President Obama!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

actually many tried but Ronnie was way too smart for them. Obama is miles behind reagan in basic common sense smarts

Yeah, I guess li'll ole Eureka Collega in Illinois taught Reagon to forget important stuff like the Iran-Contra affair (arms for hostages scheme) or was alzhiemer already settling in ? I guess you appear smart for playing dumb. Unfortunately, they don't teach you that when your in the top of your class in Harvard...:peaceful:


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

Obama: Cambridge police acted stupidly

Updated: Thursday, 23 Jul 2009, 11:41 PM EDT
Published : Wednesday, 22 Jul 2009, 9:15 PM EDT
Obama called Gates a friend, and said he doesn't know all the facts of the case.
What I think we know separate and apart from this incident is that there's a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately," Obama said. "That's just a fact."

"top of your class "


Re: Obamanation here today

Yeah, I guess li'll ole Eureka Collega in Illinois taught Reagon to forget important stuff like the Iran-Contra affair (arms for hostages scheme) or was alzhiemer already settling in ? I guess you appear smart for playing dumb. Unfortunately, they don't teach you that when your in the top of your class in Harvard...:peaceful:

you can't learn common sense in school. Reagan was a god and you can't do anything but piss your pants with envy everytime you desperately try to find a way to put him down. The funny thing is the guy is dead and you're still no match for him.:happy2:


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

you can't learn common sense in school. Reagan was a god and you can't do anything but piss your pants with envy everytime you desperately try to find a way to put him down. The funny thing is the guy is dead and you're still no match for him.:happy2:

What a god that was, he supported the now devils (Taliban). If the real god is like that, we are in deep trouble.!!!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

you can't learn common sense in school. Reagan was a god and you can't do anything but piss your pants with envy everytime you desperately try to find a way to put him down. The funny thing is the guy is dead and you're still no match for him.:happy2:

Speaking of being pissed, Reagan was only worth $50 dollars.....
The way you look up to him he should of at least replaced Ben Franklin's at $100 a pop....Time for more Depend's

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanation here today

Speaking of being pissed, Reagan was only worth $50 dollars.....
The way you look up to him he should of at least replaced Ben Franklin's at $100 a pop....Time for more Depend's

Soon our gooberment will be issuing IOUs because we are bankrupt and Obamas face will be on the IOUs...the leftys will be proud that their Messiah accomplished something.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Soon our gooberment will be issuing IOUs because we are bankrupt and Obamas face will be on the IOUs...the leftys will be proud that their Messiah accomplished something.

Your late to the punch, the Bush Administration already took care of that....but , I you guys, that doesn't count and never happened...That's called selective memory.


Strength through joy
more of your earned dollars will be used to fund this, thus everyone will have less $$ to spent on helping this economy to grow.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
I was with Bart Stupak "no federal dollars for abortion" But Obama promised today an executive order madating same.Now it looks like another obstacle has fallen.At this point I think it will pass.
I firmley believe taxes on our health care are coming because somebody has to pay for this.


Well-Known Member
all of this has got me wondering actually. One of the few things that has held me at UPS for this long is the health benefits. In all honesty, the pay is a small part of it, but I would take much less somewhere else if the job was right and came with the benefits. I know things are still a few years off but the country is definitely headed toward government healthcare.... wonder how this is all going to affect the way things are with us and UPS?


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Your late to the punch, the Bush Administration already took care of that....but , I you guys, that doesn't count and never happened...That's called selective memory.

All liberals do is talk...If what bush did was so terrible why don't they find a way to fix it. So childish using bush as an excuse to moving forward with their agenda.

I may also have selective memory, because I don't remember any past presidents talking negatively (using personal names) about other americans in the past. Can you think of any dies?


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
1. Yes, Unfortunately it will squeak by. Another wasteful government program run by incompetent people. Our quality of healthcare will go down while the price goes up.

2. We will be paying for healthcare in the next contract.


Re: Obamanation here today

What a god that was, he supported the now devils (Taliban). If the real god is like that, we are in deep trouble.!!!

yep he kicked the mighty soviet empires rear with a bunch of half educated rag heads. What a god he was.


Re: Obamanation here today

Speaking of being pissed, Reagan was only worth $50 dollars.....
The way you look up to him he should of at least replaced Ben Franklin's at $100 a pop....Time for more Depend's

I'm sure you'll put those diapers to good use as you try to imagine a liberal leader growing a set the size of Ronnies.:happy2:

You may want to drink less so you wet those depends less.


Re: Obamanation here today

All liberals do is talk...If what bush did was so terrible why don't they find a way to fix it. So childish using bush as an excuse to moving forward with their agenda.

I may also have selective memory, because I don't remember any past presidents talking negatively (using personal names) about other americans in the past. Can you think of any dies?

the liberals had to know something was wrong in order to fix it. With Pelosi leading the charge they were lucky if they found their way to work each day. Accomplishing something while there was too much to ask. Heck Obama sat in a church pew for 20 years listening to reverend wright badmouth his country and didnt realize there was something wrong with the message. Now you expect them to detect complicated issues like an economy crashing? jeez the nerver of it all:happy2: