President Obama!


Well-Known Member
You're speaking opinion like it's the truth


Sure. When you are facing a life ending illness --Lets see what opinion you are spouting --or better yet --what country you will want to be in for treatment.

Opinions based on real life experiences --like living and working for many years in different Countries --gives you full perspective to make "educated" opinions.


Inordinately Right
the best medical system in the world ---
You're speaking opinion like it's the truth

Sure. When you are facing a life ending illness --Lets see what opinion you are spouting --or better yet --what country you will want to be in for treatment.

Opinions based on real life experiences --like living and working for many years in different Countries --gives you full perspective to make "educated" opinions.
I think maybe you should have been more specific than the "best medical system".
You might be able to get some of the best medical care in the world in the US.....if you are rich. Poor people probably wouldn't agree with you that we have the best medical system in the world. Lots of middle class people might not either.
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Well-Known Member

Not politically correct to say --but the system and the treatment are directly related.

Improvements to the system -if done correctly --may even continue to improve a very good treatment.

Letting a bunch of Political Dummies --for their own power ---Destroy the present system --not increasing the number of doctors or hospitals --just the number of patients --will lead to a total disaster.

If done correctly --Our fearless leaders --would have looked at the 30 million not insured and developed a medical system for them --not take apart the whole system --when it is obvious they have no clue on how to put it back together.

Like it or not -leave political agendas out of it --RATIONING --is coming to YOUR healthcare soon !!:sad-little: Numbers are numbers !!


Inordinately Right

Not politically correct to say --but the system and the treatment are directly related.

Improvements to the system -if done correctly --may even continue to improve a very good treatment.

Letting a bunch of Political Dummies --for their own power ---Destroy the present system --not increasing the number of doctors or hospitals --just the number of patients --will lead to a total disaster.

If done correctly --Our fearless leaders --would have looked at the 30 million not insured and developed a medical system for them --not take apart the whole system --when it is obvious they have no clue on how to put it back together.

Like it or not -leave political agendas out of it --RATIONING --is coming to YOUR healthcare soon !!:sad-little: Numbers are numbers !!
Only 30 million uninsured, but a lot of people with insurance were already rationing. It wasn't long ago I was avoiding going to the doctor because of high deductibles. I've chosen to not fill prescriptions before because I couldn't afford it.... and I had insurance.

The system has been broken for a long time. I'll agree the government is largely responsible for this, I just don't see a way out of it. Some people will argue for a free market but I don't think there is such a thing. Pharmaceutical and Insurance companies through lobbying have way too much power. Don't even get me started on the ridiculous patent laws.


Strength through joy
Only 30 million uninsured, but a lot of people with insurance were already rationing. It wasn't long ago I was avoiding going to the doctor because of high deductibles. I've chosen to not fill prescriptions before because I couldn't afford it.... and I had insurance.

You make bad choices about your own health care , yet you still try to claim it's the systems fault .
Why didn't you act like an illegal , go to a emergency room & claim to have no insurance . All your needs would have been filled .


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
Jesse Jackson said we should stop calling it Obamacare.
Sorry Rev., Barry said it was OK to call it Obamacare.........because Obama cares.....remember?


Well-Known Member
Only 30 million uninsured, but a lot of people with insurance were already rationing. It wasn't long ago I was avoiding going to the doctor because of high deductibles. I've chosen to not fill prescriptions before because I couldn't afford it.... and I had insurance.

The system has been broken for a long time. I'll agree the government is largely responsible for this, I just don't see a way out of it. Some people will argue for a free market but I don't think there is such a thing. Pharmaceutical and Insurance companies through lobbying have way too much power. Don't even get me started on the ridiculous patent laws.


System has needed big changes for too many years. Obamacare was not even close to the solution and will make the "system" much worse.

Just think if we had politicians that were not just into doing things for their own power ----you might have seen something like this :

The government will invest in and build "Teaching" Medical Universities in all states--Students can get a great medical education at reduced rates --but will make a five year "payback" of working in the teaching hospitals for reasonable controlled pay.
After five years --they go out into the 'Private sector" Solves the Rationing aspect.

Healthcare will be provided to all that are in need --NOT FREE--five dollars to get a physical ---all other procedures and operations at minor cost.

Tort reform --where tort lawyers do not get rich --the aggrieved are made whole --but not made multi millionaires --we have been paying this cost -not the hospitals or doctors. Deals with cost aspect

Doctors and hospitals do not have to put people through millions of un-necessary tests -just to cover themselves and raise cost.

The cost of Hospital and Doctors liability insurance drops tremendously ---Health costs follow suit.

Cross State lines --full and open Competion for Insurance companies. Supply and demand --reduce cost.

I could go on --but you get the idea --this was in a "two minute drill" --If I were the most powerful man in the world --with the best education and the best accountants and scholars at my call ----WE would NOT have OBAMACARE !!!!!!:wink2:

After three years of work and spending MILLIONS of our Tax money --the Government cannot get even a WEBSITE to work ---They are going to run the entire Healthcare System ???? Welcome to TEAMCARE!!:sad-little:


golden ticket member
No secret to us that he is a petty vindictive man, but it does need to be said again and again until those that don’t get it, do get it. Share it with a liberal today…

Via National Review:
Last week I wrote a column accusing the president of having a vindictive streak — of deliberately trying to make the lives of average Americans worse just so he could score ideological and political points.

We already knew from how he handled the budget sequester that Obama liked this approach. He ordered Cabinet secretaries not to do their jobs — i.e., to manage as best they could under spending restraints — but instead to find ways to make the cuts needlessly painful for innocents caught in the Beltway crossfire.

They dusted off the same playbook for the shutdown. As one park ranger told the Washington Times, “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can.”
Admittedly, the case was circumstantial. There was no smoking gun. What was really needed was a confession.

Obama delivered. On October 8, Obama was asked by Mark Knoller of CBS if he was “tempted” to sign the numerous funding bills passed by the GOP-controlled House that would greatly alleviate the pain of the shutdown. Republicans have voted to reopen parks, fund cancer trials for children at the NIH, and to keep FEMA and the FDA going through this partial shutdown. But Obama has threatened to veto any such efforts, effectively keeping the Senate from considering the legislation.

“Of course I’m tempted” to sign those bills, Obama explained. “But here’s the problem. What you’ve seen are bills that come up wherever Republicans are feeling political pressure, they put a bill forward. And if there’s no political heat, if there’s no television story on it, then nothing happens.”

Obama’s answer dragged on, as all of Obama’s answers do. But the point was made. For the first time in American history, a president confessed to deliberately hurting his country to score points against his enemies.