President Obama!


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
How much is the VAT tax in Canada?

Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a Value Added Tax introduced by the Federal Government in 1991 at a rate of 7%, later reduced to the current rate of 5%.

I'm good with that. I will gladly pay a little more in taxes to live in a free, educated, safe, friendly country. I can still own a place in the US for the Winter, and afford it with my heathcare savings ;)


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
I lived and worked in Canada for five years --know a lot more about single payer than you do.

Canadians had to get used to doctors --the good ones --moving to America to earn what they deserve --leaving not only less than the best doctors --but waiting lists for
many serious tests and procedures. Many Canadians also come down to the U.S. for Immediate treatment.

Canadians also pay higher taxes----would YOU like a GST FED TAX ON EVERYTHING YOU BUY ??? and with a minimum military --there National Security depends on the PROTECTION of the U.S. When Russia and Putin were making a move on the Northern oil ----what made them back off --the Canadian Navy ??
Like it or not --Our Military has a Stabilizing impact on the world ---let the entire military complex --shink and disappear --put a massive single payer medical system for our ENTIRE population and expect our National Seccurity to be done by the Canadians or Mexico ---Please get out of la-la land.

What is becoming very clear --even to liberals that were working and PAYING for their own healthcare -----THE TAKERS---the wagon sitters --are driving up costs and will drive RATIONING for all of us ----Healthcare free???? for all --no extra doctors or Hospitals ---government Re-Imbursements --less and less to doctors and hospitals ----less incentive to become doctors ----etc etc etc:sick:

Island, honestly, your ramblings are hard to follow. Didn't baba recently complain he was losing his doctor because they were moving TO Canada?

Don't assume you know more than anyone else. God help us if you do.


nowhere special
America's National Security Agency chief General Keith Alexander had briefed Obama on the operation against Merkel in 2010. "Obama did not halt the operation but rather let it continue," the newspaper quoted a high-ranking NSA official as saying.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
America's National Security Agency chief General Keith Alexander had briefed Obama on the operation against Merkel in 2010. "Obama did not halt the operation but rather let it continue," the newspaper quoted a high-ranking NSA official as saying.
But NSA spokeswoman Vanee' Vines, in Washington, flatly denied the claims.

Alexander "did not discuss with President Obama in 2010 an alleged foreign intelligence operation involving German Chancellor Merkel, nor has he ever discussed alleged operations involving Chancellor Merkel," Vines said.
"News reports claiming otherwise are not true," she added.

Tabloids are not news sources.


Staff member
Open letter to the world:

Dear world,

Yes. We spy on you. You probably spy on us as well. Let our friends remain friends and our enemies beware because it isn't going to change.

Your's truly,

The United States of America


Well-Known Member
Did you read the linked article?

If the spying occurred, Obama had no knowledge of it and Bush began it.

How long will the Blame Bush Card last?

It is 2013, late October. That makes almost 5 years the Competent / Change one and his administration
has had to unravel all the reported evils of Bush.

Next it is Bush was instrumental in the latest Obama Health Care Web failure.

So blind are all of you. So sad.

For the US, and all His mindless followers, and our turning into Greece.

You will holler Bush while all of you are flowing around the swirl of the flushing toilet.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
How long will the Blame Bush Card last?

It is 2013, late October. That makes almost 5 years the Competent / Change one and his administration
has had to unravel all the reported evils of Bush.

Next it is Bush was instrumental in the latest Obama Health Care Web failure.

So blind are all of you. So sad.

For the US, and all His mindless followers, and our turning into Greece.

You will holler Bush while all of you are flowing around the swirl of the flushing toilet.

Here's the thing, necro, Obama is just continuing what Bush started. To blame Obama is to blame Bush. If you don't acknowledge the sins of your fathers you will never be forgiven.

If Obama was allowed to initiate his policies in the way Bush was, we would not be in this toilet bowl, as you describe it.

Open your eyes to the obstuction that has defined the minority party. Our countries interests or personal interests?

I can provide pages of citations.


Well-Known Member
Island, honestly, your ramblings are hard to follow. Didn't baba recently complain he was losing his doctor because they were moving TO Canada?

Don't assume you know more than anyone else. God help us if you do.


I obviously know more than you--- but that is not saying much.

You are o/k with paying more taxes and I would imagine having a military on par with Canada.

How do you think they have a nice safe country ? La- la land !!


Staff member

I obviously know more than you--- but that is not saying much.

You are o/k with paying more taxes and I would imagine having a military on par with Canada.

How do you think they have a nice safe country ? La- la land !!

A military on par with Canada might be all we needed if we were to follow in the libertarian pathways of Rand Paul and get out of all cornrs of the world.