaced with a lower tenure teacher who has a higher score based on student test scores(this only benefits teachers in rich neighborhoods). Teachers' tenure means nothing, and guess what, the system is still a failure.

I think you are misunderstanding the executive order. In places like Texas, students are "disciplined", by being taken to jail. Or they are "disciplined", by being suspended (they don't want to be at school in the first place, it's a vacation for them). They are taken out of a system that educates them, and put into a system that teaches them how to be criminals.


Well-Known Member
Not in jail, nor on government welfare, food stamps and support seems to be the standard
in this Millennium.

Any more questions sir?

Define Gov't Welfare.

And "not in jail" assumes everyone outside of jail is neither criminal nor not a drain on society and therefore a benefit.


Well-Known Member
The "TEA PARTIES" started as a joke and continues to be one. It morphed into a fund raising tool where they suck out millions of dollars from donors. Others, like the ones asking the goverment for tax exempt status, are exploiting the laws to avoid paying taxes.

I can only imagine the fraud going on as these tax exempt groups steal donations from the dopes silly enough to contribute to them.

At the end of the day, they all get what they deserve. Just ask Karl Rove who has collected over a billion dollars in tax free donations to influence elections in every state.

Ya, thats democracy.



Actually the Tea Parties started out on the same basis as Occupy in opposing Corp. bailouts and handouts. Not soon after once realizing the potential impact, the Tea Party became co-oped by the GOP just as the Occupy Movement became infiltrated with operatives of the democrat party. In that sense, both could be said to have become a joke but the core basis upon which each was founded has still remained. Both had it half right in that one blamed everything on Washington and the other blamed everything on so-called Wall Street. In time more and more people have learned that both Washington and Wall Street as the face of crony or finance capitalism have been equal partners in crime.

You really should get out more if you going to continue to comment on deeper issues you have such little knowledge of.


Inordinately Right
Actually the Tea Parties started out on the same basis as Occupy in opposing Corp. bailouts and handouts. Not soon after once realizing the potential impact, the Tea Party became co-oped by the GOP just as the Occupy Movement became infiltrated with operatives of the democrat party. In that sense, both could be said to have become a joke but the core basis upon which each was founded has still remained. Both had it half right in that one blamed everything on Washington and the other blamed everything on so-called Wall Street. In time more and more people have learned that both Washington and Wall Street as the face of crony or finance capitalism have been equal partners in crime.

You really should get out more if you going to continue to comment on deeper issues you have such little knowledge of.

I totally agree. I was on board with the tea party movement at first, then it was hijacked by right-wing, religious, and gun nut jobs. OWS and the Tea Party movements failed because they had no specific leadership or defined goals. That is also why they were so popular.


golden ticket member
Kind of like how UPS drivers say, you can't touch me, I've got a union. Ya, not really. I don't think you know what you're talking about.

Tenure is a non factor here, teachers' tenure does not mean they are not held accountable. At least in my state, teachers have no bargaining rights, and although they are given tenure, they can still be surplussed and replaced with a lower tenure teacher who has a higher score based on student test scores(this only benefits teachers in rich neighborhoods). Teachers' tenure means nothing, and guess what, the system is still a failure.

I think you are misunderstanding the executive order. In places like Texas, students are "disciplined", by being taken to jail. Or they are "disciplined", by being suspended (they don't want to be at school in the first place, it's a vacation for them). They are taken out of a system that educates them, and put into a system that teaches them how to be criminals.

Here's the entire Executive Order. You can point out my misunderstanding of it...............Executive Order 13621 - Wikisource, the free online library


Inordinately Right
The teacher can't discipline as per this executive order. How does the pres. think this helps a child get an education? The teachers sit around and say "You can't touch me, I've got tenure". Maybe getting rid of 'tenure' and actually holding teachers accountable might help. Lowering the bar for anyone is NOT the answer. Ask Dr. Ben Cross and other successful people. What drove them ? Why did they excel?

Here's the entire Executive Order. You can point out my misunderstanding of it...............Executive Order 13621 - Wikisource, the free online library

Your misunderstanding is assuming that the word "discipline" means telling a child no, or giving them detention.

reducing the dropout rate of African American students and helping African American students graduate from high school prepared for college and a career, in part by promoting a positive school climate that does not rely on methods that result in disparate use of disciplinary tools, and by supporting successful and innovative dropout prevention and recovery strategies that better engage African American youths in their learning, help them catch up academically, and provide those who have left the educational system with pathways to reentry;

For example, a black child (15 year old Shaquandra Cotton in Dallas, Texas) being imprisoned for a year for shoving a teacher. Do you think that would have happened to a 15 year old white girl in Texas?

very different: describes people or things so completely unlike one another that they cannot be compared

Putting a 15 year old child in prison because of an altercation at school does not promote education. A judge has found her mother's care is detrimental to her, so prison is better? As I said, it takes children out of a system that educates them, and puts them into a system that teaches them how to be criminals.