President Obama!


golden ticket member
I’m confused, earlier in the same speech he said the cancellations were not happening.

Via WaPo:
President Obama tried a new tack Wednesday as he fought back against criticism of his Obamacare claims.

Fact-checkers and journalists have ruled that Obama wasn’t being truthful when he claimed that people who liked their insurance could keep it. Obama during a speech in Boston sought to cast the issue Wednesday as trying to weed out “bad apple insurers” who don’t provide enough coverage.

“One of the things health reform was designed to do was to help not only the uninsured but also the under-insured,” Obama said. “And there are a number of Americans, fewer than 5 percent of Americans, who’ve got cut-rate plans that don’t offer real financial protection in the event of a serious illness or an accident.

“Remember, before the Affordable Care Act, these bad apple insurers had free rein every single year to limit the care that you received or used minor pre-existing conditions to jack up your premiums or bill you into bankruptcy.”


golden ticket member
Get absentee ballots and you never stand in line.........unless you like that sort of thing. 20 years and no queue.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
I wonder what all the Gay Married male couples are thinking ??------My PRIVATE Insurance Policy that we were paying for each month ourselves ---is being cancelled because it is a bad policy because it lacks MATERNITY coverage !!:wink2:

We spend hours and hours signing up for Obamacare --to force us to buy something we will never need ---but there is a bright light ---the premium doubled but we qualify for a subsidy ---so the rest of WORKING America ---can have their co-pays raised and their deductibles raised ---just like our nice UPS driver --that was thrown into TEAMCARE !!!!!

Time for Working middle class America to open their eyes and realize ----the WEALTH that Obama is RE-DISTRIBUTING ---is YOUR hard earned money !!!!:sad-little:

So you are getting better coverage for less money? Good for you. Your experience is like most who have applied.


Well-Known Member
Why do you hate healthy Americans? Shouldn't everyone have access to YOUR GOV'T run plan?

I know you were talking to someone else, but let me speak on this. I was really happy when the ACA plan came about because I lost two friends (seniors) to cancer because they had no insurance and found out too late. I often get a my feathers ruffled when people with no insurance go to the ER for routine care and then tax paying folks have to pick up the tab. I thought having affordable health care might eliminate some of that.

I said in a past post that when you take from one to help another, that really isn't helping. That is just acknowledged theft. This program is hurting more people than it's helping. It hurts the young & healthy, the one's that need speciality care, people that don't want insurance and the insurance industry. I know that last one seems unimportant, but its not. These huge insurance companies provide thousands of jobs. With these job losses we also will have longer wait times for customer service, wait longer for our claims check and even our health reps will have less time for us.

I have been to seminars with major health insurance companies in the past two months and it's shocking to see what people will be paying. It's completely bass-ackwards and sad that this is our reality. I looked around the room and saw a room crammed with agents/producers and most of them looked very confused. It seems that no one, including our fearless leader knows what the hell is going on. The one thing all of these companies agreed on is hold on to your shorts, it's just the tip of the iceberg.

Again ObamaCRAP is a fail all around. I'm sure some people are happy, but at the expense of others. For those that don't want it, good luck in trying to "ding" someone with a penalty when they get paid under the table, change jobs often or have a fake ID/name.

I think you asked for an example before? Here is from my agent friend about what his kid is going to pay.
An HSA with a $5K annual out of pocket was "inferior?" That inferior plan was costing my son $79 a month. Now the "better" plan with a $6,350 out of pocket will cost over $250. And my son is only 26!

RR, sorry this was long winded, but I think you really fail to see the big picture. This whole ACA was intended to help and damn, it was a good thought, but failed in execution. We don't need to revamp this, we need scrap it and start over.


golden ticket member
Donald Gilliland | [email protected] The Patriot-News
Email the author | Follow on Twitter
on October 31, 2013 at 8:00 AM, updated October 31, 2013 at 8:03 AM

Sally Jewell.
John Usher.
Ring any bells?
Didn't think so.

They're both nobodies - well, actually, they're both Secretaries of the Interior.

The difference is when Usher travelled to Gettysburg, he went with his President.

When Jewell goes this November, she'll be the headliner - her President is taking a pass.

Obama will be a no-show at the 150th anniversary of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.

For a president who has so demonstrably associated himself with Lincoln - the heir of Lincoln's policies who announced his candidacy from the steps of the Old State Capitol in Springfield and used the Lincoln Bible (twice) at his inauguration - this is nothing less than a profile in cowardice.

In the end, Barack Obama simply didn't have the stones.

It's sad.

And telling.
History will note that Lincoln's legacy did not live up to the challenge.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link

Another Angle on the Story

At the end of the day, Obamacare has a price correcting mechanism, that NONE of the defenders of the law are even mentioning. If the rates charged for plans as of 1/1/2014 are indeed too high and the plans are not being used at that level, then all of the insureds will get a nice fat check in the mail come 2015. Given the incentives that insurance companies have to overprice today (little actual experience with the projected people insured under the new plans), this may very well mean a much larger check when they are calculated and distributed. Alternatively, if indeed the plans do incur 80% or more of their premiums being used to pay claims, then the plans have done what they were intended to do....provide insurance protection.


golden ticket member

Another Angle on the Story

At the end of the day, Obamacare has a price correcting mechanism, that NONE of the defenders of the law are even mentioning. If the rates charged for plans as of 1/1/2014 are indeed too high and the plans are not being used at that level, then all of the insureds will get a nice fat check in the mail come 2015. Given the incentives that insurance companies have to overprice today (little actual experience with the projected people insured under the new plans), this may very well mean a much larger check when they are calculated and distributed. Alternatively, if indeed the plans do incur 80% or more of their premiums being used to pay claims, then the plans have done what they were intended to do....provide insurance protection.

You be sure and let us know when those big fat checks go out !!!!


golden ticket member
By beating the birther drum, you prove one thing, and it's about you, not President Obama
I wasn't born outside the U.S............Unless PA. is considered across the border.
And's always about me....who else would it be about ?? ME,ME, Me, Me................................