President Obama!


Nine Lives
So what should the goals of the government leaders be if not Socialist? Strictly Capitalist? Facist? Feudal? Does the government "of the people, by the people, and for the people" owe only to the top 1%? In fact, you could make an argument that that is exactly what the founders had in mind but I think I'm glad that we don't have to live like that.

Remember what started this?

You and other Obama apologists that go crazy when people call them Socialists.

I never expressed an opinion whether the government or a president being Socialist was good or bad ... just that in the US, they are.

It is the nature of any government to "buy" the continued right to govern by appeasing the lower classes while at the same time ensuring the ruling class stays wealthy. At some point the system breaks down and a new system is put in place, most often to the detriment of the aforementioned lower class.


nowhere special
In Europe socialist does not have the negative connotations it has in the US, and people like the term socialism there. In US similar policies avoid the socialist label like the plague, but that is exactly what many of Obama's programs entail. Not as extreme as the versions in Europe but definitely a form of socialism.


Staff member
Remember what started this?

You and other Obama apologists that go crazy when people call them Socialists.

I never expressed an opinion whether the government or a president being Socialist was good or bad ... just that in the US, they are.

It is the nature of any government to "buy" the continued right to govern by appeasing the lower classes while at the same time ensuring the ruling class stays wealthy. At some point the system breaks down and a new system is put in place, most often to the detriment of the aforementioned lower class.

YOU know "socialist" has a negative connotation. And you hang it out there for the effect of that connotation but you know Obamacare is not a "take over of the healthcare" system and you know it's no socialism in the classic sense of the word. So you have made up your own definition in which every dollar spent by the government "for the common good" could easily fit that definition. I believe to put it in a word, you are being nothing less than disingenuous in calling Obamacare socialism.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
The notion that we should reduce military spending is a scary thought. And could only be made by someone that clearly doesn't understand just how much of a threat China is. In the next 10 years we might have to make many decisions in Asia. Whether or not its worth it to defend Taiwan, Japan, or other allies in the region from China's claims to territory, waters, and islands is the big one. Our current capabilities in the region wouldn't be able to stop an all out invasion of Taiwan. If we'd stop wasting so much money on entitlements and subsidies to lazy asses we'd have a military that NO ONE would dare test. We need to cut entitlements. Not military spending. The entitlement minded class is weakening our national security as well as our ability to come to the aid of our allies.

We need to cut both.
Taiwan is none of our business and our involvement there is the same as our involvement in Vietnam.
Now, instead of the spread of Communism, the US might want to keep Taiwan quasi-independent to stop the spread of Capitalism from China.
Taiwan has been part of China for 2000 + years and only after 1949 did the Taiwanese call for independence which has never happened.

We should be able to honor our commitments to our allies in Asia. Not just Taiwan. If we can't and our military is defeated due to cuts then not only is our credibility gone but other allies will fall like dominoes. Not to mention the affect on trade. If people think China is taking U.S. jobs now just wait till we lose our standing in Asia. This can't be compared to the Vietnam War. Its not a question of stopping the spread of communism. Plus, in Vietnam, our military wasn't defeated on the ground. It was defeated in the White House. Many experts think that our military would be defeated outright by China if they were to decide to take Taiwan or if we had to defend another of our allies from a Chinese territory grab. And the studies are based on our capabilities now. In ten years or less those studies will have even more merrit based on both country's current trends of military spending and development. We spend much more but you have to remember just how spread out our military already is. All of these entitlement programs are sucking us dry.


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
I personally think it is an impossibility to "restore" people's health plans that have already been cancelled (IMO)....restore to me means "same coverage at the same price as before".

Top Democrat joins push to keep health plans after Clinton's ObamaCare critique | Fox News


My concern --related to what Carney referred to ----for Obama to save his BUTT ----More Coverage---More Cost ----That for the "Independent policies " ---a paid subsidy--no matter their income level ---let the rest of us pay --to get the Dems through the next election.
At that time the employer mandate kicks in ---over 90 million lose their policies --more coverage--way more cost -----Dems in control of House and Senate --

Hillary pushes for "single Payor" as she runs her Coronation campaign ---and the low information voters will believe that "free" Total Government control Healthcare will be the best in the world.

P.S. Many more people running to Doctors for just a sneeze --less and less doctors --not enough Hospitals ---Please do not say "Death Panels" or Rationing --PERIOD !!!:sick:


golden ticket member
They are so desperate for numbers that they are counting items in your cart as sales. Amazon, Kayak, etc don't count them as sales until you "submit order".
Keep this in mind when they release the Obamacare enrollment numbers later today.


Well-Known Member

My concern --related to what Carney referred to ----for Obama to save his BUTT ----More Coverage---More Cost ----That for the "Independent policies " ---a paid subsidy--no matter their income level ---let the rest of us pay --to get the Dems through the next election.
At that time the employer mandate kicks in ---over 90 million lose their policies --more coverage--way more cost -----Dems in control of House and Senate --

Hillary pushes for "single Payor" as she runs her Coronation campaign ---and the low information voters will believe that "free" Total Government control Healthcare will be the best in the world.

P.S. Many more people running to Doctors for just a sneeze --less and less doctors --not enough Hospitals ---Please do not say "Death Panels" or Rationing --PERIOD !!!:sick:

Yes it's the end of the world as we know it! Armageddon! Get your shelters ready for the zombie apocalypse! Lmao!