President Obama!


Inordinately Right
Nah, he could talk the talk, that's all that matters.
I was calling BS through his whole first election.... people are suckers. Didn't help that McCain/Palin(speaking of not needing to be vetted) was a joke at best.


Well-Known Member

Interesting article, but in fact the US mostly does exactly what it wants to, and gets away with it.

There were a minority of voices saying similar things in the run-up to the Afghanistan and Iraq 'wars'.

Everyone (D's and R's) lined up behind GW Bush when he went into Afghanistan, and then Iraq, and the cooler heads did not prevail.

At least this time, people in Congress are attempting to do their job, by questioning the President on his rationale and/or legal standing - I would have liked to have seen some more of that in the run-up to the two 'wars' perpetuated by CheneyOilCo.

Cameron got his :censored2: handed to him when he went in front of the British Parliament seeking the authority to strike without UN or Security Council's ironic that the kingdom we rebelled against has a more functional government than we do.

Unfortunately, the US is unlikely to wait for authorization from anyone, as if 'authorization' is even realistic, given the deep divides between the major players/organizations.

But hey, true and necessary legitimacy for military action has never stopped us before, and it certainly won't stop us now.

Go Team!


Well-Known Member
AFL-CIO’s Trumka: Obamacare still needs fixing

The head of America’s top labor group said Thursday that President Obama’s health care law
is a step in the right direction but it “wasn’t thought completely through” and he is still pressing the White House to fix it.

Richard L. Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO, said he would support legislation that changes Obamacare’s definition of
a full-time work week from 30 hours to a more traditional 40-hour standard.

Read more: AFL-CIO's Trumka: Obamacare still needs fixing - Washington Times
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Well-Known Member
As UPS did.....

More benefit cuts under ObamaCare

EMPLOYERS SLASHING COVERAGE - UVA dumps spouses - The University of Virginia announced Wednesday
it will stop offering health insurance to some employees’ spouses citing rising costs under ObamaCare.

According to a press release on the university’s website, “Provisions of the federal Affordable Care Act are projected to
add $7.3 million to the cost of the University health plan in 2014 alone.”

This follows news that UPS would be dumping an estimated 15,000 from the company’s plan.

More benefit cuts under ObamaCare | Fox News


golden ticket member

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
The goal of the Democrats is to get us to a single-payer system. As the "big, bad" insurance companies become less profitable and pull out of markets and offer less services, we lose.

If we continue to move toward toward socialized medicine and socialism, we all become sheep in the system that dictates to us what our lives and healthcare should look like. That is not in anyones best interest except the Federal government!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member

Actually this is so true it is scary not funny. Obama is sitting on a powder keg as a paper tiger "world leader" worried more about what voters think of him than making the hard decisions to lead. The situation in the Middle East should never have gotten to this stage. Our enemies know Obama all-to-well. He is a weak leader with the firepower of the strongest nation on earth (right now anyway) at his beckon call.

As a father and husband, I have a great deal of respect for him. But as a leader - I have no respect for him. At home it is no different, he is too worried about pleasing his base than leading our country. He goes out and makes campaign speeches, bad mouths the Republicans and plays to his base.

A real leader shows respect for the opposition, forces both sides to sit at the table and negotiate their positions to move the country forward in the interest of both sides. Strong arm tactics and bad mouthing the opposition is what school children do on the playground before they mature into adults.

I lay blame at the feet of the president for the in-action and combativeness of the legislature.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
When that combativeness was the opposition goal from day one, it is hardly the fault of the president.

The New New Deal: Why the GOP Became the Party of No |

Thank you for opening that door.

A true leader does not let that deter him/her. The bigger person and LEADER absorbs that and continues to take the high road. Those on the low road will come around. Barrack was elected to lead all of the USA and has an obligation to do so. He has no choice but to fulfill that obligation. Following in the footsteps of the folks on the low road will do nothing but continue to erode the leader's ability with them and respect will diminish.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Thank you for opening that door.

A true leader does not let that deter him/her. The bigger person and LEADER absorbs that and continues to take the high road. Those on the low road will come around. Barrack was elected to lead all of the USA and has an obligation to do so. He has no choice but to fulfill that obligation. Following in the footsteps of the folks on the low road will do nothing but continue to erode the leader's ability with them and respect will diminish.

Rick, The President's first name is Barack. Show a little respect for the office, at least. What would you have him do? The Republican leadership has refused to meet with him or even let him appoint the people he wants in his administration. They refuse to raise the debt limit, hell they won't even show up on the anniversary of MLK's March.

Just last week this was reported:
Louie Gohmert: GOP Lawmakers Meet Weekly To Plot Obamacare's Downfall

One should never negotiate with terrorists, and frankly, that is what the 'loyal opposition' has become.

It's crap like this that is disgusting: