President Obama!


Well-Known Member
However, IF they can bankrupt the Insurance companies this would change the picture.

Well, if we stay on the path intended by Obamacrap, insurance companies will start to fail. I used to think that might be a good thing, but it isn't. Right now the plan is, when one insurance company is failing or receiving losses, another company is going to have to "help" out financially. Wait, I thought this was America? When did we have to give our competitor money? Yes those insurance companies definitely needed restructure, but they didn't get their branches pruned, they got their trunk chopped.

In 2014 many insurance companies are already switching their plans to a different structure, taking away easy access to doctors. Many doctors are already planning to leave the public healthcare system. We will be left with R.N.s and P.A.s in an office setting, with a few lead doctors to overseeing them. It's actually already happening in many places. Personally, when I go to the doctor, I want to see a doctor. Mind you, this applies to an individual policies, not group.

PPACA was designed to help people that needed healthcare and I really thought it was a great idea. But when a plan or process helps one but hurts another, it's a fail. It's so sad...something that sounded so good, is turning out so bad.


Atlas shrugged !!! Welcome to full Government control and total collapse.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
However, IF they can bankrupt the Insurance companies this would change the picture.

Well, if we stay on the path intended by Obamacrap, insurance companies will start to fail. I used to think that might be a good thing, but it isn't. Right now the plan is, when one insurance company is failing or receiving losses, another company is going to have to "help" out financially. Wait, I thought this was America? When did we have to give our competitor money? Yes those insurance companies definitely needed restructure, but they didn't get their branches pruned, they got their trunk chopped.

In 2014 many insurance companies are already switching their plans to a different structure, taking away easy access to doctors. Many doctors are already planning to leave the public healthcare system. We will be left with R.N.s and P.A.s in an office setting, with a few lead doctors to overseeing them. It's actually already happening in many places. Personally, when I go to the doctor, I want to see a doctor. Mind you, this applies to an individual policies, not group.

PPACA was designed to help people that needed healthcare and I really thought it was a great idea. But when a plan or process helps one but hurts another, it's a fail. It's so sad...something that sounded so good, is turning out so bad.

GREAT metaphor !

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member

What do you expect from Chicago style politics. They are as dirty as they come. This administration has taken Chicago politics to the national level in a way that most Americans have never seen.

Hurt as many Americans as you can and blame the other side.


golden ticket member
Via NRO’s Andrew Johnson:
Not a single person in Alaska has been able to enroll in the new Obamacare exchanges because of the slow website’s series of glitches, prompting Republican senator Lisa Murkowski to demand weekly updates on the enrollment numbers from Health and Human Services secretary Kathleen Sebelius.
“This system that cost more than $400 million, took three years to build, and was billed as a one-stop shop for individuals seeking health insurance is not working as advertised,” Murkowski wrote in a letter to Sebelius. “In its first two weeks of operation, I am told that no one was able to enroll in the Alaska Exchange

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Obama's goal is to break (destroy) the Republicans. He wants to assure a take over in the House. He would like to see the markets tank so that his team could blame the other side. We would go into another recession which he would manipulate through the 2014 elections to assure victory.

​It is all about WINNING at all costs.

The republicans are destroying the republicans. The TEA PARTY is trying to destroy the republicans. You are watching your own party self destruct right in front of your face and you are powerless to stop it.

The Tea Party is a rhetoric freight train running aimlessly though the GOP without brakes. You have nuts like Ted Cruz hijacking the congress with useless political rhetoric and the numbskulls in congress going along with him over the political cliff.

One by one, republicans in this country are turning against the Tea Party morons and this in itself will destroy the republican chances in 2014.

The republicans now have a disapproval rating of 74%... the highest in the history of modern day polling. This doesnt bode well for your message.

While you sit back and watch Rome burn, the rest of america laughs at you. Myself included. Keep up the good work!




Inordinately Right
TOS must be so proud to have you as his knight in shining armor.
I'm sorry I understand my mistake now....
The exclamation point after Obama in the thread title clearly implied that only the opinions of people who hate Obama are valid here. I guess he is a troll, my bad. Continue hating, sorry to derail your misplaced anger topic.


Strength through joy
Now a word from President Stompy Feet on the shutdown charade and the debt ceiling:
Warning, Republicans: capitulate unconditionally or more tantrums will follow.


golden ticket member
Obama and his tribe needed 500,000 to enroll in ACA during the first week.........they've got like 36,000 in a couple weeks. Can you say failure? I'm sure you can.