President Obama!


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
Island. You are the one tying food stamps to unemployment, not me. The steady erosion of middle class jobs began in the 80s around here. We have the John Deere corporate HQ. But 30 years ago we had huge factories for Case, IH, not to mention hundred of small businesses that literally had their lifeline attached to those companies. Now all that's left is John Deere. Those jobs are gone and they aren't coming back. It took folks around here 20 years to come to terms.with that fact.


It is my fault --no Jobs -food stamps ???

The most powerful man in the world President Obama ---Hope and Change talked about all the major fundamental changes To reform -resdiscover -recover America.

He TALKED about Companies moving jobs overseas ---He did nothing --except outsource even the obamacare website.

He Talked about creating jobs ---while he plays politics with the pipeline and fracking to appease "lobbyist " doners.

He Talked about major changes to a very bad and unfair tax code-----Has done nothing.

He Talked about laws to incent companies to return and invest in American Manufacturing----He has done nothing

He TALKED about a great "JOBS COMMITTEE" with Business and Union Leaders ---He disbanded the committee -met with them once.

He TALKED about Education reform --and the Great D.C. minority charter program -----Bent to UNION lobbyists --no reform --eliminated minority charter schools in DC.

He Talked about great Heathcare reform --affordable -lowering cost ---never mind ---this is tiring !!!

The left always goes back to well--this was Bush or this started in the 80's under Ronnie ---blah blah blah ---I could always say well In eight years --slick willy did this or that or did monica !! No sense in that.:happy-very:

Someone --Someday --will truly bring HOPE AND CHANGE --to the U.S. ---it certainly is not Obama --and until Americans ---wake up --educate the hip uniformed voters --hold all politicians ACCOUNTABLE ---ONE TERM AND OUT --if no results ---do not need good Talkers --need good do'ers.

Obama --himself --claims to know nothing about anything -is not informed by HIS staff and holds NO-ONE accountable for ANYTHING.
Sounds like an Abbot and Costello skit--who's on first !!!!

Sure we are in the right direction now. PERIOD!!!:sick:

P.S. Please do not respond --"I did not say you were responsible for lack of jobs and food snap" --just rhetorical!!


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Via Campus Reform:
Officials at one one of the nation’s oldest and most elite historically black colleges are citing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as the reason they have cancelled a school-wide affordable health care plan they had offered students.
...blah blah....

Can you find something less biased? Something not put out by a right wing group with an agenda?


Well-Known Member
Why wouldn't the students still be on Mommy and Daddy's insurance?

Are you suggesting all adult parents have insurance? If yes then why was ObamaCare needed?

ObamaCare is really not the correct name (considering Liz Fowler all but wrote the thing, go search who Liz Fowler is) the real name of this should be HealthCartelCare. Find out who Liz Fowler is and you'll get it.

Wall Street wins and Obama gets the blame because he was to stupid to not go along with it. Then again, maybe the real truth is that Obama was never what both sides in this debate actually thought he was or is!

Senate Health Care vote, March 25, 2009: Sen. Baucus' gratitude to... Liz Fowler - YouTube


Well-Known Member
Are you suggesting all adult parents have insurance? If yes then why was ObamaCare needed?

ObamaCare is really not the correct name (considering Liz Fowler all but wrote the thing, go search who Liz Fowler is) the real name of this should be HealthCartelCare. Find out who Liz Fowler is and you'll get it.

Wall Street wins and Obama gets the blame because he was to stupid to not go along with it. Then again, maybe the real truth is that Obama was never what both sides in this debate actually thought he was or is!

Senate Health Care vote, March 25, 2009: Sen. Baucus' gratitude to... Liz Fowler - YouTube


Real truth --Obama as with all politicians --into power --not solutions or details --basically lazy.

Obama did not write Obamacare or the ACA --did not read it --did not know what was in it --did not know anything --but how to sell it --Period.

Obama -knows nothing about anything --is not informed by his Staff on anything at anytime--does not hold any one accountable for anything and therefore nothing gets done that makes any sense.
Who is on First ??


Staff member
Sorry, island, but I didn't say you were responsible. Only that you made a false assumption that lower unemployment would bring lower snap recipients.


Well-Known Member
Fairy Tale

‘Fairy Tale’ Continues as Obama Proposes Extralegal Obamacare Fix

[T]here’s a catch with president’s proposed solution.

The president is not proposing that the law be changed to allow all health insurance plans grandfathered into
Obamacare’s eligibility requirements.

No, instead the White House is saying that it will use "enforcement discretion" to allow illegal health insurance
plans to be able to still be sold.

That is, the Obama administration will not enforce the penalty on individuals for not having eligible
health insurance plans and they’ll allow the insurance companies to still sell so-called bad plans — plans
they technically can’t sell under Obamacare.

In other words, Obama’s solution is to selectively enforce his own law.

Just like his solution for amnesty is to selectively enforce our immigration laws.

And never mind that the President takes an oath of office wherein he pledges
to "faithfully execute the laws of the United States."


golden ticket member
Fairy Tale

‘Fairy Tale’ Continues as Obama Proposes Extralegal Obamacare Fix

[T]here’s a catch with president’s proposed solution.

The president is not proposing that the law be changed to allow all health insurance plans grandfathered into
Obamacare’s eligibility requirements.

No, instead the White House is saying that it will use "enforcement discretion" to allow illegal health insurance
plans to be able to still be sold.

That is, the Obama administration will not enforce the penalty on individuals for not having eligible
health insurance plans and they’ll allow the insurance companies to still sell so-called bad plans — plans
they technically can’t sell under Obamacare.

In other words, Obama’s solution is to selectively enforce his own law.

Just like his solution for amnesty is to selectively enforce our immigration laws.

And never mind that the President takes an oath of office wherein he pledges
to "faithfully execute the laws of the United States."

So, is he a good witch or a bad witch ??


Well-Known Member

As a unintended consequence of the Obamacare law that all the Dems voted for without even reading -- work hours being reduced- full time jobs converted to part time--- with all the part time jobs -- you might have a point.

Does anyone in DC --know anything ?


golden ticket member
"Under Obamacare — as it is being implemented under a regulation issued by the White House Office of Personnel Management (OPM) — a middle-aged member of Congress who earns an annual salary of $174,000 from the taxpayers, and who has a wife and children, will get a $10,000 subsidy from the taxpayers (over and above his $174,000 salary) to buy a health insurance plan that a regular citizen making almost $80,000 less than the congressman will not get."

$174K-Per-Year Congressmen Will Get Special Obamacare Subsidy | CNS News


golden ticket member
Via Ballot Box:

Nearly every one of the Democrats’ most vulnerable incumbents split with their party on Friday and voted for a Republican measure to allow Americans to keep their insurance plans under ObamaCare.

All but three of the 26 members of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee’s Frontline Program — the designation for their most endangered incumbents — voted for the bill.

They joined 16 other Democrats in supporting the measure, which passed the House 261-157. Four Republicans voted against it.

The bill had already picked up four Democratic sponsors: Reps. John Barrow (D-Ga.), Mike McIntyre (D-N.C.), Patrick Murphy (D-Fla.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.). All four are top Republican targets in 2014.

Other vulnerable Democrats voting in favor of the bill include Reps. Carol Shea-Porter (D-N.H.), Nick Rahall (D-W.Va.) and Jim Matheson (D-Utah).

The defections reflect the political realities facing Democrats as the botched rollout of the healthcare law has caused widespread public backlash against the law and the party. Democrats have seen the polling advantage they gained following the government shutdown erased in the wake of issues with the law.