President Obama!


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
Well, aren't you lucky.....a male. Wow, ever hear of prostate cancer or lung cancer or even breast cancer.....males do get that you know.
Lucky you!
The stats are 1 in 2 males will get cancer in their lifetime and 1 in 3 females.

By the way.....rr never mentioned the deductible in the affordable plan he got.
Hubby was searching around on the ACA site and he was quoted some lower rates, saying he was 35, but the deductible (in CA.) was $5000.00 !!


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Company Behind Troubled Obamacare Website Donated Heavily To Republicans In 2012 - CNN iReport

"Republicans’ new Obamacare attack line hinges on allegations that the contractor in charge of building the disastrous website landed the gig through sweetheart deals from the Obama administration.

But according to Federal Election Commission records, that company’s PAC gave more to House Republicans than House Democrats during the 2012 cycle — including a $2,000 check for the GOP’s chief scandal investigator, Oversight Committee Chair Darrell Issa. What’s more, executives of CGI Federal personally gave more than twice as much to GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney than to President Obama.
The contractor has also feasted on more than $2.4 billion worth of IT work dating back to the early Bush Administration."


Well-Known Member
Company Behind Troubled Obamacare Website Donated Heavily To Republicans In 2012 - CNN iReport

"Republicans’ new Obamacare attack line hinges on allegations that the contractor in charge of building the disastrous website landed the gig through sweetheart deals from the Obama administration.

But according to Federal Election Commission records, that company’s PAC gave more to House Republicans than House Democrats during the 2012 cycle — including a $2,000 check for the GOP’s chief scandal investigator, Oversight Committee Chair Darrell Issa. What’s more, executives of CGI Federal personally gave more than twice as much to GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney than to President Obama.
The contractor has also feasted on more than $2.4 billion worth of IT work dating back to the early Bush Administration."


If this is true --just goes to show you --Another THING Obama did not know about.

It was Bush --It was Bush --It was Bush --I did not know --I did not know --I did not know --Just proves what an empty suit he is !!!


Well-Known Member
The U.S. government has just passed a new law called: "The affordable boat act" declaring that every citizen MUST purchase a new boat, by April 2014. These "affordable" boats will cost an average of $54,000-$155,000 each. This does not include taxes, trailers, towing fees, licensing and registration fees, fuel, docking and storage fees, maintenance or repair costs.

This law has been passed, because until now, typically only wealthy and financially responsible people have been able to purchase boats. This new law ensures that every American can now have a "affordable" boat of their own, because everyone is "entitled" to a new boat. If you purchase your boat before the end of the year, you will receive 4 "free" life jackets; not including monthly usage fees.

In order to make sure everyone purchases an affordable boat, the costs of owning a boat will increase on average of 250-400% per year. This way, wealthy people will pay more for something that other people don't want or can't afford to maintain. But to be fair, people who cant afford to maintain their boat will be regularly fined and children (under the age of 26) can use their parents boats to party on until they turn 27; then must purchase their own boat.

If you already have a boat, you can keep yours (just kidding; no you can't). If you don't want or don't need a boat, you are required to buy one anyhow. If you refuse to buy one or cant afford one, you will be regularly fined $800 until you purchase one or face imprisonment.

Failure to use the boat will also result in fines. People living in the desert; ghettos; inner cities or areas with no access to lakes are not exempt. Age, motion sickness, experience, knowledge nor lack of desire are acceptable excuses for not using your boat.

A government review board (that doesn't know the difference between the port, starboard or stern of a boat) will decide everything, including; when, where, how often and for what purposes you can use your boat along with how many people can ride your boat and determine if one is too old or healthy enough to be able to use their boat. They will also decide if your boat has out lived its usefulness or if you must purchase specific accessories,(like a $500 compass) or a newer and more expensive boat.

Those that can afford yachts will be required to do so...its only fair. The government will also decide the name for each boat. Failure to comply with these rules will result in fines and possible imprisonment.

Government officials are exempt from this new law. If they want a boat, they and their families can obtain boats free, at the expense of tax payers. Unions, bankers and mega companies with large political affiliations ($$$) are also exempt.

If the government can force you to buy health care, they can force you to buy a boat....or ANYTHING else..'s that stupid...


Well-Known Member
I wonder what all the Gay Married male couples are thinking ??------My PRIVATE Insurance Policy that we were paying for each month ourselves ---is being cancelled because it is a bad policy because it lacks MATERNITY coverage !!:wink2:

We spend hours and hours signing up for Obamacare --to force us to buy something we will never need ---but there is a bright light ---the premium doubled but we qualify for a subsidy ---so the rest of WORKING America ---can have their co-pays raised and their deductibles raised ---just like our nice UPS driver --that was thrown into TEAMCARE !!!!!

Time for Working middle class America to open their eyes and realize ----the WEALTH that Obama is RE-DISTRIBUTING ---is YOUR hard earned money !!!!:sad-little:


golden ticket member
She absolutely is allowed to enroll in Obamacare according to, the only thing she isn’t eligible for is subsidies.

Via WaPo:

Rep. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) told Sebelius that he and his family buy their health insurance on the private market, and like other people in his boat, got a notice saying his plan was being discontinued this year. He said he chose to reject his congressional insurance to be more like people in his district.

“Why aren’t you losing your insurance?” he demanded of Sebelius. “Why won’t you go into this exchange?”

Sebelius responded that she is not eligible, because people who get affordable coverage through their employer may not apply through the marketplace.
“I would urge you to be like the American people,” he said, before asking for a waiver from the health-care law for his Colorado district.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The U.S. government has just passed a new law called: "The affordable boat act" declaring that every citizen MUST purchase a new boat, by April 2014. These "affordable" boats will cost an average of $54,000-$155,000 each. This does not include taxes, trailers, towing fees, licensing and registration fees, fuel, docking and storage fees, maintenance or repair costs.

This law has been passed, because until now, typically only wealthy and financially responsible people have been able to purchase boats. This new law ensures that every American can now have a "affordable" boat of their own, because everyone is "entitled" to a new boat. If you purchase your boat before the end of the year, you will receive 4 "free" life jackets; not including monthly usage fees.

In order to make sure everyone purchases an affordable boat, the costs of owning a boat will increase on average of 250-400% per year. This way, wealthy people will pay more for something that other people don't want or can't afford to maintain. But to be fair, people who cant afford to maintain their boat will be regularly fined and children (under the age of 26) can use their parents boats to party on until they turn 27; then must purchase their own boat.

If you already have a boat, you can keep yours (just kidding; no you can't). If you don't want or don't need a boat, you are required to buy one anyhow. If you refuse to buy one or cant afford one, you will be regularly fined $800 until you purchase one or face imprisonment.

Failure to use the boat will also result in fines. People living in the desert; ghettos; inner cities or areas with no access to lakes are not exempt. Age, motion sickness, experience, knowledge nor lack of desire are acceptable excuses for not using your boat.

A government review board (that doesn't know the difference between the port, starboard or stern of a boat) will decide everything, including; when, where, how often and for what purposes you can use your boat along with how many people can ride your boat and determine if one is too old or healthy enough to be able to use their boat. They will also decide if your boat has out lived its usefulness or if you must purchase specific accessories,(like a $500 compass) or a newer and more expensive boat.

Those that can afford yachts will be required to do so...its only fair. The government will also decide the name for each boat. Failure to comply with these rules will result in fines and possible imprisonment.

Government officials are exempt from this new law. If they want a boat, they and their families can obtain boats free, at the expense of tax payers. Unions, bankers and mega companies with large political affiliations ($$$) are also exempt.

If the government can force you to buy health care, they can force you to buy a boat....or ANYTHING else..'s that stupid...

Tell this to the founders of the USA when they passed the Act for the Relief of Sick & DisabledSeamen, July 1798

Oh those damn liberal founders... what would they say today?

You people are so brainwashed into believing you understand the constitution and how it applies to the powers of government. You dont know crap about it and stories like this one prove it.

thanks for demonstrating your knowledge of govermment Brett.



golden ticket member
Did you notice that the Dems. got yes or no answers and were able to ask more questions while the GOP were given the paragraph answers and their time was used up because of her long answers to them?