President Obama!


nowhere special
The reason what is covered increased is because Obamacare forced it to, and charge people for many things they didn't want or need. As Obama said, "If you like your plan you can keep it. Period." Oops! He misspoke! (lied).

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
President Barrack Obama was out jogging one morning along the parkway when he tripped, fell over the bridge railing and landed in the creek below. Before the Secret Service guys could get to him, 3 kids who were fishing pulled him out of the water. He was so grateful he offered the kids whatever they wanted. The first kid said, 'I want to go to Disney World & Barrack said, 'No problem, I'll take you there on Air Force One.' The second kid said, 'I want a new pair of Nike Air Jordan shoes. Barrack said, 'I'll get them for you and even have Michael Jordan sign them.' The third kid said, ' I want a motorized wheelchair with a built in TV and stereo headset.' Barrack was a little perplexed by this and said, "But you don't look like you're handicapped." The kid said, 'I will be after my dad finds out I saved you from drowning."


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
$500 billion in no bid contracts from 2001-2009. Where was the outrage?

I think it was on your side of the isle, and you would be right too, to some degree but in 2008' seems both sides just switched places.

And you both are doing a find job in your new venture but be of good cheer. Things could quickly switch back the other way as soon as any future election. At some point they in fact will.

The wonderful thing about this process is who needs terrorists to blow everything up, we have democrat and republican voters doing all the work for them. They are a true anarchist best friend.




Well-Known Member
I have posted this many times before ---Brilliant --Bush was wrong when he did it ---why are you telling us Obama did it. ????

I do not always agree with wkmac ---but Right or Left ---If we threw them out after one term --SOONER RATHER THAN LATER -We may see real solutions presented --Good for the Country --not for greed, power, and party.

Bush lied about "nation building" Obama lies about almost everything !!!:sick:


Nine Lives
“I completely get how upsetting this could be for many Americans,” Obama said (yeah right...he gets it !! That's BS.) This is like putting toothpaste back in the tube !

Obama offers 'administrative fix' for ObamaCare | Fox News

The purpose of this news conference was to unveil his plan to "deflect voter blame and to put the blame on the back of the insurance companies".

That's what Chuck Todd said immediately after the new conference.
There was no response to the other MSNBC political hacks.
I don't think he was suppose to tell the truth and his remarks confused them.

My guess is MSNBC will not be replying his remarks.


nowhere special
Obama's "fix" is just trying to delay things for 1 year. Conveniently until after the 2014 elections. And does he have the legal authority to rewrite the law like that? Should be up to Congress but of course Obama has never respected the Constitution (amazing for a supposed Constitutional scholar).


Nine Lives
Obama's "fix" is just trying to delay things for 1 year. Conveniently until after the 2014 elections. And does he have the legal authority to rewrite the law like that? Should be up to Congress but of course Obama has never respected the Constitution (amazing for a supposed Constitutional scholar).

More like the Congress has abdicated this responsibility since the mid-60's.
​You can hardly blame the last 8 presidents for taking up the slack.


Staff member
Seems there is an mostly unreported angle going on. While some gleefully ridicule the crappy rollout, over 400,000 people have become eligible for Medicaid. Those numbers are going to rise as are those enrolling in Obamacare. I wonder if it isn't all closer to working than people think. By next year will Republicans be looking to repeal the healthcare of 3-5 million people (and growing)? Democrats just might show up after all.


Staff member
Obama's "fix" is just trying to delay things for 1 year. Conveniently until after the 2014 elections. And does he have the legal authority to rewrite the law like that? Should be up to Congress but of course Obama has never respected the Constitution (amazing for a supposed Constitutional scholar).

I don't think he has to rewrite it. I think he can choose to be lax in how the law is enforced.


Nine Lives
Seems there is an mostly unreported angle going on. While some gleefully ridicule the crappy rollout, over 400,000 people have become eligible for Medicaid. Those numbers are going to rise as are those enrolling in Obamacare. I wonder if it isn't all closer to working than people think. By next year will Republicans be looking to repeal the healthcare of 3-5 million people (and growing)? Democrats just might show up after all.

By "working", do you mean substantially increasing the National Debt?

​If so, I agree.