President Obama!


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link


Well-Known Member
I thought Obamacrap was going to be a good thing, until I got into the business. PPACA was meant to help the people who couldn't afford insurance due to pre existing conditions or lack of funds - yay! Success on that part, but now it's taking away thousand of jobs of Americans working in the insurance industry, and not from those top dogs that should take pay cut.

Just wait, more to come from this crazy mess

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
The Republicans are getting blasted for fighting Obamacare, the media will spin the ACA failure on the Republicans. LET THE DEMOCRATS OWN THIS. Get out of their way. It is my opinion that the law will fail miserably. It is already starting! The working class will get so disgusted that they will voice their opinion at the polls.


nowhere special
The Republicans are getting blasted for fighting Obamacare, the media will spin the ACA failure on the Republicans. LET THE DEMOCRATS OWN THIS. Get out of their way. It is my opinion that the law will fail miserably. It is already starting! The working class will get so disgusted that they will voice their opinion at the polls.

The Democrats WANT it to fail so they can use it as an excuse to force everyone into a single payer system (which was their goal from the beginning).

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
The Democrats WANT it to fail so they can use it as an excuse to force everyone into a single payer system (which was their goal from the beginning).

Right now, the Libs won't be able to do that because of the House. However, IF they can bankrupt the Insurance companies this would change the picture. ( I still don't see that happening, again, because of the House. )

Just like forcing the economy to tank. The Libs would rather see a world currency which would completely castrate the US and put us on a sub-terrainian playing field with the rest of the world. By tanking our economy, it makes their argument stronger. Equality for all. YIKES!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Wow, that news conference definitely wasn't designed to draw people together.

​The Divider in Chief has spoken!

Obama's goal is to break (destroy) the Republicans. He wants to assure a take over in the House. He would like to see the markets tank so that his team could blame the other side. We would go into another recession which he would manipulate through the 2014 elections to assure victory.

​It is all about WINNING at all costs.


Well-Known Member
However, IF they can bankrupt the Insurance companies this would change the picture.

Well, if we stay on the path intended by Obamacrap, insurance companies will start to fail. I used to think that might be a good thing, but it isn't. Right now the plan is, when one insurance company is failing or receiving losses, another company is going to have to "help" out financially. Wait, I thought this was America? When did we have to give our competitor money? Yes those insurance companies definitely needed restructure, but they didn't get their branches pruned, they got their trunk chopped.

In 2014 many insurance companies are already switching their plans to a different structure, taking away easy access to doctors. Many doctors are already planning to leave the public healthcare system. We will be left with R.N.s and P.A.s in an office setting, with a few lead doctors to overseeing them. It's actually already happening in many places. Personally, when I go to the doctor, I want to see a doctor. Mind you, this applies to an individual policies, not group.

PPACA was designed to help people that needed healthcare and I really thought it was a great idea. But when a plan or process helps one but hurts another, it's a fail. It's so sad...something that sounded so good, is turning out so bad.
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