President Obama!


Well-Known Member
Unitary Executive abuse has been a growing problem over many decades having accelerated beginning in the 80's and then matting the throttle post 9/11. Obama is just another taking advantage of the precedence set before him.

Can we count this as confirmation of just one more broken promise as it relates to bringing change?


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
Via Washington Post:

White House press secretary Jay Carney confirmed Monday that one in five Americans will not be able to sign up for insurance through even if the administration meets its Nov. 30 deadline for fixing the online enrollment system.

The Washington Post first reported the administration’s internal target Sunday.

“I think the way to look at that figure is that of, say, 10 who go on the system, roughly two won’t get through the system,” Carney said.

The 20 percent of users who wouldn’t be able to enroll fall into three different categories, Carney said: “those who experience technical difficulties,” those who aren’t comfortable using a computer and those who have complex family situations.

When asked whether this 80 percent performance target represents what administration officials have been referring to as the “vast majority of users,” Carney replied. “Others can decide whether or not 80 percent is a vast majority. I think in most contexts, it is.”


Well-Known Member
I Just know 39% rating for the obamay. Now lets see count down to 38, 37, 36 and ect. Oh I love it, LMAO. Just wait until next when the employers drop the coverage. Can you say less then 20%. Oh I love it. What did I say when this thing was pasted, you got to hit poeple in the money belt. I have been saying along the GOP just needs to let the whole thing hit and believe me the out cry will be very large. Go Obamaycare Go. You turds that voted for this man will see and I hope you choke on the Sh** you helped put in place.
In the words of another looser The Other Side, Peace. HA HA Obamaycare will fail.


Inordinately Right
Sadly Baba, you could substitute the ambassador's gravestone with the name of every dead soldier since WW2 and the comic would still be accurate. The people who died in Benghazi were not simply civilians. They were working for the CIA to buy back weapons we gave to terrorists. Gun running in the middle east is dangerous, and blowback is an unforgiving son of a bitch. Sad Sad Sad.